A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

He was obviously very pleased to see the Giant Ghost King, but the Giant Ghost King didn’t seem to respond the same way. After a long moment of hesitation, he forced a smile onto his face. Surprisingly, he didn’t correct Bai Xiaochun’s form of address. After all, in the past, he would often glare at Bai Xiaochun when he called him ‘old pal’, and then remind him that he was his father-in-law.

Bai Xiaochun quickly picked up on the awkwardness, but didn’t say anything. Grabbing the Giant Ghost King by the arm, he dragged him into the main hall, where the two of them sat down and were served some wonderful alcohol and fruit by the servants. After shooing the servants away, Bai Xiaochun raised his cup to the Giant Ghost King and said, “Father-in-law, allow your humble son-in-law to offer a toast. To your health!”

Hearing Bai Xiaochun address him in this way softened the Giant Ghost King’s heart to some degree. After offering some good-natured cursing, he accepted, and they drank together.

And thus they continued to drink and recall old times. At one point, they began to talk about the little village back in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty where they had reunited, and that one particular widow. Laughing, the Giant Ghost King went on to point out how, after being assigned a prefecture to manage, he was almost like an emperor himself. They drank and chatted some more, until eventually the Giant Ghost King thumped himself on the chest and said, “Let me tell you, Bai Xiaochun. Over in Godsifter Prefecture, your father-in-law is the top dog. All of the beautiful women have fallen in love with me!”

Bai Xiaochun rolled his eyes a bit, as if he didn’t believe the Giant Ghost King. However, he didn’t say anything, and just took a drink. The Giant Ghost King was not happy at this, and went on to angrily describe everything he had done in Godsifter Prefecture in very exaggerated and melodramatic fashion.

Bai Xiaochun tossed in the occasional sarcastic remark, provoking quite a few scolding taunts in return. Eventually, Bai Xiaochun began to tell his stories about Saint-Emperor City, starting with his fishing exploits, then moving on to the lotus seeds and then the seed pods. Finally, he finished with the lotus roots….

Although the Giant Ghost King had heard the stories from afar, to hear them right out of Bai Xiaochun’s mouth caused him to slap the table in amazement on numerous occasions. More than ever, he was convinced that it didn't matter where Bai Xiaochun ended up, he always became a calamitous god of calamity….

They drank deep into the night, at which point they had both gone through most of their good stories. During the course of the conversation, it had become obvious to Bai Xiaochun that the Giant Ghost King wasn’t in good shape. It was almost as if he had suffered some great blow of some sort. Lowering his voice, he quietly said, “My dear father-in-law. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on? Is someone bullying you?”

The Giant Ghost King didn’t respond at first. He lifted his alcohol jug and swished it around to see how much was left, then downed it all. Finally, he took a deep breath and, his eyes bloodshot, viciously slapped his hand down onto the table.

“Complete and utter bullying!

“If Celestial Aged Spirit wants to imprison all of the Heavenspan cultivators he finds, so be it. I’m no match for him in a fight anyway.

“If he wants to completely ignore Godsifter Prefecture, so be it!

“He’s basically hinted that I'm supposed to be isolated from the other prefectures. And every time I'm summoned for official audiences, he always berates me left and right. Fine, so be it!

“But that bastard has gone too far this time!

“That moron Marquis Zi Lin lost the northernmost prefecture, and instead of getting punished for it, he was sent over to my Godsifter Prefecture. Fine. So be it!

“But fudge! That Celestial Aged Spirit went and appointed Marquis Zi Lin as the preceptor of Godsifter Prefecture! What the hell? What gives him the right to demote me from preceptor and force me to be Marquis Zi Lin’s assistant?!

“I put my heart and soul into running Godsifter Prefecture. I was going to make it the foundation of the new Heavenspan Realm! But now all that work is for nothing….” The Giant Ghost King chuckled bitterly, his hands clenching into fists as he told the story. Originally, he hadn’t planned to tell Bai Xiaochun the news, but now that Bai Xiaochun was a celestial, he had a very strong foundation. Furthermore, in this immortal domain, he had as much authority as Celestial Aged Spirit.

Bai Xiaochun would eventually hear about the matter, and the Giant Ghost King didn’t want that to cause more problems. However, after being prompted by Bai Xiaochun, the Giant Ghost King couldn’t keep his bitterness locked inside.

After the Giant Ghost King finished speaking, Bai Xiaochun stood there, motionless. Not even his cup of alcohol moved an inch. However, his eyes began to shine so brightly that they seemed to catch on fire.

Startled, the Giant Ghost King said, “Hey, don’t do anything rash, Xiaochun.”

He already regretted telling Bai Xiaochun the truth.

Bai Xiaochun shook his head, then turned to look in the direction of Celestial Aged Spirit’s residence. Gradually, the fire in his eyes turned into an extremely grim expression.

“If I don’t do something about this, father-in-law, then you can only imagine what will happen for the people of Heavenspan in the Saint-Emperor Dynasty. Things will only get worse and worse.

“This is bullying, plain and in the open. How could I possibly turn a deaf ear to it?”

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1105: Agree? Or Not?

When the Giant Ghost King saw the look in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, he suddenly got a bad feeling. Then he thought back to some of the things Bai Xiaochun had done in the past, and his heart began to pound. He definitely regretted telling him the truth.

“Xiaochun, don’t do anything rash! Even without Godsifter Prefecture, we still have options. I got my position from the Saint-Emperor himself! There’s no way that this Celestial Aged Spirit will push things too far! He’ll surely give me some compensation….”

Bai Xiaochun rose to his feet, slowly shaking his head.

The Giant Ghost King anxiously moved to block his path. “Xiaochun, even if you do something, we need to think of the long-term plan. Killing Celestial Aged Spirit won’t solve anything.”

At this point, a strange expression appeared on Bai Xiaochun’s face.

“I never said anything about killing Celestial Aged Spirit,” he said. “That bastard works in underhanded ways, so I’m going to go embarrass him a bit, that’s all. Listen, old pal, you don’t need to worry about anything at all. Just rest up a bit while I head out.” With that, he sidestepped the Giant Ghost King and left. The Giant Ghost King couldn’t quite envision what Bai Xiaochun planned to do, and before he could decide whether or not to try to continue to persuade him to stop, he was gone.

The Giant Ghost King stood there alone in the main hall, sighing. Finally, he stamped his foot. In the end, his cultivation base was too low to catch up to Bai Xiaochun, so therefore, he sat back down, grabbed an alcohol jug, and kept drinking.

Things had been so wonderful in Godsifter Prefecture at the beginning, but now, all of that was gone. Even his ambition had taken a significant blow because of what had happened. It affected him so badly that Bai Xiaochun was able to tell that something was wrong just by looking at him.


By now, Bai Xiaochun was far from the capital city, speeding northward!

Considering that he was a celestial, and that he was pushing all-out, there was nothing that could match him in terms of speed. Although the northern prefectures weren’t very close, they also couldn’t be considered to be very far away. Dawn hadn’t even come by the time Bai Xiaochun caught sight of the northern part of this immortal domain.