The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4)

Tick laughed—he couldn’t help it. “You didn’t really just say that.”

“How can anyone not admire greatness?” Chu asked in a sincerely astonished voice. “Can I help it that the greatness is within my own being? No, I can’t. I don’t deal in such things as pride and humility. I’m a scientist, and things are as they are. No more, no less.”

“You keep telling yourself that,” Tick muttered.

“If you’re done with childish discussions,” Chu said sternly, “then perhaps we can move on to the important matters at hand.”

“Do you really think I’m going to help you?” Tick asked. It really did baffle him. “I might be a little shy right now about pulling out my Chi’karda, but when push comes to shove, you know I’m going to do whatever it takes to stop you.”

“I have ways to change your mind. But I don’t think I’ll need them. By the time we’re ready, I think you’re going to do exactly what I ask. Voluntarily. You’ll want to, in fact.”

Tick decided to quit talking. It was pointless, and the man was probably trying to manipulate him anyway. Let him think whatever he wants, Tick told himself. He knew that in the end, he’d die before he let Chu follow through with his schemes.

“Silence,” the man said. “Maybe that’s the best thing for you now anyway. You can shut your mouth, but not your ears. Nothing like a . . . captive audience. There are a lot of things I need to—”


A thrumming vibration shook the air, cutting off Chu’s words.

Tick instinctively tried to sit up, but the metal cords dug into his skin, and he slammed back onto the bed again. That sound, that tingle in the air . . .


Chu had frozen, his face caught in a look of childish fear.


Tick had heard this noise before. Felt it before. He’d been walking on the road that led to his house in Deer Park when a wave of power and sound and feeling had reached him. It had been coming from his house, and when he’d run home, he’d discovered Mistress Jane in his basement, scheming very bad things.


“Does she always have to make such a grand entrance?” Chu whispered, having lost all of his bravado from a minute before. Tick thought the woman must still scare him, even though she’d obviously agreed to work with him.


The sound was getting louder, the vibration stronger. Things in the room rattled.

“It’s Jane, alright,” Tick said, seeing an opportunity. “She told the Realitants how dangerous you are. She’ll betray you the second she doesn’t need you anymore.”


This time, the entire room shook as if struck by an earthquake. A cabinet in the corner of the room fell over, tossing supplies everywhere. Chu stood with his arms outstretched, as if he could ward off the threat.

“You can’t trust her!” Tick yelled at him. “Let me go so I can help!” He almost felt ridiculous—it was obvious he’d say anything to be released.


This time the sound and vibration was followed by a hissing noise, like sand running down a metal slide. Tick looked over at the door to see it dissolving. He’d seen Jane use the power of Entropy before; he’d done it himself too. The particles of the door decayed toward chaos and vanished, leaving an empty hole. Mistress Jane stood in the hallway, wearing a new robe, its hood pulled over her head, hiding the red mask in shadow.

“Impressive,” Chu muttered under his breath.

Jane stepped into the room then reached up and pulled back her hood. The scarred tragedy of her head looked pitiful, but the mask held no expression.

“Sorry I’m late, Reginald,” she said in her raspy voice. “But I’m excited for the three of us to be working together again. And so soon after our last adventure.”

Chapter 48

Box in a Circle

For some reason, Master George had decided to sit on the floor, something Paul had never seen the old man do before. It didn’t seem proper for such a gentleman in a fancy suit, but he’d done it, and so the rest of them had followed his lead. The room was barely large enough for the group to fit between the couches and chairs—and the roaring fireplace at the head of it all.

But there they were. George, sitting with his legs crossed. Mothball next to him, her long, gangly legs somehow folded up into an impossibly small spot. Then Rutger, perched precariously as though he might roll away at the slightest push. Sally sat by him, looking like a lumberjack taking a long-needed break. Sato was next, all business. Sofia and Paul completed the circle, and Paul kept having the urge to reach out and take her hand. He fought it off, but kind of hoped she was feeling the same way.

A complete circle of Realitants, sitting on the floor.