The Connection (The Exception #1.5)

His eyes heat, his blues darkening. The grin moves quickly to a smirk, my heartbeat quickening. “Do I?”

“Mmhmm,” I say, taking a step backwards as he takes one towards me. His smirk deepens, the bubble of anticipation in my core building. “You do.”

“I’d like to please her right now. It seems like the husbandly thing to do.”

“Well, as your coach, I’d recommend you helping your wife out of this dress.”

He watches me, his gaze locked on mine, for a long second. Finally, he moves behind me.

I don’t move; I can barely breathe. I watch the wall in front of me, feeling my heart pound in my chest. I’ve been with this man so many times before, but for some reason, this feels like the first.

His fingertips slide from one shoulder blade to the other, causing me to shiver. He plants a soft kiss at the nape of my neck, blowing on the dampened spot as he pulls away.

“Cane . . .”


His fingers dance across my skin, from the top of my shoulders down my spine, ending at the top of my dress at the middle of my back. I feel him lift the zipper and hear it lower. The top half tips forward and then the entire thing melts, inch by inch, to the floor.

I hear him take in a ragged breath as he sees the white lingerie wrapping my body. I still don’t turn around.

“My God,” he rumbles. “I don’t know if you’re an angel or the devil.”

His lips find the back of my neck again, his hands roaming freely over my body. Each touch fires my nerve endings, my body revved and ready for action.

“All I know,” he says, turning me around, his hands never stopping their frenzied path across every inch of my skin, “is that I’m gonna be a fucking sinner tonight.”


The candles burned out hours ago. The sun is probably starting to rise, but the blinds are still drawn so I can’t see. I’m glad for that. I want to stay tucked away in this hotel room for as long as I can.

It isn’t the room that makes me want to stay. It’s just another fucking room in another fucking hotel. But what this room does have that no other room I’ve ever been in has is this feeling.

Jada’s naked body is tucked against my side, a sheet haphazardly tossed across her. I can feel her breathing, so sweet and peaceful, drift across the room. Her scent is all over me and I have no need to wash it off.

Maybe ever.

I settle against the pillows and try to make sense of everything.

How did I get here? What did I ever do to deserve this?

What if I fuck this all up?

I squeeze my eyes shut. I don’t know how I got here and I’m sure as shit certain that I don’t deserve this. All of the debauchery and crazy shit I’ve done in my life, I don’t deserve this woman lying beside me.

I can’t help the grin that tugs my lips when I think back to her thanking me for the wedding. Doesn’t she know she gives me more than anything I could ever give her?

She stirs against me and I still, not wanting her to wake up. Not yet. I just want to enjoy this . . . this peace, for a little while longer.


“Are you ready to go?” Cane kisses me quickly as he walks by. His hair is still damp from the shower. He smells so fresh and clean, yet the musky scent that is Cane is still here. It’s my favorite scent of all.

He’s walking around the room in a pair of jeans and a blue button-up shirt, sleeves rolled to mid-forearm. His sunglasses are tucked inside the top and he seems a bit flustered. He’s tossing his remaining belongings in his open suitcase and stops, scratching his head.

“I am. But I have to admit, I hate we have to go home so soon.”

I pick up my bag and toss my brush inside, scanning the room to be sure I didn’t forget anything.

“Who said we’re going home?” He turns to look at me and smirks.

“Well, you did.”

“No, I said we have to leave. Our flight leaves in two hours.”

“Yeah . . .”

He laughs, puzzling me even more.

The door to our room pops open.

“Good morning!” Kari chirps, walking in with Max behind her. She hands me a cup of Starbucks and kisses my cheek. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, I think so.” I shoot Cane a look. “But it seems we aren’t going home . . .”

Kari laughs and walks back to Max. She leans against him, the side of her head against his chest. “Is that so?” she asks.

I shrug helplessly. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I am sure I’m the only person that doesn’t get it. “Max? Help a girl out.”

“He’s taking you to—”

“Don’t you dare,” Kari says, elbowing him in the ribs.

Max laughs. “Ah, sweetheart. Are you gonna get mad? Because that just might make me tell her. You’re stuck here, alone, with me for another day. Think of the make-up sex we could have.”

“We don’t have to fight to have make-up sex, Max.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Cane interrupts. “Nobody wants to hear that shit right now.”