First World (Walker Saga #1)

I searched the cell front to find the lock. There was nothing on the smooth bars.

“We have to get out of here. There seems to be a permanent delivery door between the warehouse and the compound.” I was thankful my calm voice didn’t express the cold trickles of fear inside.

Josian’s brow wrinkled in worry. “That’s not possible. It can’t be done.”

Brace was clipped and short. “All the more reason to get out of here.”

“Quarn, does rat-man have any keys or remote locking devices on him?”

I tried to turn, but Lucy clung to my hand.

Quarn smiled. “Rat man.” He shook his head, screwing up his nose. “That’s appropriate, actually.”

Most of the occupants of the other cells had moved toward their bars.

“Abby?” I turned to see Chrissie and Chandra, plus a few of the other girls together in one cell. I smiled, but couldn’t help notice the vacancy in their stares, the motley nature of their skin and general air of neglect they were all rocking today.

“Hang tight, girls, I’ll get you out of here.” My words barely registered with them.

“He doesn’t have keys. There’s only one person who ever accessed these cells.” Lucy drew my attention. With her free hand she pointed toward the entrance. “Try that little box next to the door. I think that’s some type of control panel.”

Quarn moved away from the group to inspect the small black box which was attached to the wall.

“Sammy baby.” Lallielle held both of his hands. “This is Aribella, your sister.”

Lucy and Samuel both nodded.

Lucy answered. “After I explained the situation, Sam and I kind of figured that Abby must be his sister.”

Josian stood near Lallielle, staring at Lucy. His expression was ... odd. I reminded myself to ask him about that later.

A creak was the first indication the cell doors were opening. Quarn shut the box again and nodded: success.

Lucy squeezed herself through the small gap. The center of the room filled, as one by one Samuel and the girls managed to escape.

Lallielle swept Samuel into a proper hug. Lucy’s smile was shaky, her eyes crinkled up in worry as she watched them. Samuel held back, stiff and unresponsive, but eventually he reached around and gave Lallielle a half-hearted hug.

“I’ve missed you, Mom.” His voice broke a little on the last word. “I thought I’d die here and no one would ever know.”

“I’ve missed you so much, Sammy.” Lallielle sobbed out both her sorrow and relief.

Josian untangled Lallielle from her uncomfortable son. Samuel had an air of fragility, like one wrong word could break him into a million pieces. By the looks of it, his year in this dungeon had almost been the end of him. No wonder Lucy’s expression was going all protective-kitten toward him.

Samuel turned then and walked toward me.

I didn’t know what to do. Looking left and right, I backed up a few steps.

Only it wasn’t me he was coming to. He stopped before Lucy, staring down into her face for a moment. The height difference between them was ridiculous, well over a foot. I looked at the floor, trying hard to stifle my laughter. Brace caught my eye. His expression just made it worse. Ass-hat.

Samuel reached out and captured Lucy’s face in his hand. Then without hesitation he swept her off her feet ... literally. He then proceeded to kiss the hell out of her.

Throughout the room, clearing throats and mutters sounded, along with a random whoop. It was a tad awkward ... and lovely ... and a lot romantic.

I ignored the fact my brother was currently kissing my sister. The mood was affecting everyone. Josian pulled Lallielle closer, placing gentle kisses on her face.

Come on. Where was I supposed to look now?

I was drawn to Brace. Oh, yeah. Much better.

I expected to see him staring at the happy couple, like the rest of the room, but he was staring at me.

The heat of his gaze held me immobile. My head started to spin; I hadn’t taken one breath since we locked eyes. He turned away, releasing me.

Breathe, Abby.

Inner voice or whispered words? Once again, I couldn’t tell. The room broke into scattered applause as Samuel and Lucy pulled apart.

I wouldn’t admit it – maybe under torture – but I was kind of annoyed. I’d just gotten Lucy back; I wasn’t ready to share her.

She snapped out of her kiss-haze. As if she could read my thoughts, she stepped away from Samuel and toward me, although they continued to exchange intense looks.

“So, Josian. Can you open a Walker door for this many people to leave at once?” Brace was pacing, looking toward the far doorway.

“No problem...”

I sighed in relief.

But then he said, “Except something is blocking me here.”

I looked at him in disbelief. “What do you mean?”

He shook his head, his voice deepening. “There’s something here I cannot explain. They have this building locked down, and a permanent Walker doorway.”