The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4)

Master George lay his head back on the pillow, almost ashamed at how good it felt. He and Rutger had been working tirelessly for hours and hours, searching through all the data and reports from Mothball and Sally. Things were looking grim. Everywhere.

But the worst of it was what they didn’t know. The disastrous results of Jane’s meddling with dark matter had done something to the Realities. Something terrible. A lasting, lingering effect that they didn’t quite understand yet. It had to do with links between the dimensions that weren’t supposed to be there—rifts in the fabric of Reality appearing out of nowhere and killing people. Reports of gray fog and lightning and terrible thunder. George could scarcely hope they’d be able to understand it, much less do anything about it.

But even the greatest minds needed rest. Even his. The lights were off, the bed soft, the pillow even softer. Muffintops—the best cat ever—was snuggled against his chest. If he could just sleep for one solid hour. That would do wonders for his—

Someone started pounding on his door, solid thumps with a squeezed fist, by the sound of it. George yelped, and Muffintops screeched, clawing him as she dug in her claws then jumped onto the ground. George’s heart was practically lodged in his throat. The knocking continued without stopping.

Of course, it could only be Rutger.

“What is it?” George yelled from his bed. “Rutger, stop that incessant pounding! This instant!”

Rutger didn’t stop, and was, in fact, saying some muffled words that George couldn’t hear over the knocking. Sighing, he flipped off his covers and headed for the door, his disappointment at missing a nap overshadowed by dread. As excitable as Rutger was, he wouldn’t be making this much fuss unless something bad had happened.

When George ripped open the door, Rutger almost fell down as his arm swung forward for another rap on the wooden door that was no longer there. He righted himself and looked up at his boss. George’s heart lifted when he saw the huge smile on the little man’s face.

“What is it?” George asked. “Goodness gracious me, you just about gave this old bear a heart attack!”

Rutger was breathing heavily, and he fought to control it. After starting and stopping several times, he finally got the words out, “Master Atticus is back! Tick is back! I’ve spotted him in the Thirteenth Reality, safe and whole and sound!”

George sucked in a gulp of air. “You’re certain? No doubt?”

“Really? You really have to ask that?” Rutger’s round face showed mock offense at first, but then he grinned.

“No, my good man, no, I don’t. So, where is he then? Why haven’t you winked him here straightaway? I want to see the boy!”

Rutger’s smile vanished. “I tried. Something’s blocking me. I think Jane must be keeping him in the Thirteenth Reality as a prisoner.”

Master George’s hands squeezed into fists at his sides. “Not this time. Jane is not going to interfere with us this time. Contact Sato. He and his army are already in that Reality.”

Rutger turned to move, but George stopped him with his hand. “And get the others, too. We need to be together. Master Atticus could provide us just the lift we need. Finally, things are looking up.”

Rutger smiled, then hurried off to follow his orders, his frantic waddle down the hall making Master George very proud indeed.

Tick, his mom, and Lisa had grown quiet, all talked out about the craziness of pulling Tick back from the Nonex. Now they sat with their backs against the black rock of the wall, the Great Hall empty and dark. A tray of dirty dishes and crumpled napkins sat on the floor next to the wall. Mordell had kept her promise to bring them something to eat. As well as her promise to keep them prisoner. Occasionally a fangen or another creature would pass by the opening to the chamber, just to make sure they knew leaving wasn’t an option unless they wanted to be ripped to shreds or eaten.

Tick had been feeling guiltier by the minute. What had he done? How could he have been so selfish? He knew he needed all the Chi’karda he could summon to break free from the Nonex, so he’d used Chu and Jane. But he hadn’t thought ahead to the fact that he’d be bringing the two worst enemies of the Realities back to their realms and giving them the opportunity to wreak havoc once again.