?The film business is an asylum,? Dunny observes.


?Yes, it is. But, dear boy, that?s not my point.?




?My point is that breach of contract-betrayal in general-is an accepted part of their personal and business culture, just as human sacrifice was an accepted practice in the Aztec world. But betrayal isn?t something I accept. I?m not that cynical. Words, promises, and integrity matter to me. They matter deeply. I can?t do business-I simply won?t-with people who give their word insincerely.?


?I understand,? Dunny says. ?I?m properly chastised.?


Typhon appears to be genuinely pained by Dunny?s reaction. His plump face puckers with dismay. His eyes, usually characterized as much by a sparkle of merriment as by their singular blue color, now cloud with sadness.


This man is remarkably easy to read, open with his emotions, not in the least enigmatic, which is one reason that he?s so likable.


[217] ?Dunny, I?m truly sorry if you feel chastised. That wasn?t my intention. I just needed to clear the air. The thing is, I want you to succeed, I really do, lad. But if you?re to succeed, you?ve got to operate according to the high standards we originally discussed.?


?All right. You?re more than fair. And I?m grateful to have another chance.?


?Ah, now, there?s no need for gratitude, Dunny.? Typhon smiles broadly, his merriment regained. ?If you succeed, then I succeed. Your interests are my own.?


To reassure his benefactor that they are in full understanding of each other, Dunny says, ?I?ll do everything I possibly can for Ethan Truman-always keeping a low profile, of course. But I won?t make any move against Corky Laputa.?


?What an appalling piece of work he is.? Typhon clucks his tongue, but his eyes twinkle. ?The world desperately needs God?s mercy as long as there are men like Corky in it.?




?You know that Corky would most likely have killed Reynerd anyway if you hadn?t interfered.?


?I know,? Dunny says.


?Then why show up with Hector X??


?Laputa wouldn?t have killed him with witnesses, certainly not with Hazard Yancy present. When Reynerd died in front of Yancy, then Yancy was involved, and more deeply than he?d have been otherwise. For Ethan?s sake, I want him involved.?


?Your friend does need all the help he can get,? Typhon acknowledges.


For a minute or two, they enjoy the oysters and the fine wine in a mutual, comfortable silence.


Then Dunny says, ?The incident with the PT Cruiser came as a surprise.?


Raising his eyebrows, Typhon says, ?You don?t think our people were involved with that, do you??


[218] ?No,? Dunny says. ?I understand how these things work. It came as a surprise, that?s all. But I was able to use it to my advantage.?


?Leaving him with the three little bells was a clever move,? Typhon agrees. ?Though you?ve driven him to drink.?


Smiling, nodding, Dunny agrees: ?I probably have.?


?No ?probably? about it,? says Typhon. Pointing, he adds: ?Poor Ethan is at the bar right now.?


Although Dunny?s chair faces most of the room, about a third of the long bar is to his back. He turns to look where Typhon points.


Past intervening tables where breachers of contracts socialize like friends, Ethan Truman sits on a stool at the bar, in profile to Dunny, staring into a glass that might contain high-quality Scotch.


?He?ll see me,? Dunny worries.


?Most likely not. He?s too distracted. In a sense, he doesn?t see anyone right now. He might as well be here alone.?


?But if he does-?


?If he does,? Typhon says reassuringly, ?then you?ll manage the situation one way or another. I?m here for guidance if you need it.?


Dunny stares at Ethan for a moment, then turns his back to him. ?You chose this place knowing he was here??


The only response from Typhon is a winning smile with a sly twist) which seems to say that he knows he?s been naughty but simply couldn?t resist.


?You chose this place because he was here.?


Typhon says, ?Did you know that Saint Duncan, for whom you were named, is the patron saint of guardians and protectors of many kinds, and that he will help you be steadfast and resourceful in your work if you petition him??


Smiling thinly, Dunny says, ?Is that so? Ironic, huh??


Patting Dunny on the arm, Typhon reassures him: ?From everything I?ve seen, you?re an amazingly resourceful man to begin with.?


Dunny communes with the Pinot Grigio for a while, but then says, ?Do you think he?s going to come through this alive??


[219] After finishing his last oyster, Typhon says, ?Ethan? To some extent, that?s up to you.?


?But only to some extent.?


?Well, you know how these things work, Dunny. More likely than not, he?ll be dead before Christmas. But his situation isn?t entirely hopeless. No one?s ever is.?


?And the people at Palazzo Rospo??


With his white hair, plump features, and sparkling blue eyes, Typhon is but a beard away from being Santa Claus. His sweet face isn?t made for grim expressions. He appears disconcertingly merry when he says, ?I don?t think any experienced oddsmaker would give them much of a chance, do you? Not against the likes of Mr. Laputa. He has the violent temperament and the reckless determination to get what he wants.?


?Even the boy??


?Especially the boy,? says Typhon. ?Especially him.?