All That Is Lost Between Us

‘Of course,’ I say. ‘That’s understandable. I won’t intrude, we can come back over the weekend when she’s feeling better.’

After I hang up I make my way to the foyer, where I find a small newsagency. To pass the time I go inside and buy all sorts of chocolates and magazines and a big bunch of flowers, hoping they will help to lift Sophia’s spirits. I plan to beg a nurse to deliver them, so I ask for directions to the ward, and get lost in the looping corridors before I realise I need to take an extra set of stairs. By the time I reach the children’s ward, I’m aware that Callum must be close.

I hurry towards the nurses’ station to drop off the booty, but as I glance to my right I see a family tableau: Liam and Helene leaning over a bed, Helene’s hand against Sophia’s cheek. I am caught by the intensity of the scene, forgetting my purpose, until someone prods my shoulder.

‘Excuse me, it’s past visiting hours – what do you think you’re doing?’ a stout nurse glares at me, arms folded. Her foot taps the floor. If she were a bull she would charge at any moment.

‘I’m sorry, I just meant to sneak in,’ I say, which makes her eyes widen. I have obviously transgressed even further. ‘That’s my niece,’ I try hastily.

Her gaze strays over my shoulder and I turn to see a security guard coming through the double doors. At the other end of the hallway, a few people have gathered at the nurses’ station, openly intrigued.

‘She says it’s her niece in there.’ The nurse oozes sarcasm.

He nods. ‘This doesn’t look like the same woman, but we can check.’ To my alarm, he opens the door to Sophia’s room. ‘Excuse me, Mr Turner, could you come out here for a second?’

Liam looks up, his eyebrows curving in question. He comes across. Behind him I see Helene frowning at me before the door closes again. I’m humiliated, despite having no idea what I’ve done wrong. Tears are swimming rapidly towards the surface. ‘I’m sorry, Liam, I know Helene said it wasn’t a good time – I was just planning to leave these with the nurses. I’d only just caught sight of you when I was accosted . . .’ I turn and glare at the nurse, who is still staring at me.

‘False alarm,’ Liam says to the security guard, patting my arm. ‘This is my sister-in-law.’

The guard nods and moves away, while the nurse stomps off without any kind of apology.

‘What the hell is going on?’ I ask. In reply, Liam leads me outside the ward doors, then wraps me in one of his big bear hugs, which makes me feel slightly better.

A voice behind us asks, ‘Is everything okay?’

Callum’s brow is furrowed as we turn to him.

‘Anya was just caught in a case of mistaken identity,’ Liam explains.

‘Why?’ I’m confused. ‘Who did they think I was?’

‘There’s been a woman lurking around here, outside Sophia’s room. Did you not think to tell her?’ Liam chides Callum as I feel my mouth drop open.

‘I’ve been trying to – but she keeps rushing off,’ Callum growls back. He doesn’t look at me. ‘How is Sophia?’ He gestures towards the room.

‘A bit upset, but it’s a relief seeing her awake.’

I see Callum exhale. ‘She’s awake? That’s great news.’ He peers back towards the small room again. ‘Keep us posted and we’ll come back when she’s feeling up to it. I’ve just come to take Anya home. I dropped Maddie off at her friend Jasmine’s house and took Arthur back to your place. I hope that was all right?’

‘That’s fine.’ Liam keeps glancing towards the ward, obviously anxious to get back in there. ‘I’ll be heading home for a while once we’ve seen the doctor. I’ll collect her then.’

I am watching the corridor behind Callum, but no one has appeared. He was supposed to bring Georgia – where is she? ‘Please don’t tell me you left Georgia at home on her own?’ I snap at Callum.

‘No, she wanted to go to Bethany’s. That’s what I was trying to tell you on the phone. I dropped her there earlier.’

‘You let her go to a friend’s house? Tonight?’ I can hardly believe what I’m hearing. ‘I suppose she’s going to walk down Vicarage Road again when she’s ready to come home, is she?’

Callum’s face reddens. ‘Of course she bloody isn’t. For god’s sake, Anya, what did you want me to do – tie her up until you got home? She’s seventeen, for Christ’s sake. She can pretty much do as she pleases, and she wanted to go and see Bethany.’

‘Well you could have said no – you didn’t have to drive her there. I bet she didn’t tell you she collapsed on her run this afternoon, did she?’

Callum is glowering. ‘What? No, she didn’t – and neither did you.’

‘Stop it, you two!’ Liam puts a hand on each of our shoulders. ‘You both seem like you need some rest.’ He looks sternly at each of us in turn. ‘Why don’t you head home and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.’

Sara Foster's books