A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

His eyes instantly turned bloodshot, and he began to pant heavily. His heart pounded so hard it felt like it might explode from inside his chest. With what little control he still had left, he pulled out all of the Breakup Pills he had and stuffed them into his mouth. Only by doing that was he able to cool down the immense heat within.

“Heavens, this is just too hard!” He could almost immediately sense that these women were affecting his soul. The desires within him were like a steadily burning flame that never went out. If it had been a chaotic inferno, there might have been less to worry about, as raging flames are usually quickly extinguished. But this steadily burning fire only continued to build in intensity.

If he lost control, then he would lose his soul. And he shuddered to think about what would happen in that scenario. He almost considered teleporting out of the level, but then his expression flickered as he realized that the teleportation function wasn’t working!

“Dammit. It’s definitely that spirit automaton messing with things!” Although consuming all of the Breakup Pills had cooled him down for a moment, he was more nervous than ever.

“They’re affecting my soul…. This place is fundamentally illusory…. I'd say there’s a high likelihood these women are souls of some sort!” Considering that he was a heavenly necromancer, he was seventy percent certain that his assessment of the situation was correct.

“If they’re souls, then I have plenty of ways to deal with them!” He knew time was of the essence, so he quickly produced a Soul Convergence Pill from his bag of holding and threw it out.

A popping sound could be heard as it exploded, and although it had some effect on the surrounding souls, it wasn’t much. The Succubus Queens were pulled toward the convergence spot, but then their eyes glittered, and they used some mysterious power within their voices to negate the gravitational force!

That caused Bai Xiaochun’s heart to pound even harder, but at the same time, it confirmed his theory.

“They really are souls!” He bit his tongue hard to regain some lucidity, then fished through his bag of holding to produce a mask, the same treasured item that had kept his identity hidden during his time in the Wildlands. It also would make him invisible to souls in the area. That was the only thing he could think of to do in the moment.

As soon as he put the mask on, the Succubi stopped dancing, and looked over in confusion to the spot Bai Xiaochun had just occupied.

Feeling wonderful, he backed up. However, he knew that although he could hide from the women, he couldn’t hide from their power. At the moment, he had only bought himself a little bit of time.

Sure enough, the spirit automaton could see exactly what was going on. Drawing upon the power at his disposal, he quickly forced the Succubus Queens to start dancing again, which caused soul fluctuations to roll out in all directions.

“It’s too bad I don’t have time to concoct some pills,” Bai Xiaochun thought, “otherwise I could try to make a more powerful version of my Soul Convergence Pill. Although I don't even have enough ingredients anyway.” With that, he racked his brains trying to figure out a way to resolve the situation. Sadly, there were just too many limitations, and the level of difficulty was too high. No matter what ideas he came up with, they didn’t seem good enough.

As the Succubus Queens danced, he felt his soul stirring, and his heart slowly losing its calm. The heat inside him grew stronger, and soon, not even biting his tongue did anything to help.

“Dammit, I guess you have to fight the wicked with wickedness!! They’re just some sexy souls, right? If I have to, I can just call that old ghost out of the Greatsword of the North and let him deal with his own kind!” By this point, he was really out of ideas. Quickly pulling out the Greatsword of the North, he sent his divine sense inside and, in the blink of an eye, summoned the quasi-archaean ghost that had once existed on the flag on Ghostmother’s ship. When the ghost face appeared, he looked around in confusion.

“Hey old ghost….” Bai Xiaochun said. At first, he had assumed he would have to negotiate a bit with the ghost face. But before he could even begin talking, the ghost face shivered, and then his eyes began to shine with unprecedented brightness.

“Succubi!?!? Heavens. They’re actually Succubi! I can’t believe… they’re all Succubus Queens! This aura… this place has the aura of a Dao Essence!!” At this point, he trembled with incredible anticipation.

“It’s been a long, long time since I’ve enjoyed the flavor of Succubi!” The ghost face didn’t need any orders from Bai Xiaochun. Like a hungry wolf, he pounced on the nearest Succubus Queen.

Bai Xiaochun was completely stunned, but not as stunned as the spirit automaton was.

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1132: An Unexpected Turn Of Events

Only when pushed into a corner did Bai Xiaochun think to fight fire with fire. Furthermore, he made the decision only after some detailed consideration, as well as the understanding of souls that being a heavenly necromancer gave him.

Back in his flame conjuring days, he had seen souls consume each other on numerous occasions, and yet hadn’t been completely certain of his new strategy. But when he saw the ghost face’s excited expression, and heard his exclamation, he blinked a few times, then breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, he felt a bit sorry for the Succubus souls.

“This old ghost has probably been hungry for tens of thousands of years….”

As the ghost face lunged forward with an excited shout, the beautiful, flirtatious Succubi looked at him with flashing eyes. Then, instead of fleeing, they actually began to rush toward him and surround him.

Bai Xiaochun looked on, stunned, unsure of who was making the first move, the ghost face or the Succubi. The group of souls tumbled off into the mists, until they were impossible to see clearly….

Excited shrieks and shouts echoed out, leaving Bai Xiaochun bewildered as to what was going on.

“Can that old ghost handle it…?” he thought. A moment ago, he had felt sorry for the Succubi, but now, he wasn’t really sure what to think. As of this moment, he could still feel their power tugging at his soul. Knowing that he couldn't dare to get any closer to them than he already was, he gritted his teeth, sat down cross-legged, and began to focus on meditating, ignoring anything else that was happening.

Bai Xiaochun could ignore what was happening, but the spirit automaton could not. He anxiously descended into the mists to see what was happening, and then… didn’t come back out.

Twenty hours passed. Eventually, the ghost face appeared, shivering and looking very pleased with himself. His cultivation base was almost completely back to normal. After returning to Bai Xiaochun, he looked at him for a long moment and briefly considered doing something to him. However, even though he had his cultivation base back, Bai Xiaochun had left a deep shadow on his heart, and after muttering to himself a bit, he decided not to interrupt him. Instead, he floated quietly back into Bai Xiaochun’s bag of holding.

Next to emerge from the mists was the spirit automaton. His expression was a mixture of fear, disbelief, and shock as he looked over at Bai Xiaochun, and specifically, his bag of holding.

“Heavens! How could a soul like that even exist…?” The spirit automaton had apparently suffered an unimaginable blow, and was not able to recover at the moment. Thinking back to what he had witnessed within the mists, he suddenly felt a bit sick.

It was in that moment that, without warning, the ghost face floated back out of Bai Xiaochun’s bag of holding.

“Hold on, I need a bit more….” Licking his lips, he shot back toward the depths of the mists.

The spirit automaton shivered, and had to suppress the urge to cry. To most people, this place was a pink hell, but to this old ghost, it was like a holy land.