Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

Before he could do anything, though, she hit him again. From the other side this time. Then she stepped one of her tiny legs between his and tripped him over. A judo-style flip had his head slamming into the pavement. The crack was loud, echoing off the cement world around us. Just like that, Limpy was out cold. Or dead. Either way, he was no bother to us any longer.

Whoa! That was harsh. I was starting to turn into a Walker, and I wasn’t sure if I was okay with that or not. I loved my people, but there was an arrogance – a coldness that overtook them at times. I strode over and knelt down to feel for a pulse. I don’t know why; there was nothing I could do if he was dead. But still I had to try to care that a life might be lost. Thankfully, a rapid hum strummed under my fingers.

“Still alive,” I said.

Lucy looked relieved. Always good to know you weren’t a killer. Today, anyway. Truth was: I would destroy anyone who threatened my friends or family. And laugh as I stomped all over their grave. I’d also kill to save my own life. But just because I accepted that there might be situations where people died, I hoped I’d never just be okay with it. Death – the taking of a life – it should always mean something. Always.

“Let’s move,” Colton said, his nose elevating as he scanned the surroundings. “Area is clear right now. We’ve wasted enough time.”

Lucy glided gracefully to his side. It was odd to not see her flying now.

“Great job, pretty girl,” I heard Colton murmur as he gathered her closer to him. “You got mad skills, baby.”

Lucy snorted. But I could tell she was pleased.

I still held the cord in my mind and, knowing that it would be nearing dark soon, I hurried to pick up the pace again. Brace slipped his hand into mine, and I fought the urge to sneak him away into a dark alley.

You’re really hot when you fight. I was teasing him, but it was also truer than any statement I’d uttered that day.

A lopsided grin slid across that handsome face, and I got all tingly inside. Brace’s smile was like standing in the first rays of a sunrise – as cliché as that might seem – to me it represented everything good in the world. I would do anything to see his smile.

I love you, Red. Have I told you that today?

I chuckled. Yes, actually, you’ve told me that. But, more importantly, you’ve shown me that today and every single day since you came into my life.

His smile wavered. Maybe not every day. There was that little disappearing act I did when we first met, and the time I was possessed by the Seventine –

I interrupted him. Okay, every day since you pulled your head out of your ass you have shown your love and faith in me. Even after I broke the melding bond. I will never doubt your love for me.

Brace chuckled, before suddenly getting serious again. I would kill or die for you, Abigail. Without a second thought. There’s nothing I value above you and, should anything happen to you, my wrath would be the stuff of legend. They’ll speak not of the Seventine destroying the worlds, but of me … of my rage.

There was so much brutal honesty in his words that it brought a flooding swell of emotions through my body. The tears followed closely, but I managed to hold them at bay. Now wasn’t the time.

I reached out and threaded my fingers through his. I needed to be close to him. I couldn’t think about the possibility that these might be our last few days together. Our last moments of happiness.

The darkest moment is always right before the dawn. Brace felt my fear and sorrow. We’ll see the sun rise. Have faith.

So strange that he picked that particular analogy when I had just compared Brace to my own personal sunrise. And I knew he hadn’t heard that thought. I’d kept it locked away, knowing it was pretty mushy.

Are you ever worried or scared? I was sort of half teasing him, but I really did find it slightly intimidating how well he kept it together. Most days I was just a hot mess.

He didn’t speak straight away, and I could tell he was mulling it all over. I’m scared all the time, Red, he finally replied, and the brutal honesty almost sucked all the air from my lungs. Not so much for myself, but for you. I don’t want you to do this; I don’t want you to fight the Seventine and try to imprison those bastards again. I worry what will happen – what you might have to sacrifice. I can’t accept any result other than you surviving this, but I still worry what toll it will take on you. What you might lose or suffer. His grip tightened. I would do anything to take this burden from you.

His fear was potent. Beneath the calm leader was just a male scared for his mate. Brace wasn’t used to feeling helpless, and in this situation there was nothing he could do to take the fate from me.

“Is the cord getting any darker, Abbs?” Lucy interrupted our inner conversation.

The four of us had been walking for some time in silence. Most probably, she and Colton had also been using their mate bond as a convenient manner of discussion.

I focused on the tether, examining it for a few extra moments. The trickles of unease still filtered along the shimmering lengths, and – there did seem to be more substance to it now. We were heading in the right direction.