Seduced by Darkness (The Seduced Saga)

Derek growled and stood in front of me. "That's my wife you're talking to."

The werewolf shrugged, unimpressed by my husband. "Invitation still stands," he said. "Come on," he turned for us to follow. "The gate awaits."

Beleth landed behind us and pulled in his dark wings as we followed Red.

"I'm glad you came," said Beleth, falling in step beside me.

"Why'd he call us halflings?" I asked Beleth.

Red answered from ahead. "Because you are."

"We're Druids," Derek said.

"You're half Lycan, half witch," said Red.

I turned to Derek. "Is that true?"

He shrugged. "My father told me a story about Liana. She fell in love with a man, and they were hunted by a beast and—"

"She fell in love with a Lycan," interrupted Red. "And because the church frowned on their romance, they sent Lycans to hunt them down. They killed Liana's love, but too late. She was already carrying his halfling bastard."

"Half Lycan, half witch," I whispered.

"Halflings," said Red. "Haven't you ever wondered why you possess magic and prefer turning into wolves?"

Derek reached for my hand as we walked. "They say Liana's tears created the Rosebush."

"Yeah, maybe," said Red. "It was a fucking long time ago. I can't remember everything, can I?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Remember?"

Red smiled. "Who'd you think they sent to hunt them?"

"You hunted Liana and her lover?" I couldn't hide the shock from my voice.

Red growled. "Yeah, Halfling, that's what I just said. Your ears not working too well?"

"No, I just… why'd you spare her?" I asked.

Derek shifted from wolf to human and spoke. "He didn't spare her. Liana fought them off. My mother told me the stories."

"She told you lies, boy," said Red. "I did spare her. I…" His carefree demeanor left him, replaced by sadness as his shoulders slumped and body slowed to a stop. "I knew her once," he finished, finally, before continuing his walk.

I wondered how old Red was, that he'd been around so long. We walked in silence for a time until we came upon a large stone gate by the side of the mountain. It was carved with people and beasts in battles fought long ago, or perhaps only imagined. Red slid his claws down the middle of the gate and it opened, massive stones moving and grinding. We entered a giant cavern of dark stone in the heart of the mountain. It was lit with blue crystals glowing on the walls. "Welcome to the Forgotten City," Red said.

As we walked through the massive cavern dug into the center of the mountain, I marveled at the homes and daily life routines they'd also carved out for themselves in this forsaken land. Homes and shops carved from rock and earth, decorated with splashes of color. All manner of people lived here side by side. Nephilim, Lycan, witches, paranormals using their powers in the open.

As we walked by one of the homes, a tiny werewolf baby ran out of the stone door and hopped onto Red’s back. It was so tiny, so cute, I wanted to cuddle it. I expected Red to knock the small pup off with an annoyed growl, but he surprised me with an affectionate nip at the little one. And what looked like a smile.

"I've never seen a little one before," Derek said. "Yours?"

"One of many," said Red, petting the baby wolf. "If the she-wolfs want it, who am I to deny them?"

"Lycans are forbidden to have children," said Talon.

"Only Lycans who serve the church," said Red. "One of the reasons I helped found this place. Here, you can be whatever you want to be. No Nephilim Court or Inquisition sniffing up your ass." He led us to a carved out home in the cavern. "Here's your friend," he said. "Pretty, but I prefer something with a bit more hair, myself."

We entered a large stone home lit with more of that blue light. It was furnished with furs and large pillows and tables carved from wood and stone. Very rustic, but also beautiful.

When Sam saw us, she jumped up from the cushions she was sitting on and ran to us, hugging me first. "I'm so glad you're here. How's Ana?"

"She was fine when we left. Father Patrick stayed behind to take care of her. With the help of everyone at Elysium."

Sam pulled us to the center of the room and we sat in front of a roaring fire as she told us what happened.

Sam's hands trembled as she spoke, and I reached for her, offering silent comfort as best I could. "They took him away," she said, eyes tearing up. "They dragged him out of the court like a criminal. I tried to reach for him, tried to stop them, but they fended me off. He's locked up in prison until he goes insane from hunger."

"Oh my God, Sam, I'm so sorry." I knew what it felt like to have the man you love locked up and to feel so helpless.

"What's the plan?" asked Derek.

Sam sat up straighter and wiped at her eyes. "Beleth knows his way around the Stone Prison. We sneak in, get Drake out, and fly back here."

Derek shook his head. "So what? The Queen and her Emzara can break down the gate and imprison both of you?"

For some reason, Sam smiled at that.