The Exception (The Exception #1)

Katie, sometimes when I’m writing late at night, I bounce back to Facebook for a little breather. How many times have I been greeted with a little surprise from you? giggles I am thankful for the friendship we have created, the many #gasps we have shared, and that you don’t ask questions when I tell you have I “certain” questions. (I promise – it was legit! It just popped up!) Don’t worry – I’ve been working on the “red and black themed wedding” this whole time. #KiddingNotKidding

Holly from Holly’s Red Hot Reads - you were the first blogger to post my release date! Thank you for supporting indie authors as much as published ones! I appreciate you, everything you do, and everything you stand for. Muah! Summer’s Book Blog - you so graciously offered your blog up to me for a takeover—even before I hit the magic button! Your early support encouraged me in ways you’ll never know! Thank you! Hetty from BestSellers BestStellars - I asked you for help and you answered with “What can I do?” You didn’t know it, but that was a rough day for me and your willingness to help made a huge difference. Elizabeth from Crazii Bitches Book Blog - you picked up The Exception right off the bat and pimped me like no other! Your tags every day have made me smile (and a little giddy!). Julie from Lookin’ For A Bookin’ – girl! Thank you so much for your messages, your encouragement, and for being you. I love you and am comin’ down for some sweet tea soon! Jamie from J&J Southern Spice Book Reviews and Blog – you are always so willing to go the extra mile for those you love. I have so much to repay you for. If you ever need me, you know where to find me. Shaunda from Smut Sisters Orgasmic Book Club—you made me squeal when you loved Cane! I’m not going to lie! Thank you for reading and your encouragement.

Bloggers, I know how busy your schedules are and how many books there are to choose from. So many of you made room for me on your schedules without knowing who I was or what I had written. I’m amazed. I’m humbled. I’m so eternally grateful. Thank you for giving me a chance!

If you are reading this, thank YOU. There are so many titles out there to click! I know this because, after all, I am a reader first and foremost. I appreciate your willingness to take a shot on a new author. I will never be able to express my gratitude to you for picking up this novel. I hope you enjoyed The Exception and I look forward to hearing from you!

Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys created by other authors, Adriana has created her own. She lives in the Midwest with her family and spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. Her favorite things include sunshine, candy, wine, and random quotes.

The Exception is her debut novel.