Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

Eventually, my voice was barely a whisper, the screams faded to hoarse gasps. I knew if I looked down again I would see more of the burn marks scattered all over. But I didn’t look.

“You’re strong. I respect that, and I’ll leave you for the moment. I don’t want to break you before I enjoy you.” He studied me, his violet eyes dark. “Try and remember, I can do this for all of eternity. It will be easier if you simply give me the answers. You don’t have to suffer.”

I didn’t move as his presence disappeared from the small island. I gasped in small breaths, my aching throat protesting even the light presence of air through the raw space. Despite the fact I had no moisture left in my body to cry tears, I sobbed in my mind.

One face continued to appear before me. My body and soul were battered and bruised and they were screaming for Brace. I hadn’t forgotten that he had deceived me, lied with every breath he took. But my soul didn’t care. It ached for the comfort of its mate.


The scream of a soul in agony was stronger than anything I could have ever imagined. There was no answer, and this time no blond psycho even appeared. I was well and truly alone. Shifting my aching shoulders, I could not move and find comfort. Slumping forward again, I closed my eyes. Again I drifted. For endless moments I was semi-conscious. I needed to pull myself together. I was stronger than this, and after I found Brace and killed him for his deception, I’d have to get used to being alone.


I thought for a moment I was still dreaming. The familiar voice, the annoying nickname, it was too much to believe that he had found me.

“I will always find you, Abby. Always.” When he answered, I realized I’d spoken my thoughts out loud, my voice rasping over each word.

The ropes binding me fell free, and if strong arms had not encased me I would have fallen forward to the floor. I found a sliver of strength to lift my heavy head. Brace’s beautiful face was close to mine as he held me up. His eyes were black again, fury burning in their depths. But his features remained gentle as he pulled me even closer, his scent brushing across me as he let out a relieved sigh. And in that moment my soul began to sing.

“Shit – sorry, Abbs – I’m just ... not sure where to hold you.” He shifted his arms in an attempt to avoid the obvious burns.

My entire skin blistered like it was still on fire. Why weren’t the marks healing?

“Hang on, baby. I’ll get you out of here. And then I have a Doreen to eliminate.”

Fury crashed in around me, and I realized that Brace was just barely holding onto his self-control. His aura was pulsing blood red, and despite his gentle hold I could somehow feel his unrestrained rage.

His anger awoke my own, and as clarity returned I began to struggle in his arms.

“Get your hands off me, you big lying liar,” I murmured past the rawness in my throat.

I pushed at his chest, which did not move him even one fraction of an inch. A flash of fear chased some of the heat from his eyes.

“Your voice, Red? What the hell happened to your voice?”

His concern brought tears to my eyes. I managed to stop them from spilling over. He pulled me closer.

“I need to know ... what did he do? He’s already to be destroyed. But I haven’t decided if I’ll make it quick, or take my time.”

“Don’t ... just, just don’t.” Weariness spilled from me.

His lips brushed against my cheek, whether by accident or design, I wasn’t sure. He inhaled deeply as he rested his face in my neck.

“I promise I’ll explain everything to you. I don’t know what the Doreen told you, but I have my own side to this. Swear to me you won’t reject us until you hear the entire story.”

I lifted my head slightly to examine him. His vulnerability appealed to me in a way I couldn’t fight. I knew that Brace was an exceptionally strong man. He contained himself and his emotions, but his power was always apparent. Vulnerability was not something he generally displayed. But how could I trust his words again?

“Lucy?” I had to ask, even though I wasn’t sure if I could handle the answer.

“She’s fine. Sammy and Lucas as well.”

My heart stopped. I clutched at him for the first time, pulling him closer.

“Swear to me that they’re all fine. Where are they? How did you survive the city collapse?”

“I swear to you, Red. I would never lie to you about something so important.”

I snorted.

He continued, although his expression held something ... shame maybe ... and pain. “I opened a doorway and pulled everyone through. They’re on First World. Josian returned just after as well. For some reason he knew you were in trouble. Right now I’m pretty sure he’s out destroying worlds trying to find you.”

“How did you find me?” I asked, my husky voice high with relief.

No one had died. I hadn’t lost those few people who made my world complete.

“I don’t know. I was going crazy, calling in every favor I’ve ever had to figure out who the Doreen was that took you.”