Xo: A Kathryn Dance Novel

“My family? The crew?”



“Generally, family and nonromantic friends are only at risk if they try to protect the object from the stalker, though we’re not dealing with hard-and-fast rules. Stalkers’re unpredictable. I talked to some of the crew about what they’d seen yesterday but I think I should interview all of them. Assess if they’re at risk.”


Or potential perps, Dance thought, but didn’t say aloud.


“The crew’s at the convention center now,” Kayleigh said, then added, “The band’s in Nashville still, finishing up some studio work for our new album. They won’t be here till Thursday or Friday.”


That was good news. Fewer potential victims to worry about. Fewer suspects too.


Dance added, “Finally, there’s the Hinckley scenario. Killing someone of some notoriety to impress Kayleigh.”


She reminded them that John Hinckley, Jr., was obsessed with Jodie Foster. “He figured that by assassinating Ronald Reagan he’d be linked forever to the actress.”


“And they are,” Harutyun observed. “In a sick way, he accomplished his goal.”


Madigan said, “I’ve talked to Edwin. You have too. He doesn’t seem like a psycho. How could he possibly think killing people is going to get him closer to Kayleigh?”


“Oh, he doesn’t think about it. Not on a conscious level. Even if Edwin seems functional on the surface, there’s more at work. Remember, it’s his reality, not ours.”


Madigan: “I’ve ordered a box on Kayleigh’s phone and the service provider’s security unit is on standby. And we’re still on those numbers of the other mobiles he bought in Burlingame. So if he calls again from any of those phones or even powers ’em up we can get a car there fast.”




Harutyun said to Kayleigh, “Kathryn asked me to look into the verses of the song, the one that was played to you the other night.” He passed out copies to everyone in the room. “I’ve been trying to think of where he might be planning an attack but can’t come up with much.”


So he had taken her request seriously. She nodded her thanks. 


Your Shadow 


1. You walk out onstage and sing folks your songs. 


You make them all smile. What could go wrong? 


But soon you discover the job takes its toll, 


And everyone’s wanting a piece of your soul. 




When life is too much, just remember, 


When you’re down on your luck, just remember, 


I’m as close as a shadow, wherever you go. 


As bad as things get, you’ve got to know, 


That I’m with you … always with you. 


Your shadow. 


2. You sit by the river, wondering what you got wrong, 


How many chances you’ve missed all along. 


Like your troubles had somehow turned you to stone 


and the water was whispering, why don’t you come home? 




3. One night there’s a call, and at first you don’t know 


What the troopers are saying from the side of the road, 


Then you see in an instant that your whole life has changed. 


Everything gone, all the plans rearranged. 




4. You can’t keep down smiles; happiness floats. 


But trouble can find us in the heart of our homes. 


Life never seems to go quite right, 


You can’t watch your back from morning to night. 




Repeat Chorus. 


“I don’t know if he’s going to keep going with that song or find a different one. Or give up on the idea altogether.”


Kayleigh took her glasses off and cleaned them on her sweatshirt. “I’ll bet he’d use ‘Your Shadow.’ He thought it was the best song ever written.”


Miguel Lopez looked over the lyrics. “You read it one way, it’s a love song, looking out for somebody. Could be a lover or even a parent or friend. But from a stalker’s point of view, it’s pretty creepy.”


Dance focused on the second verse. “A river.”


Madigan gave a brief laugh. “We got plenty of those around here.”


Harutyun pointed out, “Some dry beds, some with water. Could be anywhere.”


Dance summarized, “I’ll be talking to the crew at the hall. Detective Harutyun is getting information about Bobby’s past and Detective Lopez is tracking down Edwin’s former girlfriend, Sally.”


Madigan regarded the song lyrics. “And I’ll tell patrol officers to pay special attention to riversides, the public areas primarily, and ones out of view of any roads.”




Alicia gave the first smile Dance could recall seeing on the tough woman’s face. “But I guess the good news is that Kayleigh’s not at risk, if he’s that much in love with her.”


“That’s true. But only for a time. Remember his separation from reality? He’s been in the courting stage for a while.” She turned to Kayleigh. “Probably since he heard the first song that drew him to you, or saw you in concert or on TV. To him that was your first date and you’ve been going out ever since.”


“Date?” Crystal Stanning asked.


“At the moment he’s still under the illusion that you care for him. You’ve been brainwashed, he thinks. At some point, though, he’ll see your behavior as if you’re breaking up with him.


“And when that happens, he’ll become simple obsessional. Like spurned husbands or lovers. They’re the dangerous stalkers. It could happen in an instant. He’ll snap. He’ll want revenge.” Dance debated but decided there was no point in sugarcoating her assessment. “Or he’ll just want to kill you so nobody else can have you.” 


Chapter 21 

THE CONVENTION CENTER had been sanitized.


Jeffery Deaver's books