Top Secret Twenty-One: A Stephanie Plum Novel

“I have to run,” Briggs said. “Bruce is probably already out there, and I don’t want to be late for my interview. This would be a great job. Can you lock up for me?”


“Sure. Good luck.”


I watched Briggs run down the hall and get into the elevator, and then I turned to the dogs.


“Okay,” I said, “try not to vibrate too much until Briggs gets back. You don’t want to go into a seizure or anything.”


I stepped into the hall, closed and locked the door, took five steps, and the dogs started yipping. Considering they were such small dogs, the yipping was pretty loud.


I unlocked the door and stepped inside. “You can’t make noise like that,” I said to them. “The neighbors won’t like it.”


They all settled down and calmly stared up at me with their bug eyes.


“All right, then,” I said.


I moved into the hall and closed the door, and instant yipping! I jumped back into the apartment, got the dog biscuits from the cupboard, and threw a bunch of them at the Chihuahuas.


I ran out of the apartment, got almost to the elevator, and the yipping turned into yelping.




Five minutes later, the dogs were leashed and in the back of the Mercedes SUV. I drove to the office and brought the dogs in with me.


“What’s with the minions?” Lula asked.


“I’m babysitting.”


“Looks like you brought the little critters in a shiny new Mercedes,” Lula said. “We should take it to lunch.”


I looked at my watch. “It’s early for lunch.”


“Then we should take it to breakfast or brunch or whatever the hell. I woke up thinking about pizza. I don’t know what it is about the pizza at the pizza place in Buster’s building. I got a real craving for it.”





Janet Evanovich's books