The Target







THE DOCTOR HAD FINISHED EXAMINING Reel. She glanced over at her patient as she looked through some paperwork.


“How long ago was it?” she asked.


“How long ago was what?”


“The birth of your child.”


Reel said nothing.


The doctor pointed to her flat belly.


“Low transverse abdominal incision. Technically, it’s called the Pfannenstiel incision. Also known as the bikini cut because it’s just over the pubic hairline. It’s very faint but unmistakable to the trained eye. Did you have a go at removing traces by Fraxel laser? It works pretty well.”


Reel said, “Can I put on a robe?”


“Yes, absolutely. Take that one on the wall over there. And I didn’t mean to pry. It was just a medically based inquiry.”


Reel slipped on the robe and cinched it tight. “Do you need a response from me for any reason related to why I’m here?”




“Good to know,” said Reel curtly. “Not that I would have given you one if you’d answered yes.”


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”


Reel cut her off. “Look, I’m sure you’re a very nice person and a highly competent doctor, but the odds of me even leaving this place alive are pretty slim, so I’m focusing on my future, not my past, okay?”


The doctor frowned. “I’m not sure I know what you mean about not leaving here alive. If you’re sugges—”


Reel had already walked out the door.




A uniformed escort waiting outside the room accompanied Reel back to her quarters.


Robie was not there. She opened her duffel and quickly dressed, mindful of the eyes watching her from the devices on the wall.


Reel took out a Sharpie pen from her duffel and wrote on the wall: Déjà vu Orwell’s 1984.


Then she sat and waited for the footsteps to come. And for the door to open.


It wouldn’t be long. She doubted Marks had built a refreshing nap into their itinerary.


Next, she wondered where Robie had gone. Had they split them up deliberately to try to turn one against the other?


Barely five minutes went by and then two things happened.


The footsteps came and the door opened.


It was the same young woman who had come for Robie. “Agent Reel, if you would accom—”


Before she could finish Reel was up and past her through the door.


“Let’s get this over with,” she called out over her shoulder as the surprised woman hurried to catch up with her.