Beneath These Scars (Beneath #4)

Elle was referring to the voodoo doll I’d made of Jay the night Valentina had told me he’d been approved for parole. It had been one of those impulse things, something to make me feel better and take out my fear and frustration and anger on. It had helped, for that night at least. Elle had been her usual amazing self and hadn’t wanted me to be alone. And now here I was, home, in an apartment that no longer felt safe.

“Not exactly,” I said, finally responding to her question.

“Is there something you need to tell me about, Yve?”

I debated how much to say. I wanted to tell her everything, but I also wasn’t looking to lay my problems on Elle’s doorstep. I had to stand on my own two feet and deal with this myself, but I could share at least some of it.

“I think I’m just flipping out because I know he’s out, but I don’t know where he is.”

“Oh shit. That’s not cool.”

“No. It isn’t. And I think maybe I’m just jumping at shadows. I don’t know.”

“Look, babe. Trust your gut. If you think something isn’t right, chances are it’s not, okay? Don’t write something off as crazy just because you’re a little jumpy.”

Her advice was certainly solid. And I would take it—by being extra careful.


“And promise you’ll be careful.”

“I promise.”

“And you’ll call me if anything freaks you out.”

I hesitated for a fraction of a second. This was my problem. “I love you, Elle.”

“Yve, don’t think I’m missing the fact that you didn’t promise.”

“’Bye, babe.”

“’Bye, hon.”

I hung up, feeling marginally less crazy, but a hell of a lot more pissed off. I had a visit to pay to Mr. Titan.

I felt like I was storming the castle as I screeched to a halt in front of Titan’s place.

Damn gate. He truly was a king behind his fancy wrought-iron fence, probably sitting up in his tower counting his billions and meddling in people’s lives like they were pawns.

I climbed out of the Blue Beast, stalked up to the intercom buzzer, and pressed the button. A familiar voice answered.

“Ms. Santos, lovely to see you this evening.”

Confused, I glanced around, looking for the camera.

“It’s built into the intercom panel, my dear,” Jerome replied, reading my movements accurately. “Please come right in.”

The latch of the gate clicked and released, and I slipped inside. Striding up to the house, I tried to get my thoughts in order. What exactly was I going to say to him?

Stay the hell out of my life?

If you want to know something about me, then you damn well better ask me and not my friends?

Why are you invading my thoughts when I don’t want you there?

Okay, that last one I’d keep to myself. But everything else was fair game.

Jerome was standing at the open front door when I reached it. “Don’t you look lovely this evening, Yve. It’s wonderful to see you again so soon.”

I glanced down at my dress. It was a retro white number I’d picked up on eBay. It was after Labor Day, so my mama would have said I shouldn’t have been wearing white. But guess what, I didn’t care. I’m a rebel like that.

“Thank you, Jerome,” I replied, trying to be polite, but I was a woman on a mission. “I don’t mean to be rude, but where the hell is he?”

Jerome’s lips quirked into a smile, and I could swear his eyes twinkled. “He’s having a swim. Do you know where the pool room is located?”

The familiar heat of my blush rose in my cheeks. “Yes, I do. Thank you.”

I’d taken only one step when Jerome offered a friendly, “Good luck, dear. He’s in a mood tonight.”

In a mood? I was the one in a mood.

The scent of chlorine grew as I neared the pool. Through the glass walls, I could make out the powerful muscles of Titan’s back and arms as he cut through the water. Every flex and contraction conjured images of what he must have looked like pounding into me from behind.

You didn’t come here to ogle the man’s fine-as-hell, totally ripped body, and you’re certainly not here for a repeat performance.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. I crossed to the edge of the pool and stood at the end of the lane Titan was swimming in.

Ignore the muscles, Yve.


I propped my hands on my hips and waited for about thirty seconds, and then my patience dried up. “Hey! I need to talk to you.”

The words bounced off the walls of the room, and Titan’s head jerked out of the water as he stood in the pool.

Oh hell . . . those pecs. Shit. The man did not look like he sat at a desk wearing a fancy suit all day. No paper pusher should be allowed to have abs like that.

I snapped my eyes to his face as he pulled the goggles off his head.

“Once again I find you uninvited in my pool room. You’re wearing too many clothes this time.”

I didn’t acknowledge his comment before I launched into my tirade. “If you want to know something about me, you come to me. Don’t go snooping around in my business or trying to get information out of my friends. If I want you to know something, I’ll tell you. Otherwise, mind your own damn business. You get me?”

Titan moved to the edge of the pool, and I stepped back. It proved to be the right choice because he placed both palms on the tiled floor and lifted himself out of the pool.