First World (Walker Saga #1)

Laughing, I yanked Lucy free.

“Meet Lucy – best friend – insane.” Lucy glared for a moment, before sighing in acceptance.

The gangers were standing not far away, looking extremely irritated.

Jass spoke for the trio “What the hell is going on here? Where did he come from?”

Lucy whipped around to glare. “Quiet, morons, we’ll get to you in a minute.”

‘Ralph’ laughed out loud, infectiously. “I like her, Aribella. She’s a keeper.”

Lucy preened a little.

“And my name is Quarn,” he grimaced. “Not Ralph.”

Lucy shrugged. “Close enough.”

He rubbed his jaw. “That was a nice right hook, Aribella. But it might not be enough to get the job done.”

Before I could reply, he pulled a thin sword – the length of my arm – from somewhere in his clothes.

“What the crap? Is that a sword?” Lucy was wide-eyed. “Where did he pull that from?”

“Probably better we don’t know.”

He was impressive, looking ten years younger – warrior and his weapon.

“I haven’t had a decent battle in a while. Should be fun, don’t you think?” His blue eyes sparkled.

“Damn, I’m glad you’re on our side. You’re a little crazy,” Lucy said bluntly. “You know that, right?” She turned to me. “Surely someone’s told him before.”

I shrugged. She smiled now. “And totally loving the accent. I know what you’re talking about now. It’s pure magic.”

Quarn quelled his smile, but I’d still seen it.

Lucy was cute – she was one of those people that grew on you – like fungus.

He faced the gangers, his expression calm and serious. Without saying a word, he raised his right hand, palm up, and gave the old ‘come and get it’ signal.

“What gang are you from? Display your markings,” Jass called along the alley. He wasn’t retreating yet, but the sword had given him pause.

Quarn remained quiet. The men shifted nervously.

“Where are their weapons, Abbs?” Lucy was bravely cowering in Quarn’s shadow.

I kept my voice low. “In my street experience, most gangers carry knives, but not guns.” The gun shortage was implemented to prevent inter-gang fire. Ganger leaders used to be taken out regularly. Now only a trusted few have the ‘hardcore’ weapons.

Quarn moved then, advancing toward the men.

Jass, Other, and Stupid held their ground for a moment. Their hands twitched at their sides, but in the face of Quarn and his sword they must have decided against using knives. Jass, expression deadly, gave me one last look before he gestured to the men, and they scurried out of the alley – like rats.

“They’ll be back, with many more,” I said to Quarn’s back.

He turned and smiled. He’d already sheathed his sword – somewhere.

“I have been on these streets for a long time, Aribella. There is nothing here that I fear.”

Lucy challenged him. “You know her name is Abby, right?”

“Outer names are nothing. They can change with the winds of time.”

Uh ... what?

“Nice work, Quarn. Once again I have no idea what you’re talking about. But before you disappear, we want to find dreamland. Can you help us?”

He smiled. “Your words are just as confusing to me. Dreamland?”

Oh, right.

“Sorry, that’s my really original name for this world I dream about. There was a woman, she spoke with your accent so...”

Something close to worry – disbelief maybe – crossed his features. “You dreamed of home? How is that possible on Earth? It’s a dead zone.”

I shrugged. Dead zone?

“You should have gone to ‘dreamland’ many years ago, Aribella. It has other names, but once again I find myself with too many stories and not enough time.”

“Why...?” I looked around. “Why am I still here then?”

Lucy interrupted then. “Could someone speak in English? Just for five minutes.” Annoyance replaced her usual cynicism.

Quarn’s already strong features hardened further. “We need to get Aribella back now. The countdown is on for both of these worlds. And it’s too dangerous to be roaming New York.” He sighed. “The reason you’ve been here for all of these extra years is ... I don’t have the power ... and I lost contact.”

Lucy glanced at each of us in turn.

“I’m really hoping when you say Aribella needs to go to dreamland, you mean Lucy and Aribella, and you just forgot about me.” She crinkled her nose at me. “He just forgot me, right, Aribella? Crap. Sorry...” She grinned. “It’s a catchy name.”

I shook my head and sighed. “I’m not leaving without Lucy, no matter how annoying she is.”

Quarn had paced a few steps away toward the alley entrance. He spoke over his shoulder. “You cannot go, Lucy Laurell. It is no place for an Earthling. You must stay here.”

Did he just say–? Hell. NO.