Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

“Yes. After tomorrow, Anthony will not be a part of the Pastore Crime family and he will not join the reigns of Jimmy’s regime. You know as well as I do, nobody walks away from this business. There are only two ways out.”

“A box or a cell,” he finished for me. “So how you planning on getting him out?”

“Jimmy’s going to let him go, no questions asked,” I said evenly, watching as his body flinched at the sound of my underboss’ name. “Problem?”

His lips thinned into a straight line and he shook his head slightly. “So you want me and my club to protect him from Jimmy?”

“Something tells me Jimmy’s not going to get a chance to sink his claws into Anthony after he gets what’s due to him.”

Something flashed in Jack’s eyes, confirming what I already knew to be true. Jimmy’ days were numbered.

“I want to know that you have Anthony’s back, should someone try anything. He knows a lot, been around for a lot of years and everyone knows he’s my gatekeeper.”

I pushed the envelope with my index finger across the table and watched his eyes drop to it for a split second before they lifted to mine again. My lawyer cleared his throat, demanding Jack’s attention with the small gesture.

“Mr. Gold seems to have something in his possession that belonged to you.”

Jack squinted, peering at my lawyer with suspicion evident in his eyes before he turned back to me.

“What the hell is he talking about?” He slapped the palms of his hands on the table. “Look Vic, you want me watch out for Bianci, fine but it’ going to cost you. I had a deal with Anthony, a deal he seemed to forget about the minute he got your fucking approval.”

“Anthony didn’t forget about you or the deal the two of you had,” I said calmly. “After I was arrested, Anthony paid me a visit. He told me all about your brother,” I paused, diverting my eyes to Jack’s hands as he clenched the edge of the table. “You should’ve told me it was your brother when I asked for your help, Jack. You let me believe you would have taken care of the situation and you were well compensated for your efforts.”

“I gave you my word I would’ve taken care of it and I fucking would’ve if I had the chance,” He spoke through clenched teeth, leaning over the table, and his face mere inches from my own. “You fucking killed my brother.”

“No, I didn’t,” I said sincerely. “I didn’t order anyone to kill him either.”

“Don’t insult me,” he said, pointing his finger in my face.

“Mr. Parrish,” my lawyer tried pulling him back only for Jack to glare at him.

“You shut the fuck up,” he diverted his eyes back to mine. “You going to tell me that fire was just a coincidence?”

“No Jack, I’m not.”

My lawyer leaned forward, placed a hand on Jack’s shoulder, and whispered something in his ear. He hissed and sat back down in his chair giving me his undivided attention.

“It’s been brought to my attention you didn’t have much of a relationship with your brother over the last few years, so how exactly would you have taken care of my situation?”

“We’ve been allies for quite a few years now Vic, have I ever questioned you? When I’ve asked for your assistance, have I ever doubted that you would get the job done? No. I haven’t and to be fair any time you’ve asked for my help I have delivered. So if you’re asking me if I would’ve whacked my brother the answer is no. If you’re asking me if I would’ve made the investigation on you disappear then the answer is yes. No need for you to know how I would’ve done it; just know it would’ve been taken care of just like I got your kid out of the line of fire and into a safe house. No questions asked.”

I let his words fester a moment before continuing. “I lost a brother too, you know. Val wasn’t my blood brother, but he was a brother where it mattered. He sacrificed his own life to spare mine and I never could repay him for that. I lived a good part of my life trying, fighting tooth and nail to avenge his death and I put my children and innocent men in jeopardy,” I sighed. “I know what you’re feeling right now. I know how bad you want revenge, so bad, that you can taste blood.”

“I like you Jack, I have respect for you, and I don’t have respect for many people. I’d hate to see you end up like me, I look at you, I see that blank look in your eyes, and I know where you’re headed. It’s an ugly road, and it’s fucking lonely.”

“For the last three months, Anthony has been working with Mr. Jarvis,” I said, tipping my chin towards my lawyer. “He didn’t feel comfortable getting his end of the bargain without giving you yours and so he paid me a visit and explained everything.”

“Everything?” Jack asked.