The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4)

“I’ve reconnected with Master Atticus!” he shouted. “Found his nanolocator! He’s just winked to—”

Paul cut him off. “The Thirteenth Reality.”

Rutger nodded with a huge smile.

“I guess that seals the deal,” Sofia said.

Master George stood up, a fierce and proud look on his face. “My good friends. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I’m scared of what awaits us there. And I believe it’s quite alright to feel a bit of fear now and then. We can use it as a weapon. But know this—our society was created for such dark times as these. And the Realitants are about to have their most shining moment of all.”

Paul’s hands clenched into fists, and his heart started to thump.

“Sato,” George continued, “go and ready your army.”

Chapter 61

A Good-Bye

At some point while Sato had been upstairs in the conference room, the blue river floating in the air had disappeared. But the rips into other Realities remained. Like slashes in a great invisible curtain, they peeked into countless other places. It gave Sato the creeps.

He stood on top of a big rock in front of his army, staring them down, having remained silent for at least one long minute on purpose. He wanted them to contemplate, to gather their thoughts, to have a last moment of peace. Trouble waited for them ahead. The worst they might ever face. Master George had no doubt that their fate would be settled in the Thirteenth Reality, and Sato trusted the leader of the Realitants like he never had before.

Finally, Sato spoke, his voice rising up to echo off the walls of the canyon.

“I’ve asked you all to do a lot lately,” he began. “Too much. And we’ve lost some of our soldiers along the way. I’m sorry for the sacrifices you’ve had to make, for the pain and injuries and suffering. I’m sorry for those who gave their lives. I’m sorry for a lot of things. But I accept the responsibility. It’s all on my shoulders. And I just have a few questions for you.”

He paused again and took a moment to sweep his gaze across the eyes of the crowd. He was glad he’d stepped up on the rock so he could see them all—their tall, weary bodies and their haggard faces.

“Are we ready to give up?”

The resounding boom of their collective “No!” made his heart soar. Adrenaline pumped through his body.

“Are we ready to quit fighting?”


“Do we fear an enemy we don’t understand?”


“Will we go and fight no matter what fate brings?”


“Will we fight?” He screamed it now, energy surging through the air like electric charges.


“Will we win?”


“Will we win?”


“Will . . . we . . . win?”


Sato’s chest heaved with heavy breaths. “Then let’s go and do it.”

Master George was back in the operations center with Rutger, and he felt a deep sadness in his heart. There was a part of him—deep down, hidden, but there for sure—that was telling him he was saying good-bye to his longtime friend for the very last time. He tried to ignore it, but it was shattering his heart.

“I’m sorry to leave you here,” George said. “But I fear we can’t win this battle unless we gather all of our forces. Keep trying until you’ve found them. All of them. Can you do that for me?”

“Of course I can,” Rutger said. The short man put on a brave face that hid nothing. “I give you my word that I won’t rest until every living Realitant responds and we come to help you in the Thirteenth. I’m already about halfway there.”

George nodded slowly, his lips pressed together. “Good, then. You’ll know where to send them—we’ll stay in constant contact.”

“I know, boss. I know.”

George reached out and put a hand on his old partner’s shoulder. “My dear Rutger. We’ve been through a lot together, haven’t we?”

“We sure have.” He grinned, as genuine an expression as he’d ever shown.

“I . . . just want to thank you for being there for me all these years. I want to thank you for . . . for being my friend. Whatever happens . . .”

Rutger held up a hand. “Not another word, boss. Please. Not another word. It’s not needed.”

The two of them locked eyes for a long moment, a thousand memories bouncing between them. It was true. They needed no words.

“Very well. Then we’ll see you and the rest of the Realitants on the field of battle. Whatever form it takes. Now, I have a lot of winking to do. My Barrier Wand is going to be very hot indeed.”

Master George turned away and walked out of the room, hoping Rutger hadn’t noticed the tears that had begun to well up in his eyes.

Chapter 62

Rest and Relaxation