Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

“Excuse me?” I asked confused. “What’s my fault?”

“Vinny’s out of rehab and that douchebag was harassing A for money to get drugs. The bastard isn’t even out of rehab a week and he’s already fallen off the wagon. Son of a bitch didn’t even ask to see his baby! He had the audacity to tell my sister he’d sell give up his rights to Luca so he could score drugs,” she yelled pointing her finger at me. “Like I said, this is your fault!”

My eyes pierced Victor with a steady stare. I kept my cool in front of Nikki but I was fucking ripping mad. Vic could see it in my eyes and the way I kept my fists clenched on top of his desk. Vic sighed heavily as he stared at me. I met his gaze, hoping he’d let me have a shot at this fucker, that he’d order me to be the one who took care of Adrianna’s ex but I had a better chance of seeing Jesus Christ himself.

“I said I’d take care of it,” He thundered, glaring at his daughter. “Now go home before I call your mother.”

Nikki rolled her eyes. “I’m a fucking adult, that threat lost its pull two years ago,” she snapped while pointing at me. “Fix this shit,” she warned, before walking out of her father’s office, her heels clattering across the floor.

Jimmy cleared his throat, but I kept my eyes on Victor.

“Where’s the money Bianci?” Jimmy asked, leaning against Vic’s desk.

“What the fuck are you going to do about Adrianna?”

“I said I will handle it. It’s not your concern,” Vic said pointedly, drumming his fingers along the mahogany desk.

“I see how well you’ve handled it so far, now I’ll ask you again, what are you going to do about Adrianna?” I roared angrily.

Victor remained silent for a moment, studying me. My guess was he was trying to determine how long he had before the animal in me surfaced. He blew out a breath and turned to Jimmy.

“Go by my daughter’s house, make sure she and the baby are okay. When you’re done find that asshole and bring him to me.”

“Like now?” Jimmy asked clearly aggravated.

“Yes, now!” Victor ordered.

“For fuck’s sake,” Jimmy groaned.

It was eating away at me that Jimmy was being ordered and not me, but what could I do? I reached into my pocket and slid the envelope across Vic’s desk.

“It’s all there plus another G,” I mumbled, rising to my feet. “It’s been a long day, I got shit to do.” I pushed out my chair and walked towards the door.

“What about your share?” Jimmy asked.

“Hey Anthony …,” Vic called, forcing me to turn around and look at him. He paused for a moment before sighing and giving me a slight shake of his head. “Don’t do anything stupid,” he lectured knowingly.

I walked out the fucking door, knowing exactly where I was going and what the fuck I would do. So did Victor, and to my surprise, he didn’t stop me.

Chapter Eleven: 2014

There are benefits to being part of a powerful organization, just like there are rewards to everyone knowing who you are and what you do. They tell you what you want to know, when you want to know it, without asking questions. It didn’t take me long to get the info I needed to locate Adrianna’s ex. The degenerate had been searching high and low for product to snort, leaving a trail of his whereabouts. I tracked him back to some crack bitches apartment that doubles as a drug den. My guess is he is friendly with the girl and he’s either hoping she’s got shit lying around he can get his hands on or he’s banking on a drug dealer bringing her his product to cut. Either way he’s itching to get his hands on the shit and she’s his only hope.

I climb the stairs of the apartment building not willing to ring the bell and give the asshole a chance to escape. I reach the apartment and bang on the door, anxious to come face to face for the first time with Adrianna’s ex-boyfriend. The door cracks open as much as the chain on top allows and the woman stares at me through bloodshot eyes.

“Open the door,” I demand gravely.

“Who the fuck are you?” She slurs.

I roll my neck to keep myself in check before blowing out a breath and looking into her eyes. “You have ten seconds to open the door or I will break the fucking thing down. I’m not looking to hurt you but I need a word with your house guest.”

She glares at me for a moment trying to decide in the state that she’s in if I’m being truthful or if I’m playing her. In the end, she closes the door, unlatches the chain lock and opens the door wide.