Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

With a shrug, I jumped off the side, landing on my butt. The cool water immediately enveloped me and my weight pulled the netting down. I went completely under. Spluttering, I launched myself above the water level, coughing out the salt water I’d swallowed.

Reaching out a long arm, Brace hauled me over to sit on the edge with him. We were on the opposite side to everyone else, and with the sound of water rushing past, it felt semi-private. I could see Lucy and Samuel laughing together, and Lucas flirting with Talina, a skill which seemed as easy to him as breathing.

“You know I can’t remember the last time I got to relax and just have fun,” Brace said as he lay back, letting the water run over his body. “My life is family obligations and following orders. I’m about ready to walk away from that for a while.”

“I know what you mean.” I was trying really hard not to plaster myself to his warm skin, but the bumpy water kept throwing me into his side. “Earth was just training and survival. Having fun was not on our schedule. Until an hour ago I’d never sun-baked. I’m eighteen years old and that was my first chance to lie in the sun.” I looked up at him. “Want to tell me how old you are?”

Although he’d mentioned being twenty-two before, something told me that was not entirely accurate.

He ignored me, flashing one of those brilliant smiles. “It’s about time you acted like a teenager.”

He hauled me into his arms and threw me across into the deep center of the netting. Once again I found myself submerged under the water, but at least this time I’d closed my mouth first. I was about to propel myself up, ready to kick some butt, when I was distracted by the scene before me. My vision under the water was almost as clear as above, and the world below was incredible.

Glittering and shifting beneath us were creatures: at least a hundred different fish species. One of the smallest drifted close to me; it looked like a black puff of cloud. I could have reached out and touched it.

There were also huge beasts, with lots of teeth, gliding lazily along. Those I definitely did not want to touch.

I would have sat there for hours observing the diverse ecosystem, watching the different species interact and chase each other. But I wasn’t a Spurn, so I couldn’t breathe under water and eventually my burning lungs forced me to rise above the surface.

Brace grinned at me from where he was perched. “I wasn’t sure if you’d decided to live under the sea or if my skills had scared you a bit too much, Red.”

Without thought I launched myself at him, practically landing on his head. As we wrestled in the water, I was determined to dunk him. Our scarcely clad bodies touched everywhere and there were far too many electrical jolts running between us. Our play was sexy and tempting in all ways, but more than that it was fun. I’d never roughhoused with anyone before. It wasn’t Lucy’s style; she hated her hair getting messy.

My competitive side couldn’t let him win. Although with his strength and limb-length advantage I wasn’t having much luck, even when I utilized all my speed and flexibility. Brace captured me a few times, but I always managed to free myself. After a while we declared a truce. We lay back side-by-side, letting the water cool our heated skin.

“You’re deceptively strong and devious, Abigail.” Brace glanced sideways, his brows raised. “You’d have made a good ninja.”

I laughed. “Don’t let Lucy hear you say that; she thinks she’s a ninja.”

As I relaxed against his side, I couldn’t believe how comfortable this was. Of course it was unbelievably nerve wracking and the electrical current continued to buzz, but I felt a strange sense of contentment. As my body relaxed, so did my brain.

“Do you think we’ve had the dreams, and feel this connection because we’re true mates?” As the words fled my mouth I realized what I’d said.

Had the filter between my brain and mouth suddenly become defective?

I was about to hang my head in shame and sink beneath the water to escape his probing gaze when my pride kicked in. No ... No way was I hiding. I might not have meant to put that out there so soon but I deserved to know. Or, more importantly, I needed to know. I’d fight for anything that was real, but I had no time to waste on games.

“I think it’s slightly more complicated than that, Abby. But, yes, I think there’s a high possibility you are my mate.” He smiled then, his serious expression lifting. “A term I’m coming to enjoy.”

I really loved it when he smiled.

“You’re kind of pretty when you smile,” I said, unable to stop myself again.

“Tough and manly, Red,” his brow furrowed, “I’m manly.”

I patted his arm in a placating manner.

“So where do we go from here?” I couldn’t tear my eyes from his. This was the conversation I never believed I would have. “Do we have a choice in this mate thing?”

“Do you want another choice?” he asked as he flicked his gaze toward Lucas.

I followed his direction and noticed a pair of icy blue eyes watching us both closely.

“I want ...” I shook my head.

“You want?” he repeated.