Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

“But don’t worry. It’s not the right time now, no matter how badly my inner Walker is demanding that we claim you.”

That wasn’t the first time I’d heard Walkers refer to themselves as having an inner demon they needed to placate.

“What changes after the ceremony? How will everyone know we’re mated?”

“You can see auras, Abbs, and although that’s not a common Walker ability, after the mating ceremony anyone will be able to see our entwined aura. It’s the first thing unmated male Walkers search for when meeting females of our kind.”

“But I already see the gold surrounding us.”

“That’s from the merging. Gold is a sacred color, a powerful merge, but the others can’t see this until we’re officially bound. The color of the merge and binding will intertwine.”

I wondered whether our other color would be the same pink that surrounded my parents. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of my hair being gently dragged through Brace’s fingers. I decided to stress about my loss of independence later. Of course, he picked up that errant thought.

“You and I couldn’t be more tied to each other, Red. This just makes it official for everyone else.”

He made a good point. But still I wasn’t always rational, and strong independent women did not tie themselves for life to one man. It was supposedly going to be a very long life and, despite my growing feelings, I’d only known him in the flesh for a matter of weeks.

“Stop thinking of yourself as human. You’re not human, Abby, and your body knows this. It’s just over-thinking that causes to you to doubt such strong feelings.”

“I know ... but it’s easy to say something and another –”

He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine, silencing my doubts, at least for the moment. I opened my mouth, wanting more, never having enough of his taste, scent and presence. He slept in a shirt and a pair of soft dark-blue shorts. I think the shirt was to help with the no-sex rule. But I still had plenty of access under the thin cotton.

Things were just starting to get very hot. His breathing was heavy as I moaned into his mouth. My hands moved of their own accord, under the edge of his shirt so I could trail lower along his stomach, following the soft hair. I’d just decided that I didn’t care about listening Walker guards when a fissure of energy split the room.

We pulled apart.

Brace pushed me back behind him as he moved forward in the bed. I leaned around him, expecting to see Josian standing there, energy ball or baseball bat in hand. But it wasn’t him. Another Walker was at the end of our bed.

“Shit,” was all Brace said before he threw up a shimmery barrier between us and the dark-haired man, who looked strangely familiar.

“Who is that?” I said, trying to move around to see better, but he wouldn’t let me shift.

“Don’t move, Red. It’s Que.” His tone was flat.

Shit, I mentally restated.

Brace’s dad was one big bad-looking dude, and now I knew why he looked familiar. He looked like his beautiful son, only harder, more harshly put together, where Brace was all long lines and perfect features. Que had cruel craggy planes and a long scar running down one cheek. He wasn’t as tall as Brace, nor as broad, but his energy felt strong.

“Well, it seems as if my little spy was right; my son is bedding the enemy.” His cold eyes were blue, nothing like the melting warmth of Brace’s dark brown.

He had the exact same hair, but Que’s was military short. Brace liked to leave a little length on top to fall across his forehead.

“Leave now, Que, and nothing more will come of this. I owe you that much, but not anymore. And if you harm Abby, I will figure out a way to kill you.”

Brace appeared calm, but I was close enough to feel the vibrations running through him. I mentally shouted for Josian. Where was the red brigade when you needed them? Any other day they were a damn recurring virus.

I really hoped Que had not hurt them.

“Bracelional, I hope this is some type of undercover game you are playing. I really don’t want to kill you and the half. I have grown reasonably fond of you over the years.”

Brace smiled – more of a grimace really. “You have such a way with words, Que.”

“Bracelional.” I couldn’t contain my small spring of humor.

Brace glanced back at me and shook his head. “Not great timing, Red.”

I still had to chuckle a few times.

“Get Josian,” Brace murmured back to me.

How the hell was I supposed to do that? Brace had me trapped between him and the headboard of my bed.

Trace, he reminded my slow brain.