Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Kids mother’s basically dead, and he’s worried about getting laid.”

There was no use in telling him that Mike was probably trying to forget his own reality. Jimmy was a heartless prick who would never understand grief. I don’t think he is capable of feeling anything for anyone and I doubt he has lost anyone who ever mattered to him. He rang the bell obnoxiously, and I glanced at Victor to see if he would put this douche bag in his place but he was in his own fucking world. I had seen that look on his face before. It was not long after Val died – the look that he blamed himself. I couldn’t help but wonder if when I was in prison and he’d look at his daughter if he’d ever get that look in his eyes. Probably not. Victor showed no emotion to either of us when he destroyed our lives.

“Fuck this,” Jimmy said, before taking a step back, giving him a bit of leverage as he kicked in the door.

“Jimmy, what the fuck?” I growled, only for him to ignore me as he charged into the house with Victor close behind. I shook my head and followed them inside watching as Victor looked around, taking everything in about the modest house. Jimmy opening and closing doors, looking for Mike, finally narrowing it down to the last door. He tapped his knuckles against the wooden door, a creepy grin on his face as he looked at me and shouted.

“Val, get your ass out here!” He hollered, holding up one finger, then two and finally raised a third before he kicked the door open and barged into Mike’s room. I snapped and stormed in after him prepared to pull him out of the room and give the inconsiderate bastard a beating.

I was distracted by the shrill cries coming out of the naked blonde’s mouth as she stared at us not even trying to cover her body.

“Looks like our boy is doing okay.” Jimmy said eyes glued to the woman’s rack.

“Michael!” She shrieked, attempting to cover herself with the sheet.

“What the fuck is going on?” Mike slurred, holding a baseball bat as his eyes diverted back and forth between Jimmy and myself.

“Feisty little thing aren’t you?” Jimmy crooned. He was making me fucking sick. I glanced at the woman, not giving a fuck anymore if she recognized me from the hospital and tried to wrap this charade up.

“Sweetheart, the party’s over,” I ordered, bending down to grab her discarded dress and throwing it onto the bed. I felt Mike’s eyes pierce me and I lifted my head to meet his stare with one of my own. I crossed my arms against my chest as I exchanged a moment with the kid I used to think of as a brother. I felt for him, just as I did all those years ago when his dad died. His father was a good man, loved his son and when he died Mike was shell-shocked, but I imagine losing his mother would be even harder. I only had a mother just like Mike only had Maryanne after Val’s death. If she died, I’d be devastated. Mike’s first instinct might’ve been to drink and fuck his mother’s death away but looking at him right now, I could see how he was crumbling inside.

After Mike dismissed the girl, Victor walked into the room coming face to face with Val’s son. The tension was so thick you could slice it with a knife. You could tell Mike was wondering why we were there and how we had found out about Maryanne’s accident. Aside from Jimmy, taunting the girl the room felt heavy, this wasn’t a welcomed reunion, and I’m sure Mike harbored many resentments.

In the next few moments, the words shared between Mike and Vic weren’t pleasant. Mike wanted no part of Victor or any of us for that matter. Mike’s date emerged from the bathroom fully clothed and after another pass from Jimmy, her taut ass left the room. I glanced back at Mike, saw his eyes full of unanswered questions, answers only Victor could supply. I kept my eyes on Mike, holding his gaze as I patted Jimmy on the back.

“Jim, why don’t you and I step outside and give Vic and Mike a few minutes to catch up,” I suggested.

Jimmy turned, glaring at me before looking back at the boss. “Is that good with you, boss?” Jimmy asked.

I waited for the usual tip of the chin nod from Victor signaling he gave his puppet permission to leave the room. I pulled open the door, stepped aside waiting for Jimmy to lead the way. I followed him out of Mike’s bedroom and into the living room, giving Victor a chance to redeem himself in Mike’s eyes.

Jimmy walked around the living room, inspecting it, for what I don’t know but he paused at the mantle, lifting a framed photo of Val.

“They don’t make them like him anymore,” I pointed at the photo.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jimmy asked, his head snapping up to glare at me.