First World (Walker Saga #1)

Oh, right. I’d momentarily forgotten about that odd little trip.

“The day after we met, I came back to this alley to find you. This crazy pain, like knives carving into my skull, struck, and when I opened my eyes I was in the ‘royal forest’. I trailed the last word. “How could this happen? What does it mean?”

Quarn gripped my other arm, pulling me closer. Lucy wasn’t budging, so her tiny frame flew as she was dragged along.

He spoke with intensity. “What happened there? Did you meet anyone?”

“Well, there were two people there. Someone named Lucas, who I didn’t meet, and Brace. He ... uh ... crashed into me in the forest.”

He drew his slightly bushy eyebrows in to form confused lines across his face. “I don’t understand, Aribella. Of all the people that could have pulled you there, people far more important, why was it Brace?”

“I don’t know,” I murmured. “But Brace and Lallielle are the two from my dreams.”

Quarn shook his head. “There must be a connection there. Something I do not know.” He looked uneasy. “You need to tread cautiously with Brace. He had not been around long when I left, but he has always struck me as odd ... unnatural.”

“Probably Brace’s sexy hotness. From Abby’s description, that’s unnatural.” Lucy turned to look at me. “Kind of like Abby’s hotness.”

“Luce, shut your trap.”

She saluted me. “Yes, your majesty.”

Quarn shook his head. “How did you know, Lucy, that the sexy-hotness of Brace is always the first thing on my mind?” His voice was deadpan.

I spluttered out my laughter. Quarn’s sense of humor was unexpected.

Lucy simply nodded, as if she was not surprised.

“Lucas is the emperor’s son. He is the last of his line. That might be important information for you.”

I looked at Lucy. “We’re so screwed.”

She nodded.

Sadness shot through me as I examined Quarn’s weathered features. “Will I see you again?”

“I don’t think your time in New York is finished, miqueriona.” He gave a half-bow.

It was so old-fashioned, I couldn’t help but smile.

Cradling the stone in his hands, Quarn stepped away, and within seconds his lips were moving, speaking quietly. From the bits and pieces I was hearing, it was not English.

A shimmer like a thousand fireflies descending in sync to form a veil, setting the alley wall alight. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared.

Quarn shook his head, his lips moving even faster, the intensity building.

It started slowly this time, like a whirlwind building strength.

The misty glow fell over the alley again. I stared in fascination at the beauty of the shining wall.

“It’s just like those old Christmas trees covered in fairy lights,” Lucy whispered.

I nodded, captivated, unwilling to move.

Quarn moved closer, disturbing my love-fest. “Safe journey, little ones. Find Lallielle. She will help you to embrace your destiny.”

He zipped the stone into my pack and, stepping around, his blue eyes were surprisingly gentle. His stern features softened as he leaned down and laid a kiss on my forehead. Tears pricked my eyes, but with a deep breath I kept them at bay.

“Keep the stone safe and secret, Aribella. It will seem peaceful there, especially compared to New York, but don’t be deceived. These worlds are more parallel than you think.”

“Well, that’s comforting. Thank you,” Lucy interjected, hands on her hips in impatience.

He smiled. “You two look after each other. It’s rare, in all of the worlds, to have someone you trust.”

Right ... all of the worlds ... wait, what?

He nudged me forward, toward the shimmering wall. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed Lucy’s hand. But I didn’t have to worry about her backing out. She was out in front, dragging me through. I closed my eyes at the moment of crossing.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, a tingle, some type of whooshing sound, but it was calm, like stepping through an opaque mirror. One step and we were on the other side.

Chapter 5

I sucked in a few deep breaths. Wafts of cool, fresh air drifted lazily through my lungs. It was intoxicatingly clean, no soot, smoke, or pollution. I wondered how I had missed this the last time I was here.

“Oh, my God, Abbs, are you breathing? Tell me you’re breathing.” Lucy was next to me, eyes closed, face raised. “Un-freaking-believable.”

I shook my head. “I keep waiting to wake up and find I’ve been in a coma for the past week.”

Lucy’s quick grin should have been my indication, but she was too fast, reaching over to punch me – a solid hit to my biceps.

“Ouch! What the hell was that for?” I growled at her, rubbing my arm.

“I was just testing your theory. You don’t feel pain in dreams, or coma-dreams.”

“Oh, right. And you know this how?” I rubbed harder. Where was she hiding those muscles? “You just wanted to punch me.”