Dead Cold






‘So who’s CC’s mother?’ Beauvoir asked. They’d been in the morning meeting in the Incident Room for half an hour and he was feeling like his old self again.


With one significant difference.


His old self had despised Agent Yvette Nichol, but this morning he found himself quite liking her and not quite remembering what had been the problem. They’d had breakfast together at the B. & B. and ended up laughing hysterically at her description of trying to warm up his hot water bottle. In the microwave.


‘Sure you find it funny,’ said Gabri, plopping two Eggs Benedicts in front of them. ‘You didn’t come home to find what looked like the cat exploded in the micro. Never liked the cat. Loved the hot water bottle.’


Now they all sat round the conference table listening to reports. The Li Bien ball had been produced and dusted for prints. They found three sets which had been transmitted to the lab in Montreal.


Nichol had reported her findings. She’d gone into Montreal to interview the school about Crie.


‘I wanted to get more than just a report card. Seems she’s considered a smart girl, but not very bright, if you follow. Plodding, methodical. I get the impression Crie was a bit of a blight for Miss Edward’s School for Girls. The vice principal called her Brie once then corrected herself. Crie’s best subject is science, though she was beginning to show some interest in the theatre. She’d hidden away for the past few years doing the technical stuff, but this year she was actually in the play. Bit of a disaster apparently. Stage fright. Had to be led off the stage. The other kids weren’t very kind. Neither were the parents, apparently.’


‘And the teachers?’ Gamache asked.


Nichol shook her head. ‘But there was something interesting. The tuition cheque bounced a few times. So I looked into their finances. Seems CC and her husband were living way beyond their means. In fact, they were a couple of months away from complete disaster.’


‘Was CC insured?’ Beauvoir asked.


‘For two hundred thousand dollars. Richard Lyon comes from a modest background. Gained a degree in engineering from Waterloo but never achieved professional status. Went to work at his current job eighteen years ago. He’s a kind of low-level manager. Organizes schedules. An under-achiever. He makes forty-two thousand a year, clears thirty. She hasn’t seen a profit in the six years she’s had her company. Does small interior design jobs here and there, but seems to have spent most of the last year writing the book and coming up with her own line of household items. Here.’ Nichol tossed a catalogue onto the table. ‘That’s the prototype for the catalogue she was planning to put out, the one the photographer was working on, I guess.’


Beauvoir grabbed it. Li Bien soaps, Serenity coffee mugs, Be Calm bathrobes.


‘CC had lined up a meeting for next week with Direct Mail Inc.,’ Nichol continued. ‘It’s the biggest marketer of catalogue items in the United States. She was planning to sell them on her line. If she had, it would have been huge.’


‘What do they say?’ Isabelle Lacoste asked.


‘I have a call in to them,’ said Nichol, a smile she hoped said thank you for asking on her face.


‘Any word from the lab on those pictures he took at the curling?’ Beauvoir asked Lacoste.


‘I’ve sent an agent to get the negatives developed. Should hear soon.’


‘Good,’ said Gamache, then told them about niacin, The Lion in Winter, and Psalm 46:10.


‘So who’s CC’s mother?’ Beauvoir asked the key question.


‘There’re a few women in Three Pines who’re the right age,’ said Lacoste. ‘émilie Longpré, Kaye Thompson, and Ruth Zardo.’


‘But only one of them has the initial L,’ said Agent Lemieux, speaking for the first time. He was watching Agent Nichol closely. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t like her, didn’t like her sudden appearance and certainly didn’t like this newfound camaraderie with Inspector Beauvoir.


‘I’ll check them out,’ said Lacoste, and the meeting broke up.


Gamache reached for the wooden box on his desk, turning it over automatically to stare at the letters stuck to the bottom.


‘What’s that?’ Beauvoir pulled up a chair beside the chief.


‘A piece of evidence from another case,’ said Gamache, handing it to Beauvoir. As he took it Gamache suddenly had the impression Beauvoir would be able to see something he hadn’t. He’d look at the letters on the outside and inside and put it all together. Gamache watched the Inspector handle the box.


‘One of your Christmas cases?’


Gamache nodded, not wanting to break Beauvoir’s concentration.


‘Collected letters? What a nutcase.’ He handed the box back to Gamache.


Well, so much for intuition.


As he left Gamache bent down and spoke to Lacoste. ‘Add Beatrice Mayer to your list.’