A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

If the Saint-Emperor had truly wanted to pursue the matter, he could have. But after considering everything, he decided not to. He did have a bottom line, though. If he unsealed the pond later, and Bai Xiaochun went back to fishing, then he would be courting death.

Stifling his annoyance, the Saint-Emperor coolly said, “Do you have any evidence, my dear subject?”

“Just do an investigation, Your Majesty!” Heavenly Marquis Liu replied excitedly. “You’ll definitely find evidence!”

“Very well. You're dismissed. I’ll arrange for an investigation.” With that, the Saint-Emperor rose to his feet, indicating that court was adjourned. As the crowds dispersed, many a cold glance was cast in Heavenly Marquis Liu’s direction.

Heavenly Marquis Liu could sense that something was off, and suddenly shivered as he realized the implications of what the Saint-Emperor had said.

“You people just don’t get it!” he cried in his heart. “You’re gonna regret this. Bai Xiaochun… is a natural-born disaster!!”

Heavenly Marquis Liu was filled with grief and indignation, whereas Bai Xiaochun was actually furious. Snorting coldly, he cast a burning glare at Heavenly Marquis Liu, more determined than ever to teach him a lesson.

It was currently late autumn. After leaving court and heading back toward his blessed land, Bai Xiaochun continued to ponder how to deal with Heavenly Marquis Liu, and at the same time, considered what to do about the frozen surface of the heavenly pond. Eventually, he sighed.

“Well, considering that the heavenly dragonfish were starting to lose effectiveness anyway, I guess it's fine if I don’t fish for them.” Shaking his head, he continued on his way to his blessed land. However, at one point along the way, he happened to look over at the thick layer of ice on top of the heavenly pond, and could just barely make out what appeared to be a heavenly dragonfish banging its head against the ice as if to break it. Unfortunately, the magical technique which had been used to seal the pond was far too powerful, making the ice impossible to break.

However, what Bai Xiaochun was seeing caused sweat to break out on his forehead.

“I knew I forgot something!” he thought, his eyes widening and his heart starting to race. He had just now realized that there was something he had overlooked….

“The fish… were already addicted to Fantasy Pills. Back when I was fishing for half a month, I would still occasionally toss some Fantasy Pills into the water to curb their craving.

“But now that the pond is sealed, the fish have absolutely no Fantasy Pills! They’ve basically gone off the pills cold turkey….” More sweat began to drip down his face.

“Well, it’s not like the fish will actually go crazy, right?” Heart pounding, he considered going to warn the Saint-Emperor. However, that seemed like it would just be asking for trouble.

“Well… he probably won't blame me for this, right? He’s the one who sealed the heavenly pond….” Muttering to himself in this fashion, he hurried back to his blessed land.

For the following few days, he stewed in anxiety. Even the slightest rustling leaf would startle him. For some reason, he was convinced that the heavenly dragonfish were going to go completely crazy at any moment.

“I should think of a way to get more Fantasy Pills to them!” Even as he sighed and pondered the issue… all of Saint-Emperor City trembled!

Everything shook, from the lotus leaves to the buildings on them. Even the imperial palace and the lotus flower trembled. Instantly, cultivators everywhere rushed out into the open to see what was going on.

“What just happened?!”

“Is the enemy attacking!?”

The court officials were all shaken. Chen Su and the other celestials sent their divine sense out to see what was happening. Divine sense also poured out from the imperial palace to sweep all heaven and earth.


“Heavenly dragonfish!”

“They’re… they're going crazy!! They’re eating the lotus leaves!!!”

Because the fish couldn’t get through the layer of ice, they had begun to chew at the lotus leaves, the very base of the city!

When Bai Xiaochun realized what was happening, his jaw dropped, and he nearly began to weep!

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1065: Parole Captain

All of the heavenly dragonfish in the pond were going violently crazy.

Although the heavenly pond had been sealed with ice by the Saint-Emperor, that only affected the surface of the water. Because of the magical technique used, the fish couldn’t break the seal. However… there were thousands of lotus leaves in the pond as well!

It wasn’t possible to seal the leaves. If the heavenly pond was the foundation of Saint-Emperor City, then the thousands of lotus leaves were the ground upon which the city was actually built. Countless buildings rose up from those leaves, and the flower in the middle of them all housed the imperial palace.

Because the lotus leaves weren’t sealed, when the heavenly dragonfishes’ withdrawal symptoms reached a certain point, they changed targets. Specifically, they began to ravenously attack the roots that sank down into the water.

It got so bad so quickly that some of the leaves began to tilt to the side.

Soon, holes were bitten in the edges of some of the lotus leaves as countless heavenly dragonfish attacked them….

From the look of things, Saint-Emperor City was about to be hit by a huge catastrophe….

Most shocking of all was that a significant amount of the heavenly dragonfish weren’t attacking the lotus leaves, but rather… the root of the lotus flower upon which the imperial palace was built!!

The crazed fish laid into it with such force that it began to visibly tilt to one side….

Massive waves of shock were battering all cultivators present. Soon, an enraged voice erupted from the imperial palace.

“Bai Xiaochun!!” All creation shook under the force of that voice. Meanwhile, Bai Xiaochun sat in his blessed land, scowling on the verge of tears, and also extremely alarmed.

“This isn’t my fault! I just ate some fish…. And I'm not the one who sealed the heavenly pond….” That much was true. The events which had occurred after he ate his fish had been beyond his control. He was even trying as best he could to come up with a solution to the situation.

“I performed a great service for the dynasty! All I did was eat some fish! The Saint-Emperor was the one who sealed the pond….” Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of any way to fix things.

By this time, all of Saint-Emperor City was astir. The Saint-Emperor appeared up in midair, his cheek twitching as he surveyed the city. Although he had no evidence which could prove that Bai Xiaochun was responsible for what was happening, it seemed obvious that it must have something to do with his fishing activities.

He really felt like killing someone, but had to suppress that desire. And right now, he had to worry about the safety of the city, not spend time thinking about Bai Xiaochun. Therefore, he extended his right hand and shoved it down toward the heavenly pond.

The boundless power of his archaean cultivation base erupted out, covering everything in sight. As it did, the frigid qi began to rush toward him from all corners of the Eternal Lands.

The sky went dim and filled with rumbling sounds as, in the blink of an eye, the frigid qi gathered in the area around the Saint-Emperor. Then, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing the frigid qi to pour into the heavenly pond!

Cracking sounds rang out as the ice began to spread from the surface down into the depths of the pond!

All of the violent heavenly dragonfish were rapidly sealed in place as the entire pond transformed into ice!

And things weren’t over yet! Grim-faced, the Saint-Emperor performed another incantation gesture, then waved his right index finger, transforming his archaean cultivation base power into a holy energy. At that point, the Saint-Emperor started to glow so brightly that he looked like a sun!