Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Cara cut him off. “Of course I can.” She looked back at Luke. “Since you're busy doing the dishes and all, I’d be happy to help.” She winked and took Ava’s hand in hers letting the little girl lead her towards the stairs.

Luke watched them disappear up the stairs and leaned against the counter. He heard their soft footsteps above him and glanced around his kitchen as he ran his fingers roughly through his hair. What the fuck was he doing? He liked her in his house and not because she cooked dinner and helped him with his daughter. He liked her there because it felt right to him. He didn’t realize how much he missed having someone to come home to, someone to share his life with, but then again, how did you miss something you never had to begin with? Maybe missing was the wrong word. Maybe he was beginning to realize what he wanted in life and it was Cara who was opening his eyes. He finished cleaning up the kitchen, placing the leftovers in a plastic container. He placed them in the refrigerator and then bent down to pet Benny, who was sniffing his ankles.

“Hey boy.” He said and scratched between his ears. He noticed Benny had a new t-shirt, this one read “Stud Muffin” and he couldn’t help but smile. He pet him one final time on top of his head before rising to his feet and grabbing Ava’s book bag that was slung over one of the kitchen chairs. He pulled out a chair and went through her bag. He checked her homework, signed it and then emptied her lunch box and set it on the counter as a reminder for the morning. He sighed heavily, exhaustion overcoming him, and climbed the stairs listening to his daughter's giggles. When he found his way to her bedroom, he stopped at the doorway and watched. Ava was in her pajamas sitting on the edge of the bed, and Cara was sitting Indian style behind her braiding her damp hair.

“Now tomorrow when you take the braid out all this beautiful hair will be wavy.” She said as she secured the end of the braid with a tiny rubber band.

“Thanks, Cara!” She turned and leaned further onto the bed and hugged her.

Benny brushed past Luke and jumped onto Ava’s bed, knocking down the embracing girls and showered them both with kisses. Luke grunted it was the second time that day he found himself jealous of the little beagle.

Cara glanced towards the door, while flat on her back. “Not going to join in the fun?” She asked as Benny jumped on her and licked Ava who was lying next to her.

Luke shook his head. She had no fucking idea what she was doing to him.

“Ava, it’s time for bed.” Luke announced and immediately heard the whine of disappointment escape his little girl. Apparently, she didn’t want the night to end either.

“But Dad…” She started as Cara sat up.

“No worries, Ava. We’ll hang out tomorrow, if it’s okay with Daddy.” Cara said looking back at Luke. “I have to drop off Benny again so…”

“That’s fine.” He said his eyes never leaving hers.

Cara smiled at him and then grabbed Benny before she climbed out of the bed. She looked down at Ava and leaned in pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Sweet dreams, Ava.” She said to her as she made herself comfortable in her bed.

“Goodnight Cara.” Ava said happily. “Goodnight Benny.”

Cara turned around and bumped into Luke, who was standing right behind her. She looked up at him, her eyes searching his. She hoped she wasn’t overstepping any unknown boundaries of their newfound friendship, inviting herself over again. She tried to read him, but his facial expression was blank and she noted that he didn’t step back. His eyes firmly planted on her. His body firmly lodged in front of hers, not budging. He looked tired, but there was something else in his darkened eyes, something she never noticed before.

“I’ll just go downstairs and get Benny situated for the night.” She said softly.

Still, he didn’t move.

“I’m going in the shower.” He said in that gruff voice.

“Okay then, I’ll just lock up when I leave.”

“Don’t leave.” He said and her eyebrows immediately furrowed in confusion.

“Don’t leave?” She asked.

“Don’t leave.” He repeated firmly, playing with fire.

“Okay.” She whispered. Great, he was mad. Why else would he want her to stay? Because first you make him take care of a damn dog on top of everything else he has to do. Then you invite yourself into his house to cook for him and his daughter. It didn’t matter she was trying to pay him back for all the things he had done for her. She should’ve asked first. Luke and Ava had a routine, they had their life down to a science, and here she came with her dog screwing all that up. She watched as he took a step to the side, giving her space to pass him so she could leave the room, and that’s exactly what she did. Only she paused once outside the room and listened, knowing she was totally eavesdropping.

“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He said softly, the gruffness in his voice now gone. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” She said and planted some sugar on his cheek. He shut her lamp off and flicked her nightlight on. “Daddy?”

“Yeah, baby?”