The Damned (The Unearthly #5)

Both Andre and I chose to not touch on that topic.

“You know where the quill is?” I said as we ran. It made sense now, why Jericho was so cryptic and so unworried. He left the quill with the one person I was closest to.


I didn’t bother asking how or where it was. That would only serve to feed the devil more information. Andre would show me, hopefully before it was too late.

It is already too late for him, the devil hissed.

He hadn’t left my mind alone. I could feel him lurking at the back of my eyes, watching, waiting.

We sprinted across the countryside, using our inhuman strength to carry us over fields. By the time we could see Bishopcourt, I could tell we had some big problems on our hands. Angels and demons blanketed the skies. The Politia and dozens upon dozens of other individuals crowded Bishopcourt’s lawn.

“Christo,” Andre swore.

“Was it like this when you left?” I asked.

Andre shook his head. “Many supernaturals had come to our gates, but my men and my coven had held them off.”

Something had obviously changed within a short period of time.

I could see vampires tearing out the throats of humans and demons alike. Demons lashed out at anyone they could, even their own when they got in the way. Angels seemed to focus their attention on the demons, but as I watched, I saw one bring down a vampire. Andre choked back a cry as several other individuals who’d been fighting turned to ash.

We wouldn’t be the only victims the battle claimed tonight.

Stop thinking like that, I chided myself. The future can change. End this quickly enough and no one else has to die.

“The quill’s inside?” I asked. I bit my lip as soon as the words were out. The less I knew, the better.

“We’re going to use a passage you’ve never taken before,” Andre said instead. “Follow me, keep quiet, and try not to attract any attention.”

A.k.a., don’t light up like a Christmas tree.

We ran toward a squat stone fence. Bishopcourt was still a ways away, and from what I could tell, no one had noticed us.

I’ve noticed, consort.

“The devil is still watching,” I said.

Andre began shoving stones away from the wall. “Doesn’t matter.”

Beneath the stones was an old iron door. I could sense the cloaking spells that had long ago been cast, as well as several hexes and a few curses meant for unwelcome intruders.

Andre ripped the door open, the metal screeching as it was forced from its resting spot. I glanced to the battle to see if anyone had noticed, but there were too many beings to account for.

Andre reached for my hand and helped me down into a subterranean passageway. My feet hit the stone floor, and a moment later, Andre’s did as well. He closed the metal hatch as best as he could, and then we were off, my bare feet splashing into puddles.

For Andre’s benefit, I let the siren peek out enough to illuminate where we were going. One of the powers I’d acquired as queen of hell was the ability to see even in absolute dark. Andre, however, even with his night vision, couldn’t see when there were no light sources.

Eventually, we came to the end of the passage. To my dismay, it ended with a wall of brick. If there’d ever been a door here, now it was long gone.

Andre whispered something in what sounded like Romanian, and I felt the release of a spell. He took my hand and pulled me through the wall.

For the merest of moments, I felt like I was trapped under the ground again. But then we stepped out, onto the other side.

I glanced around, my mouth parting in surprise as I took in Andre’s secret library. I studied the wall we’d just come from. It was one of the few areas of the room that was bare of bookshelves or furniture, and now that I could sense magic, I could feel the spell woven into it.

Turning back to the rest of the room, my eyes honed in on the glass case sitting on Andre’s coffee table. In it rested my salvation.

No! The devil’s roar echoed inside me.

I clutched my head. No place to hide from him.

“Soulmate,” Andre said, capturing my hands and lowering them, “if you are ready, use it now.”

I nodded as the last remnants of the devil’s voice died away.

I’d only taken a single step towards the quill when a clap of thunder shook the walls of Bishopcourt.

Andre and I looked at each other.

The devil was here.

Chapter 28


Andre dashed across the room.

“Where are you going?” Desperation laced my words.

Andre turned to me. He was already at the foot of the stairs that led to his bedroom. “I’m buying you time.”

“Please don’t go.” If he went out there and tried to stop the devil, he could die. The king of the damned was no longer a phantasm; he was a god made into flesh.

In five long strides Andre was across the room, clasping me tight in his arms. He pressed a kiss to my lips.

“I love you. I’ll be all right, soulmate. Use the quill and finish this.”

Andre was being brave. I could be brave too.

I nodded.

Laura Thalassa's books