A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

That shape… was the landmass that existed in the very middle of the Eternal Sea.

Perhaps ‘island’ was the best word to describe it. It was a holy location in the Eternal Lands, the place from which all people had originated!

In the past, three enormous statues had existed there!

After dying, the sovereigns became huge statues!

Bai Xiaochun looked over to where one of those statues had recently stood. The only thing visible there now was a huge footprint.

Back when the Arch-Sovereign had been standing, Bai Xiaochun had lived inside his body, which was the Heavenspan Realm.

No one spoke as the bone lizard battleship shot through the mists.

Eventually, they were past the island and speeding along over the waves of the Eternal Sea. At that point, Bai Xiaochun murmured a single word.


The rest of the trip was made in silence. The Giant Ghost King was thinking about the Wildlands, Bai Xiaochun reminisced about the River-Defying Sect, and Gongsun Wan’er was filled with endless sighs.

After all, she was the focus of the current situation, and the closer she got to the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, the more worried she got, although she didn’t let it show.

Eventually, they were closing in on the immortal domain belonging to the Saint-Emperor Dynasty. At that point, Bai Xiaochun rose to his feet.

“We’re almost there. Gongsun Wan’er, please don’t take offense….”

Gongsun Wan’er frowned slightly and nodded. She had known all along that she would be sealed eventually, not to harm her, but to send the right message, and also to make sure that she was eventually traded back to the Vile-Emperor.

Smiling at Bai Xiaochun flirtatiously, she said, “Be gentle, sweetie… don’t make it hurt.”

Bai Xiaochun’s heart trembled in response, and the Giant Ghost King began to pant.

Looking at her, Bai Xiaochun muttered a few words under his breath, then quickly performed an incantation gesture to send an invisible sealing mark into Gongsun Wan’er. After being restricted, her energy faded slightly, and she sat down, ashen-faced and gasping for breath.

And yet, her pitiful state only made her look more attractive.

Not daring to lay eyes on her, Bai Xiaochun kept his eyes focused on the distant immortal domain.

As the land mass grew larger and larger, he shivered inwardly, and then narrowed his eyes. He had just sensed a powerful aura up ahead, something explosive and dangerous, like an unsheathed sword!

In response to it, the sky vibrated, and a screaming wind kicked up, causing the waves on the Eternal Sea to rise to incredible heights. At the same time, a beam of sword qi shot out from the immortal domain!

It was fully 30,000 meters across, and powerful enough to crush anything in its path. As it closed in, the bone lizard shivered, and its eyes began to shine brightly.

The air around the battleship was instantly sealed, causing intense pressure to weigh down that seemed capable of reducing anything and everything beneath it to a bloody paste!

A serious expression appeared on the Giant Ghost King’s face, and blood began to ooze out of his mouth. Gongsun Wan’er’s expression flickered, and Bai Xiaochun looked out, his heart pounding. A moment later, the sword qi resolved into the shape of a handsome, middle-aged man in a white robe, with long white hair!

It was with ice-cold eyes that he studied the battleship in front of him!

That gaze was as explosive as heavenly lightning!

In response to his presence, the sky shuddered, and the Eternal Sea went still. As for the bone lizard, it didn't dare to keep flying, and immediately came to a halt.

“Gu Tianjun!” Gongsun Wan’er said. She no longer looked cute and charming. Instead, her eyes shone with mysterious light, but at the same time, terror!

The white-robed, white-haired Gu Tianjun looked at Gongsun Wan’er, and then at Bai Xiaochun. Voice utterly calm, he said, “Delivery accepted. Now, please leave.”

Rage immediately rose up in the Giant Ghost King’s heart, and Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flickered with cold light. The pressure weighing down on them, and the words which had just been spoken, crossed the bottom line for the both of them! Gu Tianjun had come… with ill intentions!

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1053: Please, Come In!

Gu Tianjun had always looked down on people from the Heavenspan Realm. Back before the body of the Arch-Sovereign collapsed, he had somewhat looked forward to the arrival of the Arch-Emperor Dynasty. But after the collapse, as more people from the Heavenspan Realm became part of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, things changed.

As time progressed, he learned more and more about what had gone on in the Heavenspan Realm.

“Endless chaos and disorder. And they never even raised someone to the Mahayana Realm. Considering how late they are, they’re doomed to be little more than servants. Completely useless.” Gu Tianjun was the type of person who looked up to those who were more powerful than him, but at the same time, wanted to defeat them and take their place. That was something about him that not even the Saint-Emperor could find fault with.

After all… when it came to bloodlines, Gu Tianjun was also a direct descendant of the original Saint-Emperor.

As for people who were weaker than him, he viewed them like bugs. And there were plenty of bugs in the Saint-Emperor Dynasty. As for people from the Heavenspan Realm…

He placed them beneath the bugs.

A lot of people talked about their abilities with spirit enhancement, and although that was of slight interest to Gu Tianjun, he still viewed it as a mere skill, like pill concocting or equipment forging. With such skills, the people of Heavenspan still only qualified to serve the other two great powers in the lands.

They were doomed to be slaves!

As far as the people he was dealing with right now, they were just two Heavenspan people who didn’t even count as bugs. Due to some lucky break, they had managed to kidnap a celestial, but that did nothing to reduce the disdain that Gu Tianjun felt for them.

“They just want help from the Saint-Emperor Dynasty!” After a few breaths’ worth of time, Gu Tianjun began to get impatient at the fact that his words were still hanging in the air.

Taking a step forward, he completely ignored Bai Xiaochun and the Giant Ghost King, used his shocking sword qi to rip apart the defensive shield protecting the bone lizard battleship, and then landed on the deck in front of Gongsun Wan’er.

One reason for the ease with which he passed through the defenses was the fact that Gongsun Wan’er had already been sealed.

“Hello, Ghostmother,” he said, smiling. In contrast to the two Heavenspan cultivators, he was very interested in Ghostmother. Years ago, he had severed her arm, and this was his first time seeing her again since then. Although she was currently in a very weak state, since she was a celestial, he viewed her as being slightly above the other bugs in the world.

Bai Xiaochun stood there staring coldly and quietly at Gu Tianjun. As for the Giant Ghost King, considering how long he had lived, he could easily discern from the coldness being shown how this person looked down upon them. Furthermore, it was obvious that he had no intention of letting them into Saint-Emperor City to hand Ghostmother over.

From the look of things, the supposed blood tribute was turning out to be nothing more than a joke.

Struggling to control himself, he stepped forward, clasped hands, and bowed.

“Greetings, exalted Celestial. We plan to personally escort Ghostmother into--”

“Shut up!” Gu Tianjun said, waving his hand dismissively. “You want a reward, right? Well go back to where you came from and wait. Your reward will come eventually!”