Beneath These Scars (Beneath #4)

“I hope you were able to assist her with whatever she came in for.”

The loan officer’s face paled a shade. “Well, you see . . . we weren’t able to . . . Ms. Santos isn’t exactly . . .”

My eyes snapped to the banker’s. “Wow, and here I thought whatever we discussed in your office was confidential. I think I’ll be going now.” I tugged away from Titan again, but he held me fast.

“That’s very disappointing to hear. As is the fact that you’d discuss her business with me.” The reprimand in Titan’s tone was sharp and cutting.

“Um, I’m . . . I’m so sorry, sir. I—”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure your boss will be happy to send you through another round of confidentiality training, just to make sure you truly understand the concept.”

“Yes, sir. Of course. I will notify him myself.”

“You do that.”

If I hadn’t been absolutely humiliated and livid, I might have found some humor in the conversation, but as it was, I just wanted to get the hell out of this godforsaken bank.

I jerked out of Titan’s grip. “I have to get to work.”

I didn’t wait for a response as I rushed to the door. But before my hand could land on the wide metal bar to push it open, a larger hand beat me to it.

I shook my head. Whatever. Apparently Titan decided now was the appropriate time to employ manners. I couldn’t care less; I just wanted to be gone. I needed to lick my wounds in private and begin working on Plan B.

He pushed open the second door for me, and I stepped out into the parking lot, heading for my car.

“Yve, stop.”

“Told you, I’m late. My temp is actually supposed to show up today. I don’t want to take the chance that I’m not there and she just leaves.”

“Give me two goddamn seconds, and I’ll let you go.”

The nerve of the man. “You don’t get to let me do anything, Titan.”

I didn’t slow until I reached my car. I fumbled in my purse for my keys, and once I had them in hand, I jammed one into the keyhole in the door.

“Your remote works now.”

My head jerked toward Titan of its own accord. He stood, arms crossed, not even five feet away from me.


“The remote, I had them fix it.”

I hadn’t even tried it. I pushed the button and, sure enough, the lights flashed and the locks clicked open.

“Getting the remote fixed on top of everything else would’ve put that repair bill over $300,” I said. Realization dawned, and I glared at him. “You had them change the bill, didn’t you?”

He shrugged. “I admit nothing.”

I spun on my heel and took the two steps necessary to close the distance between us. As I shoved a hand against his chest, I tried not to notice how rock hard it was.

He didn’t budge, but he did slap a palm over my hand to hold it in place. “That wasn’t nice, Yve.”

“Fuck you, Titan. I’m not nice.”

“Neither am I,” he growled. “Which is why I’m not going to apologize for doing this.”

Before I could move—or even breathe—he ducked his head and his lips landed on mine. His hand wrapped around my hip and dragged me against him. I opened my mouth to protest, but he used the move to his advantage, and his tongue delved inside.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the man could kiss. Suddenly I wasn’t shoving him away. Instead, my hand wrinkled his starched shirt as I grasped it to hold him close. A deep vibration emanated from his chest, and I felt it all the way to the marrow of my bones.

I kissed him back, taking from him just as much as he took from me. It was a struggle for power, for dominance, and I was clueless as to who was winning. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a hazy voice screamed, Stop! No kissing! But I ignored it. I hadn’t been really kissed in so damn long. And it was safe to say I’d never been kissed like this.

One moment his lips were pressed to mine, his tongue taunting me, and the next I was standing a full two feet away from him, watching the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

“Why the hell did you do that?” I demanded, unapologetically wiping the back of my hand over my lips as if to clean the taste of him from me.

Fat chance of that happening. I’d never forget what Titan tasted like. Spice and dominant man. Who knew sexy as hell had a flavor? Dairy Queen could make a killing.

Damn it. Focus, Yve.

“Because I wanted to.” His green eyes blazed with heat and anger, and I wasn’t even sure what else.

What the hell did he have to be angry about? He was the one who kissed me. I should be the angry one here. And I was. It had been my boundary—and he’d crashed right through it.

“Don’t do it again. Not unless you want my palm print on your face.”

A smug smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “For a woman who didn’t want to be kissed, your participation was enthusiastic.”

“Go to hell,” I snapped. Turning on my heel, I stomped back to my car, yanked open the door, and practically threw myself inside. When I tore out of the parking lot, Titan was still watching my every move.

He was a dick.

But a dick who could kiss.