Be Afraid

“The first is in the 12 South neighborhood.” He read off the address.


Spires typed on computer keys. Seconds later his smile faded to a frown as he stared at the screen. “That house burned eight days ago.”


“There was a house sold by a Nancy Jones six months ago. It’s located near Germantown.”


Spires typed into the computer and then waited a beat as the information popped up. “That house sold for a nice profit.”


“Did the same agent handle these properties?”


Spires studied the computer screen. “No, different agents. But both houses were multiple listings. Any number of agents could have been in either house.” He sat back. “What’s this all about?”


“We’re investigating two homicides. Both women had been involved in a real estate transaction in the last year.”


“Like I said, a few agents would have had access to the properties. And, of course, each house had a key box, which meant as long as a realtor had access to the box they could get in the house. It’s all very common. In this day and age, houses can be a tough sell and realtors are willing to share the commission for a sale.”


“Who had the listings on these homes?” Rick asked.


Spires checked the computer. “The Jones house was listed by Larry Martin and the Smith house was listed by Janet Douglas.” He scribbled down information on a piece of scratch paper. “Here’s their contact information.”


Rick glanced at the numbers and scribbled them down in his notebook before handing the paper off to Bishop. “Know anything about her realtor?”


“I know them both. I trained them both in a sales seminar last summer. They have solid reputations and have been in the business for years. Each does have their own website and they will feature properties daily. If it’s on the web there is no telling who could have seen the homes for sale.” He leaned down and typed in a web address and turned the screen toward the policemen. The screen featured a good-looking guy, sporting a leather jacket. “This is Larry. Like I said, great guy.”




Spires reached into his pocket and pulled out a business-card holder. “Take my card. If I can be of any help, let me know.”


Rick glanced at the card. NASHVILLE SOUTH REALTY, A SUBSIDIARY OF TEMPERANCE REAL ESTATE. “How long have you been with Temperance?”


“About a year. They acquired us.”




“It happens all the time.”


“But it always happens for a reason.”


Spires shrugged. “We had the contacts that were valuable to them and they had capital that the company needed. It was a win-win for everyone.”


“So this means Temperance had access to your records?”


“Sure. That was part of the deal.”


Rick flicked his finger on the edge of the business card. “Thanks for your help.”


“Like I said, call me any time.”






Jenna arrived at KC’s at four to set up her easel and stool. Within ten minutes, she was drawing the face of a young woman out partying with a group of her friends. The woman had a quick smile and a relaxed manner that Jenna could only fake on her best day.


As she sketched the woman’s jawline in charcoal, she wondered if there’d ever be a day when the weight of her past was lifted and she could breathe without feeling a pressure on her chest.


An hour and a half past and she drew three portraits. No one wanted the forty-dollar pictures. Twenty dollars seemed to be the afternoon’s limit. But she’d pocketed one hundred and sixty dollars, enough to keep gas in her Jeep for a few weeks.


Three men, dressed in jeans and dark Tshirts, stopped to look at her art. They had short haircuts, tight on the sides and high on the top. No doubt military men on leave. She sighed, knowing they’d not want a picture. She started to pack up.


“Hey, you finishing up?” one of the guys asked.


A tart response danced on the tip of her tongue but she swallowed it. “That’s about right.”


“How about you have a drink with us?” another offered. The men exchanged glances that didn’t set well with her.


Before she could answer, she felt a presence and glanced up to see Rick Morgan standing behind her. He didn’t physically touch her, but the energy radiating from his body electrified her body.


“She’s having a drink with me,” Rick said.


She’d have argued with him, if not for the guys who looked as if they didn’t take no for an answer easily.


“Thanks, but not tonight, guys,” she said.


“What if we want a picture?” the tall one asked.


Rick, silent, shifted his stance and, as one guy strolled away, he said, “She’s done for the night.”


She collapsed the legs of the easel and then the stool. Both fit into her large satchel along with her box of pastels and pad of paper. “You heard the man.”


The trio frowned as if they were itching for a fight as much as a drink or a woman. As if reading their thoughts, Rick put his hand on his hip sliding his jacket back a fraction so that his badge and gun showed. “Move on.”


Their expression softened. Each was smart enough to know a tangle with the law would not bode well. They turned and ducked into the bar next to Rudy’s.


Jenna watched them leave, not ready to turn her back until they were out of sight. “Thanks for the backup. How’d you know I was here?”


Rick’s gaze lingered past her in the direction of the men a beat longer. “KC called. Said that art kid was on his doorstep.”


“Kid. I haven’t heard that in a while.”


“To KC, anyone under sixty is a kid.” He nodded toward Rudy’s. “Want to grab a coffee?”


“Or a beer.”


He smiled. “Sure.”


They followed the music into the bar and found a back corner that could pass for quiet. KC appeared at their table before they could get totally settled. He glanced between the two as if searching. For what, Jenna didn’t know, but she was too tired to worry about it.


“So what can I get you?” KC asked.


Rick turned to Jenna. “What’ll it be?”