A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

Of course, only a celestial cultivation base could be used to do that. Demigod cultivation bases wouldn't be able to.

Smiling, Sima Yunhua went on to explain how to pass through all of the rest of the levels from the eighth to the seventeenth. In fact, from how quickly he spoke, it seemed he was much more anxious that Bai Xiaochun get through them than Bai Xiaochun himself was….

Considering the power Bai Xiaochun had to control the levels, he could tell that Sima Yunhua was not holding anything back. In the end, although he still didn’t really want to, he had no choice but to rise to his feet and head toward the seventh level.

However, he still did his best to kill as much time as possible. There was a whole month left, so therefore, every extra day he could buy was important.

And yet, Bai Xiaochun had underestimated how anxious Sima Yunhua and Gu Tianjun were. After three days passed in which he had only gotten as far as the eleventh level, the other two celestials lost their patience, and used a special secret magic to offer direct assistance.

Bai Xiaochun actually didn’t need to do anything. With their secret magic, the level was vanquished like an ice cube crushed by a hammer. Bai Xiaochun wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry as, in the shortest of times, he reached the seventeenth level in a single day.

Rewards in hand, he looked around blinking.

“Those two bastards really have it out for me, don't they?” he thought, maintaining full vigilance. If Sima Yunhua weren’t so anxious, he would never have done things so blatantly. But Bai Xiaochun had just been going too slow. At that speed, it would have taken him half a month to get to the seventeenth level.

“This guy plays it too safe….” Sima Yunhua thought. “But even so, once he gets into the eighteenth level….” Although he was snorting coldly inside, his expression was one of enthusiastic friendliness.

“Fellow Daoist Bai, I know you're a bit suspicious about all of this, but I’m being very honest. I really don’t think we can get past the eighteenth level unless we work together. Plus, the clock is ticking. Therefore, why don’t we go into the level immediately?”

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1094: You Tricked Me?

Bai Xiaochun looked suspiciously at Sima Yunhua. As for Gu Tianjun, whether it was intentional or not, he was the type of person who always went around looking like his Daoist partner had just been killed, making it impossible to tell what he was really thinking.

“Maybe Gu Tianjun’s Daoist partner really was killed recently,” Bai Xiaochun thought. “But if not, what's the deal with that facial expression? Doesn’t his face get tired?” He cleared his throat. On any other occasion, he would have come up with some way of parting ways with Sima Yunhua.

But he was feeling particularly confident right now. Perhaps things might be different beyond the twentieth level, but up to that level, he wasn't worried about anything unexpected happening.

To make sure that neither of the other celestials suspected him in any way, he pretended to think about the matter a bit more before finally nodding.

At that point, Sima Yunhua finally breathed a sigh of relief. Smiling warmly, he clasped hands to Bai Xiaochun. Then the three of them headed toward the fan rib that Sima Yunhua had selected in the beginning. After reaching the entrance to the eighteenth level, Bai Xiaochun looked over at Gu Tianjun to see that his expression was as unreadable as ever. Up to this point, Sima Yunhua and Gu Tianjun had entered the levels to help him only after he had gone in ahead of them.

Therefore, he had no idea how they went about doing it.

However, after watching Sima Yunhua’s double-handed incantation gesture, he had an idea of what was about to happen. A glowing ball of light emerged from the man’s bag of holding. Before Bai Xiaochun could get a close look at it, it spread out, covering the three of them, and causing rumbling sounds to fill Bai Xiaochun’s ears. His vision blurred, and when it became clear… they were in the eighteenth level!

Yellowish desert sand spread out in all directions. A desolate, screaming wind hit their faces, and off in the distance, a sandstorm raged. At the moment, the only thing they could see was flying sand that seemed filled with killing intent.

“Did you see how I did that just now, Fellow Daoist Bai?” Sima Yunhua asked, casting an enigmatic smile in Bai Xiaochun’s direction. Inwardly, he was chuckling coldly. He had noticed Bai Xiaochun paying attention to him, and could tell that he was interested in the trick to entering the levels. However, he had long since taken precautions to make sure that no one, neither Bai Xiaochun nor Gu Tianjun, would be able to unlock the secret.

Bai Xiaochun also snorted inwardly, and was about to say something in response when, all of a sudden, a howling sound echoed out from within the sandstorm.

The ground quaked violently as, off in the distance, the sandstorm churned, slowly taking the shape of enormous head.

From the pressure radiating off of the head, it clearly had the power of a celestial!

Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua had somber looks on their faces as they looked at the head. As for Bai Xiaochun, he blinked a few times, but then quickly put a similarly serious expression on.

“That one little sand head has kept you stuck here all this time?” he asked, looking out of the corner of his eye at Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua, sneering slightly.

“Don’t underestimate this eighteenth level, Fellow Daoist Bai,” Sima Yunhua said. “If there were only one sand head here, then either Fellow Daoist Gu or myself could have passed the level on our own. Once you defeat the first head, ten more appear. And after that, there are ten giants. That level of power is what has us stuck.

“The real point of the level is to defeat the ten sand giants!” He was about to add some further information, but the howling sand head had begun to charge toward them.

Gu Tianjun’s eyes flickered, and before either Bai Xiaochun or Sima Yunhua could act, he took a step forward and simultaneously reached out with his right hand. As he did, an illusory sword projection formed, which rapidly solidified into an ancient greatsword!

With the sword in hand, his energy surged to shocking levels. Even Bai Xiaochun was taken aback. The Gu Tianjun of this moment looked so powerful, and his sword so sharp, that he seemed almost unstoppable.

Staring through narrowed eyes at the incoming sand head, Gu Tianjun unhesitatingly slashed his sword through the air toward it!

The sound of the sword screaming through the air caused the sandstorm to lurch to a halt, and the sky to tremble on the verge of collapse. Then, a boundless stream of sword qi slashed forward, destroying all the sand and rock that it touched.

Crevices opened up in the ground as the sword qi moved with blinding speed, appearing directly in front of the sand head a moment later.

The head shivered, and then exploded from the forehead out. In a short few breaths of time, the entire head had been destroyed by the slashing blow from Gu Tianjun!

Afterward, Gu Tianjun stood there panting a bit. Obviously, this sword blow of his was something extraordinary, and not easy for him to unleash. As for Bai Xiaochun, he stood off to the side, stunned by what he had seen.

Based on the performances he had seen earlier from Celestial Virūpāk?a and the others, Gu Tianjun’s sword was far more incredible. Bai Xiaochun’s scalp actually tingled with a bit of fear after seeing it.

“I can't believe this guy is so powerful…. Although, some of it is because he keeps his secrets just as good as that villain Virūpāk?a…. Plus, Gu Tianjun is a sword cultivator, so when he unleashes an explosive attack, it's pretty unique.” Bai Xiaochun forced himself to calm down a bit. After the destruction of the sand head, another sandstorm sprang up, and it was possible to see numerous heads forming.