Be Afraid

Bishop grabbed the man by the collar and twisted the fabric in his fist. “Then tell me where we can find your daughter Heather.”



The sound of the girl’s name had his gaze narrowing. “I want a lawyer.”


“I bet you do.”


Twenty minutes later Briggs and his girlfriend were in the back of a squad car. As Bishop spoke to a uniformed officer, Rick leaned against the car and looked down at Tracker who now played with his rubber chew toy—his reward for his work.


“Did real good, T. Real good. We still got the moves.”


After Bishop spoke to the uniformed officer, he moved toward Rick and Tracker. He paused, rested his hands on his hips, and studied the dog. He worked his jaw as if chewing on nails. “I owe you two both.”


“Thanks goes to Tracker. He’s the one that sounded the alarm.”


“Yeah.” He met Rick’s gaze, a mixture of relief churning with humility. “And you listened to him. Thanks.”


Rick nodded. “Anytime.”






Rachel Wainwright arrived at the justice center just after seven A.M. She glanced over at Detective Deke Morgan who sat behind the wheel of the SUV. He stared ahead, his dark glasses hiding his eyes. “You’re sure you want to do this?”


“No, but someone has to do it.” She’d gotten a call early this morning from the public defender’s office regarding a case. A woman, believed to be the Lost Girl’s mother, had been arrested. Her name was Loyola Briggs and police believed she’d killed the child or knew who did. Cops had yet to prove a biological connection between Briggs and the child, but mitochondrial DNA, DNA passed from mother to child, would determine if the cops had arrested the right woman. Right now, Loyola Briggs was being held on a parole violation.


“Rick believes she’s guilty.” The scents of soap and aftershave wafted around Deke.


Rachel liked the mornings best when the day was fresh and hope had been renewed. This morning had started off nice but had soured with the public defender’s office. “Test results have yet to confirm a connection to the woman. And Rick told you last night that he and Bishop arrested Danny Briggs.”


“That doesn’t mean Loyola Briggs is innocent.”




He turned toward her. “You’re an idealist.”


She shrugged. “It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.”


A smile tweaked the edges of his lips. He leaned over and kissed her. “I love you.”


She touched the side of his face, savoring the strong set of his jaw. “I love you.”


“Try not to piss off too many people today.”


She laughed, feeling stronger knowing he might not like what she did, but could accept it. “Honey, that’s what I do best. See you tonight.”


“Can’t wait to hear about your day.”


Out of the car, Rachel showed her ID and the guard glanced up at her. Defense attorneys, even one dating a homicide cop, didn’t win any popularity contests in this system. “Morning, Lee.”


He arched a brow as he sent her purse through the scanner. “So what fine citizen brings you here today, Ms. Wainwright?”


She could play coy, but there was little point. They’d all know before she left. “Loyola Briggs.”


“The baby killer.”


She cringed, knowing a moniker like that, especially if picked up by the media, would have her client convicted before they got to trial. “She’s not been charged with murder. From what I understand, she’s being held on a minor drug charge and parole violation.”


“That’s temporary.”


She walked through the scanner, and picked up her briefcase and purse. She’d learned not to argue with the guards. No point. When it came time to argue this case, she’d try it in court, not in the hallways or by the water cooler.


She made her way to the visiting room and took a seat at a metal table and bench that were bolted to the floor. This early in the morning, few families visited. This was the time of day for defense attorneys like her to call on a client before court.


She pulled a legal pad and a pen from her briefcase as the deputy opened the door and escorted in a petite, paper-thin brunette with hollow cheeks. Smudges darkened the skin under her eyes and her hands trembled.


Rachel attributed the shakes not to fear but to alcohol or drug withdrawal. She wasn’t so na?ve that she thought her client was innocent, but she believed in the right to a valid defense. Everyone deserved her day in court.


The female deputy walked the woman up to the table. “Are you Ms. Briggs’s attorney?”


“I am.”


A dark brow arched. “I see you a lot down here.”


Rachel had slept little last night and her patience had thinned to breaking. “I get around.”


What she didn’t add was that the city had tossed her several tough cases since her very controversial handling of the Jeb Jones case last year. Though DNA had definitively cleared her client of a thirty-year-old murder conviction, many didn’t like the fact that she’d bucked the system and won.


The deputy was too professional to speak her mind, but the hardness in her gaze told Rachel she was in for another uphill battle. “You have thirty minutes.”


Loyola sat, but her gaze remained on her nails, which had been chewed to the quick.


“Loyola Briggs, my name is Rachel Wainwright. I’m your court-appointed attorney.”


“They said they was holding me on a parole violation and drugs. Don’t seem like I need an attorney for that.”


“You’ve been in trouble for drugs before. If you’re convicted this time then it means prison.”


She managed a small shrug. “Okay.”


“You’re willing to go to prison?”


“I can tough out a year. Won’t be much more than that for what the cops found on me.”


“You do understand the cops are trying to link you to the Jane Doe child they found in the park. They believe you’re her mother.”