A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“Xiaochun, we have to take our people and go. That’s our only option!!” The Grand Heavenmaster had poured blood, sweat, and tears into the development of Mistysea Prefecture, so it caused his heart to drip blood to utter words like this.

Gritting his teeth, the Giant Ghost King added, “Xiaochun, the Grand Heavenmaster is right. Leaving is the only option. Neither the Vile-Emperor nor the Saint-Emperor will do anything right now. To them, it would be worth it to have this spiderweb erase us from Mistysea Prefecture!”

Even Zhou Yixing offered similar bitter words of advice.

Somewhat in a daze, Bai Xiaochun looked around at Mistysea Prefecture. Everything was happening too quickly. Never could he have imagined that the land that, over the past few years, had been slowly transformed into a foundation for his people, would change almost overnight.

He even sent some divine sense out to check on the cultivators in the prefecture, and found that some of them had blank expressions, and seemed on the verge of ravenously devouring everything around them. Eyes bloodshot, he closed his eyes and said, “Fine. We leave.”

His voice was filled with pain and helplessness. No one wanted to leave, not any more than they had desired to leave the Heavenspan Realm.

Mistysea Prefecture had become their new home, but now… in the face of certain peril, they had no other choice.

His heart twinged with pain, but he knew that he was powerless to reverse the situation. Gritting his teeth, he took out the Greatsword of the North, and then used the power of his mid Celestial Realm cultivation base to send the cultivators from Mistysea Prefecture inside of it.

The truth was that the people were the foundation of Mistysea Prefecture, and therefore, no matter where they went, it wouldn’t be long before they could create a second Mistysea Prefecture!

The Grand Heavenmaster, the Giant Ghost King, Zhou Yixing and other powerful experts forced themselves to keep a good attitude as they issued orders. Although Mistysea Prefecture was large, the Grand Heavenmaster had organized it well, and hadn’t slacked off in any regard. Therefore, as the spiderweb kept expanding, and Bai Xiaochun worked as hard as he could, virtually all of the people in the prefecture were sent into the greatsword.

Soon, the Greatsword of the North was nearly full to capacity. Meanwhile, Bai Xiaochun hovered there in the air, watching the spiderwebs continue to fill the prefecture….

All of the buildings and structures, even Bai Xiaochun’s mansion, were slowly swallowed up.

And of course, things didn't stop there. After finishing with Mistysea Prefecture, the spiderweb began to expand further south into the second immortal domain. And for some unknown reason, it began to move more quickly through the other prefectures.

Bai Xiaochun had no choice but to retreat in the face of the spiderweb. The entire time, his face was grim and his eyes sharp. He was simply waiting to see what would happen. From what he could tell, it was definitely a case of the Saint-Emperor and the Vile-Emperor holding back for some specific purpose.

Whatever it was, the loss of an entire immortal domain did not seem like a price either would be willing to pay.

“They have to come!” he thought, clenching his hands into fists. Expression flickering, he realized that Celestial Aged Spirit had appeared some distance off, his expression one of undisguised grimness and anger.

Upon nearing, he looked at Bai Xiaochun and said, “The emperors really are cruel, aren’t they!?”

By now, his own prefecture was filled with cries of shock as the spiderweb spread through it. Many cultivators attempted to flee, but weren’t fast enough.

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1149: Feeding The Egg Sac

Bai Xiaochun hovered there quietly with Celestial Aged Spirit.

Aged Spirit knew that help would come eventually. After all, he understood a bit more about the situation than Bai Xiaochun. But at the same time, he knew that his cultivation base was not high enough to do anything about the catastrophe that was already playing out, other than save those of his people who he already had.

Eventually, Bai Xiaochun couldn’t even see the end of the spiderwebs. Everything was covered with the stuff, which emanated an aura of rot that wanted to take away all life force that it touched.

By this point, the spiderweb covered about half of the second immortal domain, and was moving with a speed that only celestials could evade.

Mixed emotions could be seen in Celestial Aged Spirit’s face, especially defiance. To him, the second immortal domain was home, and now, he was being forced to watch it slowly being destroyed.

“King Heavenspan, the incident in Murknine County that you reported to me was something both the Saint-Emperor and the Vile-Emperor had predicted would happen. As for the current situation, they have been secretly pulling strings to make it play out exactly like this!

“That is why your report to the Saint-Emperor went completely unanswered, and also why he prevented the news from spreading. After all, you are not a celestial of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, and therefore, and are not as in the know as the rest of us!

“Within that enormous egg sac is… the clone of a sovereign!!”

When Bai Xiaochun heard that, he turned to look at Celestial Aged Spirit, eyes flashing. “Sovereign?”

At this point, Celestial Aged Spirit looked up into the sky that hung above the Eternal Immortal Domains, and the enormous giant that filled most of it!

“Back when the damaged fan came, it hit that enormous sovereign’s hand and knocked off a chunk of black stone. Remember how both emperors went missing after that incident? It was because they were fighting over that stone!

“Hmph. To an archaean, a chunk of the skin of a sovereign would be extremely valuable. It could very well hold secrets regarding the way to break through to the Sovereign Realm. Even the vaguest of clues would still be indescribably precious, and could drive an archaean to madness!

“Despite how cautious the two archaeans were in their struggles over the chunk of skin, it managed to escape. Afterward, the two vicious archaeans realized that unless that chunk of skin grew to maturity, the secrets of the Sovereign Realm within it would not be unlocked!

“They knew that, eventually, it would reach the point where it would begin to devour life force. And thus, they knew that the incident in Murknine County was that very chunk of skin trying to grow.

“Neither of them were happy with the level of growth it achieved, though, and thus left it to its own designs. They wanted it to grow into a true sovereign clone. In fact… they decided to allow the second immortal domain to become food for it!

“They’re simply waiting. When the sovereign clone stops growing… that's when they’ll finally show up!” In his fury, Celestial Aged Spirit didn’t hold anything back, and revealed everything he knew to Bai Xiaochun.

As Bai Xiaochun heard the story being told, he began to breathe heavily, and his heart sank. His eyes also began to glow with intense cold light.

To be plotted against and abandoned in the end made him feel much the same as when he had been dealing with Daoist Heavenspan.

“Letting that clone consume so much life from an immortal domain is nothing less than the Saint-Emperor and the Vile-Emperor playing with fire!” Although he had already had speculations that something like this was happening, to hear it right out of Celestial Aged Spirit’s mouth caused Bai Xiaochun’s heart to grow icier with every moment that passed.

Although he wasn’t the overly compassionate type, to hear that so many lives were being sacrificed was something he just couldn’t take. Even if it was all for the sake of pushing someone into the sovereign realm to fight back against the Enemy from Beyond, it was still too much for him.