Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

I breathed in chunks of his flaming red hair as he held on. My skin screamed in protest, agony coursing through me. But I wouldn’t have pulled back for anything.

“Josian, you’re hurting her.” Brace’s words were flat, his anger simmering once more.

Immediately the bands surrounding me loosened and I could breathe again.

“How did you know I was back?” I asked him, still cradled in his arms and my feet dangling off the floor.

Walkers had this ability to make me feel small and dainty.

His molten eyes were bronze today, although they had a habit of changing color like the turning leaves in fall.

“I sensed the intrusion in your room. I didn’t know it was you.” His arms trembled slightly as he held on. “Who took you, baby girl? Who will answer to me and our clan’s wrath?”

Brace, who’d just stepped off the bed, paused next to us. “He’s of your clan, Josian. The man was a Doreen.”

This statement was followed by a moment of silence and then an explosion of cursing. Josian placed me on the bed so that he could storm around the room. He alternated between languages, but I figured out the general tone.

Brace eventually interrupted him. “I know we have a lot to discuss, but I really need a few minutes with Abby.” He was standing beside my bed, his entire demeanor hard, his expression borderline frosty.

Josian stomped over, getting right into Brace’s face. He pointed his long finger in jerky motions as he spoke.

“If you do anything inappropriate for an unmated Walker I will rip you into little pieces, and then scatter them through the worlds. It will take you a long time to put yourself back together.”

Brace nodded.

Josian kissed me on the cheek before leaving the room. The door closed loudly behind him, before slamming back open again.

“Leave the door open, Brace.” Josian’s words drifted in to us.

I stared up at Brace as he began to shake, his anger filling the room until I couldn’t breathe.

“When he took you, Abby, I have never felt fear like that. I’m unused to this concept of worry. I don’t know how to contain my rage. I find I don’t like this feeling.”

Did anyone?

“What did he do to you?” He closed his eyes. “Tell me he didn’t touch you ... violate you.” As he locked me in his gaze I could see the agony and fear that I’d been hurt.

“Would it make a difference to your feelings for me if he did?” I had to ask.

His anger swelled again. I found it hard to breathe.

“You haven’t really grasped the concept of mate, have you, Abigail? The only difference would be the level of torture I would inflict before I killed him. My feelings for you will never be influenced or affected.”

I decided to put his mind at ease. “No, Brace, it was more along the lines of torture, nothing sexual.” For which I was more than thankful.

“I need to see that you’re okay.” He approached me, arms held up in a pose of calm. “Please, and then I’ll leave, if that’s what you want.”

I doubted very much he would leave that easily. But, right now, I couldn’t bring myself to be without him. I needed more energy than I currently possessed to hold on to my anger and push him away. Anger definitely takes energy. I nodded my permission.

He picked me up and strode into the bathroom. I noticed that the huge bath was half full, bubbles lining the surface and a sweet smell permeating the air.

I didn’t question it; he’d probably used Walker powers.

He set me down gently. And for the first time I noticed my reflection in the large mirror. I couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped. Stepping closer, I realized that the Spurn attire hid nothing. Instead, the tattered white wraps highlighted the red burns that covered my body. Although, strangely, there was still not one burn through my marks.

“Why are they not healing?” I said, biting back a whimper. The pain seemed to increase in that moment.

“It will take longer for you to heal from a Walker attack.” Brace stepped closer to brush my tangled hair back.

My red curls were everywhere.

I continued to stare at my dirty and injured image, and suddenly the weakness erupted in my chest. I crumpled in on myself as the sobs began. Strong arms encased me.

“I didn’t know how I would take the pain any longer,” I sobbed, hating my weakness but needing it all the same.

“I will kill him.”

Finally I pulled back. I couldn’t believe it when I noticed a shine in Brace’s eyes. Despite the hardness of his features, he looked to be fighting back tears of his own.

“Let’s get you in the bath, Red. I’m sure you want to wash away the last couple of days.”

I let him lead me across and I even let him strip the remaining mesh from my body. I couldn’t find energy to be embarrassed. Besides, he’d seen me naked before, and he refused to leave, worried that I would slip getting into the bath.

I eased into the hot bubbles. I couldn’t help the small whimpers that escaped as the water hit my burns.