Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

I stood up, walked around the table, kneeling in front of my sister, and took her into my arms.

“I thought I was going to lose him,” She sobbed against my shoulder. “Adrianna I was so scared that Mikey was going to die, that I said some pretty cruel things to dad.” She choked on her sobs before pulling back and wiping her face with her hands. “It’s all my fault. He confessed to Rico’s murder because of what I said to him and now there’s no turning back.”

“Look at me.” I said, holding her face in the palms of my hand. I took a deep breath as her eyes found mine and blurted my truth. “I killed Rico,” I whispered.

Her cries paused momentarily allowing her a chance to peer at me through confused eyes.

“It’s true,” I said calmly. It was amazing how the truth set you free. The words that weighed so heavily on my shoulders broke away from me. “I killed him, not daddy.” I reached for her hand, my eyes never leaving hers as I confessed my sins. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry but he was going to shoot Anthony,” I dropped my head. “I reacted the only way I knew how,” I whispered. Looking into Nikki’s eyes, I continued to speak. “I fought for what was mine and didn’t hesitate.”

“Oh my God,” Nikki said as she leaned back in her seat. I couldn’t tell what she felt, her eyes were blank as they gazed at me.

“I didn’t know dad was going to confess to the murder.” I added, not sure what else to say. I still hadn’t processed that my father had sacrificed his freedom for mine that he had relinquished all his power and left us.

“Don’t apologize,” she whispered, taking a breath before squeezing my hand. “If I hadn’t brought Rico into our lives, you would have never been in that situation. I would have done the same thing, A. I wouldn’t have thought twice, or looked back once. What you did was no different from what Mikey did for me. Rico deserved everything he got,” she said swallowing hard. “I kind of wish he would’ve suffered a bit. I know it sounds horrible but I’m so angry that he played me the way he did. I guess the apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.”

“I guess not,” I agreed.

“He confessed, to save us, you know that right?” She asked softly. “Not from the danger but from himself. I didn’t understand why he did it at first. I thought it was because of the things I said to him but it he gave us something we both wanted.”

“I don’t think either of us wanted him to go to prison,” I countered, not sure where she was going with this.

“We both wanted to be free of the life we were born into, the life we had no choice but to be a part of. Daddy couldn’t pretend anymore that we weren’t affected by his lifestyle. I finally realize all the resentment you’ve harbored for him, I know why you couldn’t stand to be his daughter. He robbed you of your happiness because of the man he chose to be. He sent Anthony to jail, you lost the man you loved for years, and then you killed to protect him. I was fooled to care for a man so he could get close to dad, was kidnapped, and watched the man I loved get shot. There was no denying the pain that being his daughter caused, he couldn’t turn away from it.” She declared, shaking her head in understanding. “I used to be afraid we’d get a phone call telling us he was shot and killed just like Val. I never wanted to know what it was like not to have my dad. It kind of feels like he’s dead, like I should be mourning him and not just missing him. So no, I didn’t want daddy to go to prison but I don’t want to watch anyone else get hurt either.”

Tears escaped my eyes as Nikki’s words evoked the idea that my father would likely die alone, in his jail cell. It’s horrible to think he has only seen both his daughters struggle and never really had a chance to see them happy. He’ll never take part in the joys of life to come he’ll never see us benefit from his sacrifice.

“There you guys are.” Anthony’s voice said from behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and smiled at Nikki. “Your patient is asking for you, Nurse Nikki.”

Nikki’s eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. “He told you about that?”

“A little.” Anthony winked at her.

Nikki laughed, standing up and taking her cup of coffee with her. She walked around me and bent down to kiss my cheek.

“I love you.” She whispered.

“I love you too.”

I watched as she straightened up and kissed Anthony’s cheek. “You better take care of my sister.”

“That’s the plan.” He called over his shoulder, tugging her ponytail as she walked passed

him. She huffed a breath dramatically but continued to walk away, leaving us by ourselves. Anthony replaced Nikki in the seat in front of me.