Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

I want you.

I almost blurted it out. What the hell was with my mouth today? I attempted to cover the awkward silence.

“It’s a lot to take in when I’ve basically been raised in a world where soul-mates and one-true-loves don’t really exist,” I diverged.

“Nice segue, Red.” He smiled. “You can try and fight it, and you can run if you want.” He touched my face, his expression almost reverent.

I was lost again. He really was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He should make me feel insecure, make me wonder what he wanted with someone like me, but instead I felt powerful and strong around him. Like I could do or be anything. When he locked me in his gaze I felt the perfection. He continued speaking, unaware of my thoughts.

“But I won’t give you up. I don’t even think I can stop ... being with you. I can’t stay away.”

“I assume you’ve already tried to fight this.” I thought of the time he’d disappeared after our journey to Earth.

He nodded. “Yeah, I’m not too proud to say I attempted to run like hell. I have so much sh ... unpleasant things in my life, I don’t want to drag you into it. And I don’t like things that are outside my control. Plus, you’re young, with many things to experience. You deserve a chance to grow. But it is what it is, and I’m not strong enough to give you up.”

I looked away; I needed to catch my breath. But I found no relief as Lucas captured my attention. For once he watched me seriously, his expression ... intense.

“What’s the connection there? I’m not sure I understand.” Brace’s words were soft but drew my full awareness.

I could see in his stare a brutal vulnerability, a sense of helplessness. I didn’t understand my connection with Lucas either, and I didn’t like it. And I had no answers for him.

The rest of the time went quickly. We had lunch of the same old fruit and salty salad. I was really starting to crave meat and flavors of a different variety. Just remembering the foods of First World had my mouth watering.

Talina eventually announced that we had arrived. We stood on the front deck, waiting for Raror to receive permission to enter.

I turned to Talina. “You said earlier that your powers whack out of control at times. What exactly are your powers?”

Her brown eyes crinkled. “I’m not really sure. I try to never use them. But they are definitely water-based. Sometimes, when I’m in danger, they take over. I create waves, whirlpools, water jets. And I’m strong. I can keep anyone out of my mind, and no one can manipulate me.”

“These half-Walker powers are too unpredictable. How the hell can they expect us to fight these Seventine?” I was frustrated with our lack of information.

No wonder Raror was holding strong to Talina staying here. He must see we were crawling our way through the dark.

Talina’s face paled. “I’m excited to leave Spurn, although I’m not sure what to do about leaving Raror. But, to be honest, I really hope the Walkers have a better plan than gathering the halflings, and we will do the rest.”

“Well, Josian, my father, is out finding Walkers for the battle. Hopefully they have an idea. I’ll definitely ask him when we get back home.”

“Josian will never let anything happen to you, Red,” Brace said from where he stood beside me. He hadn’t been far from me all afternoon, and I was kind of hearting the hell out of him. “And neither will I.”

“Well, not all of us have a tall, dark, and hot-as-hell-man to watch our back, so I think I’ll keep on worrying.” Talina’s comment was more like Lucy’s style, who must have agreed since she high-fived her.

“You two have to stop hanging out so much,” I said drily. “Luce’s starting to rub off on Talli, and one of you is enough.”

Lucy rolled her eyes at me, sticking her tongue out for extra measure.

“Alright, we have been granted permission,” Talina said, pointing to where Raror glided through the water.

The pontoon had drifted close to the tube – a clear round structure that stuck out of the water at a forty-five-degree angle.

“It looks like one of those huge slides that used to be in amusement parks before they all fell apart.” Lucy jumped up and down, her curls bouncing.

We’d always been sad that we’d missed our chance to go on the roller coasters.

Talina towed Lucy and I across first, leaving us to hold on the tube edge while she ferried the rest. Raror’s presence was comforting as he waited with us.

As soon as everyone arrived, he spoke.

“It is quite a distance down to the city. The tube has grooves fitted throughout the base, so you should be able to descend at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. I will go first and wait at the bottom.”

With that he launched the few inches out of the water into the open shaft of the tube. And then he was gone.