A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“Ai, you really had me scared there for a minute,” he said. “But in the end, it’s all about the Vile-Emperor Dynasty, right? I’ll just go work out a deal with Gongsun Wan’er. After that… wait…. Hold on a second!”

However, before he could say anything else, the Grand Heavenmaster cleared his throat. No trace of his previous anxiety could be seen as he looked somberly at Bai Xiaochun, clasped hands and bowed. Speaking at a rapid-fire pace, he said, “Once a celestial speaks, his orders will be strictly enforced. Exalted Celestial, please establish business negotiations with Celestial Ghostmother as soon as possible. The best option would be to get to know her a lot better on a personal level. If things went well, you never know, the Heavenspan Realm might end up with another celestial on our side. In fact, the best thing would be for the two of you to become husband and wife!

“Well, exalted Celestial, I know that you have just emerged from seclusion. Please rest up a bit. I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll take my leave now….” Chuckling, he bowed his head, and then hurriedly departed from the hall.

Bai Xiaochun was left there standing by himself, his jaw gaping and his eyes wide.

“Situ, you old bastard, you conned me!!” Bai Xiaochun wanted to get mad, but somehow couldn’t. Apparently, there was no crisis at all in Mistysea Prefecture. All of the Grand Heavenmaster’s alarmist talk had just been a ruse to try to get Bai Xiaochun get closer to Gongsun Wan’er.

Clearly, he had heard rumors about their vague relationship. And being the wily fox that he was, he knew that if he made the suggestion directly, Bai Xiaochun would balk. Of course, the truth was that Bai Xiaochun was actually a bit terrified of Gongsun Wan’er.

The Grand Heavenmaster truly did want to get Gongsun Wan’er to join the Heavenspan Realm. With two celestials on their side, their position in the Eternal Immortal Domains would be stronger than ever!

Some of what he had said was very true. They couldn’t just rely on trade with the Saint-Emperor Dynasty to keep Mistysea Prefecture going. Even if the Saint-Emperor wasn’t very happy about it, they had to establish trade relations with the Vile-Emperor Dynasty.

And that was where the crux of it all lay. They needed to prioritize their safety. Otherwise, they could find themselves in a dangerous situation without even realizing it.

Of course, the Grand Heavenmaster’s other assessments of the danger they were in were not untrue. However, it would be some time before they were actually a material threat.

After analyzing the matter for a bit, Bai Xiaochun wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at how the Grand Heavenmaster had handled the matter. After all, unless it was really important, he didn’t want to have any dealings with Gongsun Wan’er.

“I always end up having to spank her….” he sighed. What he worried about most was that, one day, the spanking might lead to something even more significant….

Unfortunately, thanks to the Grand Heavenmaster’s little trick, he had already opened his big mouth. Therefore, it was with a light sigh that he looked north, braced himself, and then disappeared via teleportation.

To an ordinary cultivator, the prefecture that housed Gongsun Wan’er’s palace of operations was so far away from Mistysea Prefecture that it could take a lifetime to go from one to the other. But for Bai Xiaochun, it only took a few hours.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Hex, no amount of sealing formations did any good to slow him down. By the time he arrived, it was evening. Even as he stood there frowning, trying to decide how to enter, he heard an overly sentimental voice drifting out from inside.

“Why are you here at such a late hour to see me, sweetie? Could it be that you actually do want to spend the night with me?” Her voice was so pleasant that Bai Xiaochun’s heart immediately trembled. However, by now, he had come to realize that Gongsun Wan’er seemingly had two personalities. One version liked to call him sweetie, and the other was shrewish and murderous.

“She didn’t use to be like this. Could it be that fusing with Ghostmother changed her in some way?” He already felt a headache coming on. Fearful that the situation would progress like it had the last time he came to see her, he cleared his throat and said, “Stow it, Wan'er. I'm here on official business.”

“Official business? That’s what you said the first time you visited, but in the end, all you wanted was my help to slander a demigod. Later, we met in Mistysea Prefecture, and you also said it was official business. But then, you ended up taking over my prefecture.” Although her voice was still as flirtatious as ever, there was a bit of anger within it.

“What, aren’t you even going to come inside? Is the mighty Arch-Ancestor, a majestic celestial, really that cowardly? Ohhh, right. I forgot you’re afraid of ghosts.” Even as her words rang out into the evening, ghostly images appeared from within the palace, and Bai Xiaochun’s headache immediately got worse. The strange thing was that, considering he had his Sutra of Former Reincarnation, you would think she wouldn’t want him to get near her.

“Don’t tell me she’s bluffing?” he thought, growing more vigilant.

Sighing dramatically, he stared at the palace and said, “Come on, Wan'er, are you doing this on purpose? Are you really trying to piss me off so that I burst in there, use my Sutra of Former Reincarnation and then start spanking you?” With that, he slipped into a defensive stance of readiness, convinced that his words would provoke her into rushing out to fight him. However, after a moment passed, his jaw dropped when he realized that Gongsun Wan’er… wasn’t saying anything in response.

“No way…. Don’t tell me I hit the nail on the head?!”

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1127: Grandmaster Zhou?

Bai Xiaochun blinked a few times, his heart racing. He still wasn't sure if he could believe how things were playing out, and also couldn’t understand why Gongsun Wan’er would act so strangely when it came to his Sutra of Former Reincarnation.

“Don’t tell me that my divine ability has some sort of fatal flaw?!” All of a sudden, he felt very nervous. The truth was that he had had suspicions very early on. Whenever he used his Sutra of Former Reincarnation, it seemed to result in very unusual and shocking results, and if word about that spread, it could damage the reputation of the technique.

“I created a grand divine ability, a magical technique that surpasses anything ordinary!” Not wanting to pursue that line of thinking too far, he decided that it must have something to do with Gongsun Wan’er herself, and her memories.

“That’s got to be it. I, Bai Xiaochun, am an upright and proper person. Of course the techniques I create are upright and dignified. How could I possibly make anything shady or underhanded?” Having comforted himself in this way, he looked back at Gongsun Wan’er’s palace of operations, and considered whether or not to go inside. As he did, the main door quietly slid open.

Panting a bit, he looked up at the evening sky, then back at the door, torn about what to do. Finally, he sighed.

“Ah, whatever. This is for the sake of all the countless citizens of Mistysea Prefecture, and for the good of everyone from the Heavenspan Realm! How could Bai Xiaochun ever put his personal issues above those things!?” Gritting his teeth, he threw caution to the wind and strode forward into the palace of operations, a very serious expression on his face.

As he entered the depths of the palace, he felt as if he were doing something very moving and tragic. Eventually, he found Gongsun Wan’er, sitting there clad in a pink garment, her face expressionless.