First World (Walker Saga #1)

Samuel spoke then, the slight rasp in his voice even more prominent. “That’s why we’re held here. They siphon our energy.”

I looked around at the huddled groups of girls. I recognized many of them. While a few had taken the chance – well-deserved, I’m sure – to kick rat-man in the ribs, the rest were sitting around, faces blank. Where was the running? Hysterical screaming? Escape attempts? They were as Quarn described: zombies.

“How are you still alive?” Lallielle’s voice broke as the true horror of Samuel’s situation dawned on her. “They’ve been siphoning you for a year.”

Samuel shrugged, but his eyes were flat, emotionless. “I have no idea. I’m much stronger than Earthlings. They only last a few months.”

As Lucy took his hand, a smile crossed his features.

“We average a few deaths a week.” He pointed toward the scattered people. “This is a new group.”

“How do they have such extensive knowledge of the ways of the Walkers?” Josian asked furious. His red hair swirled around him. “They’re dealing with myth and legend, no longer obtainable abilities.”

I wondered if everyone was thinking what I was. Then Lucy nailed it.

“We’re screwed.”

Chrissie limped over. She was much thinner than the last time I saw her and she wrapped her arms tightly around herself, as if she was afraid she would fall apart at any moment.

“So what’s the escape plan, Abby?” Her anger flowed around me. “And can I be the one to rip Olden’s head from her shoulders?” No zombie behavior from her.

Lucy pushed forward. “Get in line, Chris,” she said darkly.

I looked from one to the other, wondering what had happened here.

Quarn, with his military training, scanned the room. “Our best chance is to exit together. Go out as a group and confuse them.”

A groan sounded from the floor as rat-man started to shift. I looked at Lucy for a minute. She nodded once. It was information-gathering time.

I crouched next to him. By the time he opened his beady eyes, he was surrounded on all sides. Glares rained down on him.

He was confused. For about a minute. And then he laughed.

I watched him. His actions were ... unexpected. It wasn’t a small I-just-got-a-concussion chuckle. No, this was a full-throated belly laugh. His fat rolls jiggled all over the place.

It was irritating, grating on my last nerve. I lunged for his face. My closed fist crunched against his nose.

Wow, that was satisfying.

Brace had dived after me. I’m not sure if it was to stop me, or to hit him too. Blood poured from rat-man’s nose, and with a coughing splutter he grabbed my shirt, and with unforeseen strength attempted to bring my face close to his.

Brace reached out a huge hand and cupped the man around the throat.

“I’d let her go now. Unless, of course, you don’t want the privilege of breathing any longer.”

Pulling myself free, I stood up. As Brace released him, the dirty-man attempted to roll away. I halted this by stomping my foot onto his fragile ribs. I noted the red marks marring the folds under his chin. Brace had had quite the grip on him.

“I got this, Chuck. You can back off now.” I nodded at Brace. He was still Chuck until a better name presented itself.

His lips curved slightly, but he stepped back.

“Okay, rodent, I’m going to ask you a few very simple questions. Even you should be able to understand them. And I would like nice timely responses.”

He winced as I dug my foot in a little more.

“I don’t want to ask twice.”

Lucy snickered under her breath. I heard it, though, and I could almost read her thoughts. I’d gone a little mad with power.

As he looked up, pain was apparent, but there was no fear.

If anything, his confidence was pissing me off. “How many people are in the building?”

“It doesn’t matter, girl.” His accent was even more nasally as he attempted to breathe through the blood flowing from his nose. “Master has been waiting for you and now you’re exactly where he wants you.”

His ribs were flexing under the strain.

“What does he want me for?”

He laughed breathlessly, using the small amounts of air I was allowing.

“We’ve been watching you for a while. He was so angry when they took the wrong girl from First World. But Patty assured him you would come for your friend.”

Patty? Did he mean Olden?

I closed my eyes. Don’t kill him, Abby. He’s not worth it.

Opening my eyes, I spun around and stepped away. I couldn’t trust myself right then not to hit him again. Josian took my place.

He didn’t touch him. He just lowered from his impressive height to gaze eye to eye.

For the first time, rat-man’s cocky smile faltered. He started slithering backwards, but the kicking feet kept him in the same spot.

“You – you can’t be here – all others are barred from this hall,” rat-man stuttered.

Josian continued to stare. After a few more rants, rat-man fell silent, trance-like.