The Fear That Divides Us (The Devil's Dust #3)

“I’ll go get him,” I reply, getting up from my stool, giving her a wink.

I walk down the hall and open the door to Tom’s room without knocking. Tom is passed out, hanging halfway off the bed, naked. I lift my boot and kick the side of the bed.

“Get up. Jessica is here to replace your bandage.”

He groans and rolls over, his bright-colored tattoos running up his arm catching my eye. I swear he gets the color in those touched up every few months.

“I’m up,” he groans, running his hand through his long, tangled hair.

I make my way back to the bar finding Jessica drinking my coffee. Her slightly pink lips curve over the rim of the cup, taking a small sip.

“Help yourself,” I clip.

“I did, and it tastes like crap.” She twists her face in disgust.

“Made it myself,” I reply proudly.

“I figured,” she says, laughing, before turning and grinning.

“Club is having a party tonight. You should stop by,” I suggest, brushing my finger against her cheek.

She blushes and her back stiffens from my touch.

“Can’t,” she answers flatly. Her rejection feels like a horse kicked me in the fucking chest.

“Can’t or won’t?” I ask. She looks at me, setting the coffee cup down.

“Can’t,” she replies softly, with a weak smile.

I smirk and nod. Guess I’ll call Diamond from Wicked Birds. Looks like I ain’t breaking Jessica’s resistance this time. Before me and the boys left the club the other day, Diamond grabbed me by the arm and wrote her number on my palm with a magic marker. She kissed me on the cheek before walking away, swaying that fine ass of hers.

Jessica knows I sleep around. Jessica and I are nothing but late night booty calls to one another. We’re not serious and don’t have a label on what we are. But, even so, I still find myself coming back to her, always thinking of her. I can’t for the life of me fucking figure out why. I’ve slept with a bunch of girls; I can hardly remember any of them, and for damn sure, I forget their names. But I’ve never forgotten mine and Jessica’s first time, or any other time after that.

It was at the club about six months after she came back from playing the grieving wife. She seemed reluctant to my advances, as if she wore a repellent to my charm. That night the club had some random party and she actually stayed. I finally broke through her defenses.

“It’s so loud in here!” Jessica yelled, her forehead creased with little wrinkles as she looked around at the club. She was sexy as hell, wearing a tight black long shirt, some cut-off shorts, and sneakers. Every time she bent over, my eyes darted between her cleavage and her ass like a Ping-Pong ball.

“You wanna get out of here?” I yelled back, leaning into her so she could hear me. She nodded, causing her blonde hair to fall in front of her face, her cute nose scrunched up. I grabbed her hand, pulling her through the crowd of people before she changed her mind.

As soon as we got outside, it was near silent. The only thing you could hear were crickets chirping within the depths of the darkness the street lamps glow didn’t reach. There was nobody around; everyone was in the club, leaving just Jessica and me standing out front of the building.

“You wanna go for a ride?” I asked her, nodding toward my bike. She looked over at my ride, her eyes widened, and lips parted as she took in my motorcycle.

“I don’t know,” she sputtered, looking up at me under her thick eyelashes.

“Come on, just a short one,” I encouraged, my chin raised and eyes at half-mast as I persuaded her.

She laughed, her mouth turning into the cutest fucking smile I had ever seen on a woman. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked at me. Adorable little dimples forming below her cheeks.

“Just a short one,” she breathed heavily, biting her bottom lip as she hooked her thumbs into the waist of her cut-off shorts. God fucking help me. This woman was going to bring me to my knees.

I smirked and grabbed her hand.

“I’ll give you one hell of a ride,” I remarked, my smirk turning into a wolfish grin.

“Oh, I have no doubt that you will.” She dragged me toward my bike.

Heading toward the ocean, her arms wrapped around my waist and her fingers trailed along my abs as she took in the passing buildings. I couldn’t help the fucking smirk that slipped across my face, the feeling of her on my bike and her arms around me was thrilling. Jessica was different. The way she drove me wild, I couldn’t help but feel on cloud fucking nine at that moment that she was finally giving into me. I pulled back on the throttle a little, a cocky smile taking over my smirk. I knew she’d give in eventually.