Untrue Colors (Entangled Select Suspense)

Alex didn’t feel safe in the United States until she and Henry were sitting in the rented red Mustang convertible and driving away from the airport. During the entire journey, she’d spoken fluent French and broken English. Aside from an uncomfortable double take by a Homeland Security agent, she breezed through airport security using Danielle’s identity. Sneaking into her home country while posing as a foreign national caused conflicted feelings. She hadn’t been home in eight years. If Luc wasn’t pursuing her, she’d consider winding her way up the East Coast to her home in Concord. A year ago, she would have returned a success in her field. Her father would have been proud. Not so much now. Now she was a fugitive with no job and no future.


Henry pulled up to the valet at the W hotel in the middle of Atlanta and handed over the luggage, except for a computer bag containing the cash to purchase the portrait. A tour bus load of people crowded around the sleek registration desk. Harried employees dressed in black tried to ease everyone’s nerves by offering free drinks in the bar. Alex took a coupon and kissed Henry on the cheek.


“I’ll hang out in the bar while you check us in.”


A moment’s hesitation told her he didn’t want her to leave. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He clasped her hand as though she’d run if he let her out of his sight.


“I’m thirsty. I’ll be right back. I made a promise to help you, and unless the dreaded zombie apocalypse occurs, I’ll be by your side until you have the painting back in your possession. I have a gut feeling we’ll be celebrating tomorrow night.”


He kissed her, and an honest-to-God warm fuzzy feeling filled her insides. She’d never been cherished, not by her parents, her friends, or Luc. With Henry, however, she could imagine someone wanting a happily ever after with her, even if the “ever after” lasted for only three weeks.


“I’ll meet you in a few minutes. Don’t get into trouble.”


“Moi? I’m the queen of coolheaded and rational decision making.”


He frowned. “I’ll try to speed things up.”


Alex found her way to the crowded bar. No one had turned down the free drink, especially the people on the bus tour. She located a table in a quiet corner and ordered a Diet Coke.


A manicured guy in a well-made business suit came up to her table. His grin made him appear like a politician scoping out a new personal assistant. A very personal assistant. “Hey, beautiful. Mind if I sit down?”


She shook her head. “I’m waiting for my boyfriend.”


He frowned, and moved to another single woman sitting at the bar. Alex watched him in action. Within three minutes, he had his hand on the woman’s knee. And she wasn’t complaining. An older, heavier-set guy at the far end of the bar glanced over at Alex. He rose and stepped toward her. Great.


This was not the easy free drink she’d anticipated. She rose to leave before he could annoy her and noticed a badass stud in faded jeans and a brown leather jacket at the entrance. A scowling badass. There wasn’t an ounce of English anthropology professor in that guy. And as much as Alex adored the Earl of Ripon, she totally crushed on his alter ego.


He nodded his head toward the door, and Alex followed him out. How could she resist when he was acting all possessive and protective? It was a major turn-on. He led her out of the room and up the elevator. At the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her, her heart steadied from a heavy staccato rhythm to something pretty damn close to love.


Henry leaned against the wall of the elevator. The muscles in his shoulders lowered from pissed to more relaxed. “You were the center of attention.”


She couldn’t help but smile at her adorable champion. “I think they wanted to buy me a drink with their free drink coupon.”


“This hotel is the closest one to the gallery. Did you notice anyone who will be at the gallery tomorrow?” He lifted his eyebrows and waited for her answer.


“They don’t exactly announce their intentions to random strangers.”


His took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Exactly. And yet you placed yourself in a situation where someone might recognize you. Since I don’t know who’s after you, I have to assume everyone wants you.”


His worry now made sense.


When they closed the door of their hotel room, Henry turned toward her. “I don’t know whether you attract trouble or trouble attracts you. How long did I leave you alone? Five minutes?”


“Trouble tends to locate me wherever I am.” She snuggled into the smell of Henry and new leather. “Why would I look for trouble? I landed a bona fide earl, complete with a castle, and a reproduction of a portrait of a woman I’ve never heard of. Do you take me for a fool, Colin?”


“I’m Henry tonight. I wish I knew your real name. I don’t tend to sleep with women until after I have their names.”


“You can call me Gabe, Belinda, Danielle, or even Sunshine. I’ll even let you call me Baby for this night only.”


“Come closer, Baby.” His devilish smirk told her where they were headed for the next few hours. When she shimmied up next to him, he kissed her.


She pushed his jacket off and removed his shirt. A dramatic swing of her arm sent the clothes soaring to a nearby chair. A sexy, bare-chested Henry reached behind her and unzipped her orange dress. He peeled the dress from her shoulders and pulled it down her body to the floor. Alex stood before Henry in a hot-pink bra, matching thong, and uncomfortable strappy sandals.


“Nice.” He tugged her closer and removed the top half of her lingerie.


A knock on the door interrupted his hand’s journey across her bare stomach.


“Ignore it. They’ll go away,” Alex said, licking his lips. He tasted of the peppermint he’d had in the car. She pressed her lips into his until he kissed back with a carnal intensity that urged her into actions she’d never craved before.


Another knock. He retreated and left her panting and frustrated.


“Hold that thought.” He threw her his shirt to cover up. She slipped it on and scooted behind the door an instant before he opened it.


“A package for you, sir.”


“A package?”


“It says it’s from your brother, no name is given.”


Henry took the box from the bellhop and handed him a decent tip. Alex could hear the kid mumbling a thank-you as Henry shut the door behind him.


“A present from Simon?” she asked.


Veronica Forand's books