Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

“Yes,” I said, “it’s starting to darken.”

Brace and Colton halted again and, before I could ask what was up, my feet were off the ground and I was hoisted over a shoulder. Within about six seconds Brace had me off the main path and secured behind the shell of an old shop, one wearing faded stickers of combs and scissors. An old hairdressers. Colton had also yanked Lucy off the main path. All four of us huddled in closer. My attention was firmly on our surroundings as I tried to figure out why the boys had gone all snatch-and-hide.

What is it? I asked Brace.


I craned my neck to see what was coming. Maybe we can catch a ride. Might make the journey a little faster.

He nodded, and we leaned out from our spot and started to drift closer to where the car would pass. Colton and Lucy were right behind us; Brace would have told them the plan. I could hear the roar of an engine now. It was still a distance away, but that rumbly splutter was distinct. Not to mention the random crashes and bangs as it plowed through the items in its path. There weren’t many working vehicles left in the city, but the ones which remained were usually hardcore, army-spec style. Those were about the only ones which could navigate these treacherous roads.

Sure enough, as the cloud of dust finally came into view, the car within was a heavy-duty troop carrier with a large bulbous hood and thick steel bars crisscrossing in a manner that would deter anything in its path. There appeared to be two occupants in the front, but I’d bet my last dollar that there were plenty more humans in the canvas-covered rear. This covering was faded green and brown camo-colored, with about a hundred years of grime and dirt.

“These jeeps usually have handles and a step on the back. As long as the canvas isn’t rolled up, no one will notice if we catch a ride,” I whispered.

This wouldn’t be the first time I’d jumped on the back of a convoy car. It used to make me sick to my stomach to sit there and know that inside were either gangers, or victims of the smuggling rings. But, back then, I’d had no power to help. So I’d just sat there and cried. Saving my own life, but unable to save any others.

The loud vehicle passed us by in a cloud of concrete dust and rubble. Bits and pieces of crap flew around us. A few hit me in the legs, but my healing would fix those bruises and scrapes right up. The jeep’s speed was probably around thirty miles an hour and we waited for it to fully pass us before following after. Colton lifted Lucy, which was the only way she could keep up. Her legs were half the length of mine. I still had my runner’s muscles, so I enjoyed the stretch and burn as I pushed my body to keep pace with Brace.

We caught the vehicle in moments and two at a time vaulted onto the large step at the back. Colton and Lucy went first, then Brace and me. As I shifted around to find a comfortable position, I held on tightly to the golden tether. The rest of my attention remained on trying to ferret out who was inside the canvas drapes. First time ever, I could have actually helped if there were victims inside.

After a few moments of intense concentration I was reasonably confident that there was no one inside. I detected no breathing or heartbeats. Just silence. Maybe the humans in the cab were on their way to gather a shipment, or had just dropped one off. Either way, we’d find out soon enough. Right now the car was following the exact path of my half-Walker girl. So I might actually be on here long enough to see where the gangers were going, and when we got there I was going to take great pleasure in putting my foot in their asses.

Chapter 6

The gangers are still following the cord. We had been on the back of the vehicle for a few hours. It had not stopped or slowed, and we continued to follow the path of the golden cord. Which was still darkening, but not a lot. The distance was closing in but not fast enough. Does this seem like a really big coincidence, or is my tethering ability somehow defective on Earth?

I was worried. We had no time to waste on fruitless endeavors. If the tethering wasn’t working I had to bring the half-Walker females here, and hope that with all of our energy together I’d have a stronger tie to the last female.

There’s no reason for the ability to be defective. Weaker, yes, but we must be on the right path. Brace’s words were a small comfort, but still I worried.

Lucy appeared to be asleep, her mate keeping her upright by wrapping her tightly in his arms.

Brace noticed where my attention was. You can sleep, Red. I’ll keep you safe.

He had said those words to me so many times, and they were always true. I knew I could rely on him to protect me, in all situations – except the final ritual. There were some things which were outside even Brace’s control. The Seventine were one of those things. When it came to those creeps, it was up to me to do the protecting, and I would not let him down.