Eden (Providence #3)

“You’ve always had a healthy appetite, but this is impressive.” He grinned.

“I suppose so,” I smiled. We both knew finishing the ridiculous amount of food I’d ordered was above and beyond anything I’d accomplished meal-wise before. Our table looked like we’d had a dinner party with ravenous wolves.

“Ready for a nap?” Jared said, laying a large bill on the table.

“Let’s go exploring,” I smiled. “Or snorkeling.”

“Snorkeling? Still not tired?”

“No. I feel amazing,” I grinned. Jared frowned. “What? I’m not supposed to feel amazing?”

“No. To me, you feel tired. You were hungry an hour before your stomach growled. I can’t decide if I’m losing my senses or that your body isn’t responding normally because of Bean. If it’s the latter, I don’t want you overdoing it.”

“Okay, so I’ll take a nap. Or at least rest a while if I can’t fall asleep.”


“Really. Why?”

Jared fidgeted. “It’s just that...you’re rarely this agreeable. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m in an alternate reality.”

“Wow. I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the ass. I thought couples are supposed to get along on their honeymoon?”

Jared’s brow rose. “So that’s it? You’re just being affable?”

“No, I trust you. You know my body better than I do, and I don’t want to do anything that could hurt the baby.”

Jared took a deep breath, and blew it out. “It’s good to hear you say that.” When I frowned, he shook his head. “No, I’m serious. Sometimes I wonder.”

“You think I would do something to hurt our baby?”

“No!” Jared said, hugging me and chuckling at the same time. “No, that you trust me.”

“Of course I do,” I said against his chest. “Let’s go to the casita and lay down for a while.”

Jared nodded, and then took my hand. He strolled down the dirt path, and we laughed and joked as we made our way to our whimsically painted tin hut. His eyes were brighter than I’d ever seen them, free of any clouds. When we reached the door, Jared lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bed, carefully lowering me onto my back.

“You know,” he said, brushing my hair away from my face. “I’ve always thought you extraordinarily beautiful, but this way,” he touched my rounding belly, “I can’t stop looking at you. You’re stunning.” His fingers returned to my hairline to sweep my bangs back, and then again, his fingertips gentle and soft against my skin. It felt so good, I could have melted into the bed I was so relaxed, but I wasn’t sleepy.

“You’re not supposed to say that until I’m big as a house and need a little encouragement to be seen in public every day.”

“I can’t wait to see that. I’ve been all over the world, but that will be the most marvelous, beautiful thing I’m ever going to see.”

“Until you see our child,” I noted.

Jared beamed. “I have a lot to look forward to.”

I cupped my fingers behind his ears and pulled him toward me, tasting his lips. “So do I.” I tugged at Jared’s shirt, and pulled it over his head. Jared pressed his warm chest against me, and I sighed. At least that part of our lives could return to normal.

“You should rest,” Jared whispered against my skin.

“I will,” I promised.

Just as I had closed my eyes, they were open. The sun still shined, and Jared sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his T-shirt over his head. He turned to me, puzzled.

“You promised to nap if we—”

“I did,” I yawned. “I slept so good. What time is it? I feel like I’ve slept all day.”

“Nina, it hasn’t even been twenty minutes.”

“You’re joking.”

Jared frowned. “This is disconcerting.”

“Why? I’ve never really been a nap-taker.”

“Yes, but when you do, you’re out for three hours.” Jared leaned down, pressing his ear gently to my stomach. He stayed there for a moment, and then sighed. “Something’s different. I can’t put my finger on it. You’re different.”

“I’m not. I told you I wasn’t sleepy. Let’s go snorkeling. I’m bored.” I stood and picked a bathing suit from the suitcase, and hurried Jared to do the same. I prodded him to the beach, eager to have some fun. We snorkeled, we swam, we splashed each other and explored the farthest corners of the island. At night, we spent time together in the outside shower, and then snuggled in bed. If I hadn’t already been pregnant, by the end of our honeymoon I surely would have been. Jared was insatiable, and it seemed that with every quiet moment, I whispered suggestive things in his ear.

Just like our last visit to Little Corn, the week went by too quickly. Jared noted the familiar sadness in my eyes as I packed.

“We can come back. When you graduate, after the baby is born, we can come back and stay as long as you’d like.”

“I have a company to run, you forget.”