Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)

I hold Carrie close. The last round of lovemaking wore her out. Me too, but it’s a good feeling. I find myself studying her hand again. For so long I feared being touched, still do. Yet, now there’s something different…something special in the feel of Carrie’s hand. I haven’t let her touch me everywhere, but I’ve let her do more than I ever dreamed possible and she’s right. It’s a start. I can face the future with her by my side.

I watch her sleep. She has a smile on those beautiful lips and I take pride in knowing that I put it there. I gave her that smile. I vow to give her more of those.

My hand slides down to Carrie’s stomach, resting gently where our baby is. I told her I believe it’s a girl. The truth is, I don’t care. Girl or boy as long as it is healthy and Carrie is okay, I will be the happiest man on the planet.

I let the darkness surround me. I listen to the delicate whispers of her breath. I let that soothe me. I let that be my focus as sleep takes hold of me. I let Carrie be what she has always been, my anchor and the reason I exist.

Sleep claims me and tonight, I don’t dream of the darkness. I don’t dream of pain and misery. This dream is completely different. I am standing in a hospital room, I watch as a nurse wraps mine and Carrie’s baby in a blanket. She puts a beanie cap on this perfect, little head. A head covered with light strands of hair, the color of her mom’s. The nurse looks at me, but my eyes won’t leave that of my beautiful daughter.

“Mr. Blake? Would you like to hold your baby?”

“What?” I ask, trying to pay attention, but still hypnotized by this little creature.

“I asked if you’d like to hold your baby, Daddy.”

Daddy. That one word shatters the darkness and heals my soul. That one word gives me…Peace.

And they lived happily ever after.

Read on for a teaser for what happens next with the Savage Brothers MC


Claiming Crusher

Coming in 2015

I push my chair back tilting it and bringing my feet up, I rest them on my desk. My eyes follow the perfect crease in my three thousand dollar Armani suit. You have to pay for perfection, demand it really. From where I am sitting I can see my secretary buttoning up her black, silk blouse.

A shame really, because it will ultimately cover up the marks I left moments earlier on her body. I had come oh so close to choking the life out of her. She blacked out this time. Just the memory of it causes my dick to jump and I wonder how quick I can finish this call. Will I have time to take her again, before my next meeting? Maybe I’ll force her to suck me off and hide under my desk. If she’s a good little dog, I’ll give her what she wants later. She’s always begging for it. As dangerous as I am, she still craves more. It’s good, it’s an aphrodisiac knowing she’s getting off on it—but only because it makes me push it further. I have to, because if not, I don’t get to see the fear in her eyes and motherfucker, I crave the fear.

“Hurry Donald, I have someone waiting on me.”

At my words, my secretary turns and looks at me, her brown eyes flash in understanding.

I take my feet down, slide my seat back another couple of inches and motion under my desk. She walks towards me, but I shake my head no. She stops instantly, such a good little pet.

Naked. I mouth the word. She nods her understanding and begins undressing.

“Mr. Kavanagh, we’ve found her.”

I freeze. The little bitch has been missing for four fucking years.

“Where?” I demand, waving my secretary off. My dick being jammed down her throat is the last thing on my mind now. She picks up her clothes and quickly exits, having seen this mood enough to know to run for cover.

“She’s in a small town in Eastern Kentucky.”

“No fucking way.”

“Yes sir, do we apprehend her and bring her to you?”

I consider this as it would be the easiest and ultimately the cleanest alternative. But alas, I do not do clean nor easy.

“No. Watch her, evaluate the situation. I want pictures tonight. I will decide after that.”

“Yes sir, there might be one slight issue.”

My hand tightens on the receiver. I will not have anything stand in my way now. It will not happen.

“That is?” I prompt.

“She seems to have taken up with a gang.”

“A gang? That does not sound like Melinda. Perhaps your incompetence is showing again, Donald.”

“No sir, the hair is different, but this is definitely Mrs. Kavanagh.”

“A gang?”

“A motorcycle gang, I believe they call themselves the Savage Brothers.”

A motorcycle gang? Well, well. My Melinda never ceases to amaze, too bad I’m going to kill her.

“I expect a detailed report tonight. Do not disappoint, Donald.”