The Damned (The Unearthly #5)

“You think I don’t understand?” he said. “I have lived for seven hundred years, soulmate. I may have lost much in that time, but I have also gained some wisdom. I knew going into this what you faced. I hate that you shared something physical with that abomination, but not as much as I hate that he shares a bond with you.” He tilted my chin up. “But most of all, I hate that this has fallen on your shoulders.” He held me close. “When it comes to you, nothing is beyond my forgiveness. I am yours, soulmate. Are you still mine?”

Our bond had withered away, but even without it, and even after seeing into the devil’s soul and being with him, I still chose Andre. I would always choose Andre.

I nodded.

He smiled, and I’d been wrong earlier when I thought the devil was the most attractive creature to ever exist. Because that title belonged to the man that held me in his arms. I felt small and unworthy and tainted, yet Andre stared at me like the sun rose and set on me.

He gave me a squeeze. “Say it.”

“Andre, so long as I live, I am yours.”

Shortly after our conversation—and shortly after some meaningful looks from Oliver that demanded I fill him in once we were alone—the fairy tapped into the ley line and took us back to the Isle of Man.

Or at least he was supposed to.

I knew something was wrong immediately. I couldn’t experience ley line traveling the same way fairies could, but I’d gotten used to Oliver’s techniques. And these weren’t it.

A second later, I understood why.

I hissed at the feel of natural light on my skin. It didn’t burn like it would’ve a week ago, but whatever creature I now was, I preferred darkness to light.

As my eyes adjusted, I took in my surroundings. I wasn’t back on the Isle of Man, nor was I amongst the snowcapped mountains I’d arrived at.

A huge stepped pyramid towered in front of me, and surrounding it were waves and waves of people and demons. More winged beasts crowded the sky. Every single one of them had their eyes trained on me.

Holy crap. This was going to be the devil’s revenge, part two.

Gray claw tips dug into my skin, and I realized this demon must’ve snatched me on the ley line. He now dragged me forward. I tripped over my bare feet, my spider-silk dress slithering behind me. Last time I’d been in this situation, I hadn’t acted fast enough.

I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Power built inside me. I was going to blast this dude to Aruba. I’d already pulled my arm back to release the energy when I realized that it wouldn’t matter.

Too many of them.

I was laughably outnumbered, and if I tried anything, at the very least another demon would replace the one I obliterated. And that was being optimistic. Knowing my luck, I’d get the mob descending upon me.

The wind kicked up as we reached the base of the stone structure, and off in the distance I caught sight of rolling storm clouds. They were heading this way, and fast.

I got a close look at the pyramid the demon now dragged me up.

Chichen Itza.

I was a little rusty when it came to world history, but I was pretty sure this was one of the places where the Aztecs ripped out the beating hearts of their victims.

Considering that I hadn’t treated the devil’s too kindly, I could only imagine what lay in store for me here.

The devil’s revenge, part two, indeed.

I was so screwed.


Motherfucker!” Oliver cursed.

Andre glanced around and his heart dropped. “Where is Gabrielle?” They stood in front of Nona’s ruined cabin and his soulmate was decidedly absent.

“Um,” Oliver said.

“What happened to her, fairy?” Rage rising.

“A demon was waiting for me. He snatched her as soon as I tapped into the ley line.”

Andre’s fangs descended. “A demon was waiting for her,” he repeated.

This was the second time in two days that she’d been captured along a ley line. First it was some goon working for the Politia. Now this. He could feel the storm brewing beneath his skin. God, he needed to hurt someone.

Oliver squeaked. “They ambushed me. It’s not like I gave her to them.”

Yet the fairy was here and she wasn’t. Again.

He grabbed the fairy’s shirt and leaned in. “Take me to her.”

Andre would be damned if they had a repeat of last night. And if there were demons waiting for them—all the better. He owed them for what they did to his mate.

Leanne, whose eyes were hazy, spoke up. “No, Andre. You’ll have to sit this one out.”

Andre turned his glare on the seer; the look was lost on her sightless eyes. “Why.”

“Because where she’s being held, the sun still shines.”


I might not have blasted the demon to smitherines, but I was definitely dragging ass when it came to following him up the pyramid. He growled and yanked on my arm. I glared up at him as I tripped up another two stairs.

Laura Thalassa's books