The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

I rode us under a wooden bridge with the beach and ocean feet away. Throwing my jacket down on the sand, I turned toward her. Taking me by surprise, she jumped in my arms and clung to me.

Pulling away briefly, she leaned in and kissed me, her soft mouth taking mine with a passion I had yet to experience. I had made love to girls, at least I thought I had, but never had that unspoken connection like I did with Jessica. Until that kiss, I never really knew what I was missing. Kissing a woman before was nothing compared to the way Jessica’s mouth and mine connected. Her lips fitted against mine perfectly. The way my gut fluttered with excitement when her tongue tasted mine was an experience I wanted to experience over and over again. She consumed me.

She pulled from our kiss leaving me breathless, and walked a few feet away. Mesmerized, I watched on as she pulled her top above her head, revealing her naked tits. Knowing she hadn’t been wearing a bra made my mouth instantly go dry, thirsty for her. She looked down at herself, and then peered up at me nervously. Her hands slid over her abdomen reaching the buttons on her shorts, unbuttoning them, and lowering them down her long legs.

Unable to resist any longer, I leaned in and tucked my hand behind her neck pulling her toward me.

“You are so fucking gorgeous,” I whispered, looking her body over.

She released a soft laugh, causing me to smirk. I lowered my hand, feeling her warmth behind my palm. The soft touch making my dick swell with eagerness. My hand slid further down her shoulders onto her back, feeling rough grooves. I frowned, and looked over her shoulder finding her beautiful body marred with scars.

“What the fuck?” I questioned, trying to turn her so I could get a better look.

“It’s nothing.” She shrugged my hand off her, and crossed her arms, trying to hide her body. She reached down and grabbed her top, pushing her arms through its sleeves. I felt my chest seize as she tried to hide, to end what we just started.

“Whoa, whoa.” I grabbed her shirt and pulled it from her.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Bobby,” she huffed.

“We don’t have to talk about it,” I agreed. I slid my hand under her chin lifting her face up to look at me.

“You are fucking beautiful. Don’t ever feel ashamed of your body. Ever.”

I pulled her arms away from her body and caressed her breasts. Hissing between my teeth at their firmness. Her body instantly reacted to my touch, causing her to wrap her arms around me, whispering my name. I lowered her onto my jacket slowly, pulling my shirt above my head as she made herself comfortable. When our eyes met, I knew I was done for. She looked at me with such reliance, like I was her world. Everything around us was black and white, and standing still. Nothing mattered but us.

She taught me the emotional side of being with someone intimately. The way she touched me with such care, and her body igniting from the simplest of touches, I was taken into another realm while having sex with her and I responded by drowning her in pleasure. Making her feel admired and wanted… because she was.

I made love to her that night. It was incredible and mind altering. I didn’t know what to take away from it; she brought a side out of me I never knew existed. She didn’t show up at the club for four weeks after that. I thought I had my heart broke as a kid, but having Jessica not return my calls, and acting as if nothing had happened; it was fucking brutal. When she did finally come back to the club, it was to tell me we could only be friends; that she couldn’t be anything more even if she wanted to. I have complied since then. I’d rather have what I can of her, than nothing at all.



I wait outside of my apartment for Shane to collect me. The night, thick with humidity, causes sweat to bead along my legs. It’s only spring but summer is making an early appearance.

“This is stupid,” I whisper, looking at my phone for the time. I don’t do dates, yet this is a date. Shane is a nice guy, but I don’t want to give him the wrong impression. Dates lead to feelings, which lead to love and ending in heartache. I look down at my black dress and black heels. What was I thinking, dressing up like this? I should have dressed in sweat pants or something unattractive. This is going to give him the wrong idea for sure.

Just as I’m about to turn around and head back into the building, Shane pulls up in a red convertible. I wonder if he’s trying to compensate for the size of his penis with such a flashy car. I bite my lip trying to stifle the laughter rippling up my throat at the internal thought.

“Sorry, I’m late,” he says. I step up to the car and slip into the passenger seat before he has the chance to get out. I don’t want him to open my door for me, or have the idea this is anything other than two colleagues going out for dinner. That’s it.