The Target

She put the papers back into the folder, spooned the rice into a bowl, and ate it as she drank her tea. Like the burger at the American-style restaurant, she ate her rice slowly, almost a grain at a time it seemed. She looked out the window.


She finally saw the man, lurking near the corner. He was not dressed in a uniform, but he was military. He had forgotten to change his shoes. They were distinctive. And his hair was matted down where the cap would usually sit.


They were having her followed. That was clear. What was not as clear was why. Chung-Cha had a few ideas that might answer that query. None of them were good for her. Not a single one.


It was just the way it was here.












YOU WILL SEE THAT WE are not disturbed.”


Dikes said this to the large man in a black uniform who was stationed at the end of the hall. Along this hall was only one doorway and behind it a bedroom.


The guard saluted, and as Dikes turned away, shoving Reel in front of him, the man let a small smile escape his lips.


Dikes unlocked the door and pushed Reel, her hands still bound behind her, through the opening. He walked in, closed the door, and locked it.


He took off his gloves. She turned to face him.


“It has been a long time, Sally. Too long.”


“I feel the same. I’ve been wanting to come back and kill you for a long time. Thanks for giving me the chance.”


He laughed, a cold, mirthless sound.


“Kill me? You obviously know nothing of the situation. You are entirely within my power here. You are a woman. I am a man. You are tied up. I have a gun. This place is heavily guarded by my men. I will decide when you die. Only me. It is just like the concentration camps. Run with absolute authority and perfect order. Things of beauty. But I don’t expect you to understand.”


“What I understand and what you don’t could fill a library, Leon.”


His smug look faded. “You know I do not permit anyone to call me by that name. I am Der Führer to all.”


“Really? My nickname for you was always Little Dicky Dikes. Descriptive and accurate. I still don’t know how you got me pregnant. I never felt a thing. Didn’t even know you were inside me. But you do have small hands and feet, and you know what they say.”


“If it makes you feel better to speak such nonsense, please, go right ahead. It will not change anything that will happen here tonight.”


“I agree. It won’t.”


He took off his cap and undid the buttons of his shirt. He smiled. “So, did you miss me?” He took off his gun belt and put it on the table.


“Probably not as much as you missed me.”


He removed his boots and undid his trousers and stepped out of them.


She looked down. “I hope you took a Viagra pill. Otherwise, there’s probably not going to be an appearance of the equipment you’re going to need. You are an old man, after all.”


“I intend to show you that I am a man, all over again. You remember last time, how you screamed? In joy, I am sure.” He pointed to the bed. “Lie down. Now.”


“I’m not in the mood.”


He pulled his pistol from its holster and pointed the muzzle at her head. “Now, Sally. I am growing impatient.”


Reel lay on the bed.


He pulled off her sneakers and then her socks.


He rubbed her feet. “Your skin is still soft.” With a violent jerk he ripped her jumpsuit down to her ankles and threw the garment against the wall. “I forget if you like it rough or not. I have had so many women since you.”


“How many did you have to pay? And how many did you have to kidnap?”


“You never really saw my virtues, did you?”


“Why would I waste my time in a pointless exercise?”


He was bending over her when she spit in his face. He straightened and took a moment to wipe his face with the back of his hand before turning to pick up his pistol.


Reel sprang off the bed and swung her bound hands under her feet so they were in front of her. She ripped the scrunchie out of her hair and held it like a garrote. Before Dikes could turn back around, the garrote was around his throat. She jumped off the floor and clamped her legs around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides. She lurched backward and they fell onto the bed.


They bounced up and down as he struggled to free himself. The mattress springs started to squeak noisily. Reel heard footsteps grow closer to the door.


She started to pant and then moan loudly as the mattress kept squeaking. Saliva was coming out of Dikes’s mouth as he was slowly being strangled.


As he tried to cry out for help, Reel started yelling. “Do me! Oh, God, do me, Der Führer! Do me!” she shrieked. “Yes, yes!” She bounced up and down on the mattress until she thought the bed would collapse.


Then she heard the footsteps tiptoeing away from the door. She could imagine the guard smiling to himself, imagining his boss screwing her brains out. Maybe he thought he would get the leftovers.


She felt Dikes growing weaker. She clamped her legs like a vise around him. The garrote was cutting into his neck, so fiercely was she pulling on it. He started gurgling.


“Yes, yes!” she screamed, covering the sounds he was making.


And then she started to turn his head slowly to the side even as she kept increasing the pressure on his neck.


“Give it to me,” she called out. “Give it all to me.”


He was facing her now. His eyes were bulging and blood-filled from the hemorrhaging her stranglehold was causing. Foam was pouring out of his mouth.


He exerted his last bit of strength to try to throw her off. That did topple them off the bed, but Reel’s grip never failed. She swung her right leg up and placed her foot against the top of his head.


She whispered, “Goodbye, Leon. And tell Der Führer to kiss my ass when you see him in hell.”


She screamed, “Yes, you son of a bitch!” She jerked his neck to the right with her hands at the same time she slammed his head to the left with her foot. Dikes’s neck snapped cleanly.


As he grew limp she relaxed her legs around his torso, pushed away from him, and then gripped his lifeless hand and took off his watch. She rose from the floor breathless.


With her hands still bound, she picked up his gun, strode to the door, checked the time on the watch, counted to five, and then fired the weapon three quick times into the ceiling.


And then all hell truly broke loose.