Be Afraid

The skull was no longer naked. It was now covered in small plastic markers. She’d spent most of yesterday cutting and gluing twenty-one rubber markers onto the skull’s forehead, cheekbones, and chin. The depth of the markers mirrored a standard table of measurements created by forensic anthropologists. Based on sex and race, the markers served as landmarks that indicated the skin’s thickness at various points on the face.


She set down her cup and reached for a piece of transparent paper, which she placed over the demarcated skull. Carefully, she taped the paper to her drawing board so that it would not shift.


Moving her head from side to side she reached for a drawing pencil. Her work was part science and part guesswork. She had scientific formulas that determined the sides of the eyes and bone markers to help shape the nose and lips but as with any artist she made judgment calls throughout the process. Her judgments would add the spark of life that made the sketch all the more real.


Pencil point at the midpoint of the eye, she began to draw the ligaments that controlled eye movement. She worked for nearly an hour just on the basic underlying structure of the eyes. And then she moved to the lids. The upper lids curved slightly more than the lower and dipped partially over the iris of the eye. Soon, a set of colorless eyes stared back at her and she found herself setting down the pencil and reaching for her coffee.


She winced when the cold liquid touched her tongue and she gratefully moved away from the image to heat the cup in the microwave.


Punching in a minute, she watched the microwave’s interior light up and the cup rotate in slow steady circles. Her thoughts strayed to Tracker. The animal’s gaze burned with his desire to work, to be relevant, and to be needed. Rick had included Tracker and her in his work, giving them both a sense of purpose. But was she, like Tracker, too damaged to ever be a real cop again?


The microwave dinged and she shoved aside the thought. She grabbed her mug, shifting her thoughts back to work.


Next she’d work on the nose. Another formula dictated how wide the nose should be based on the nasal opening. There was one width for a Caucasian and a slightly wider one for an African American. A bony spine at the base of the nose would tell her how far the nose projected and whether it should be tipped up or down. She’d base the shape of the lips off the canine teeth’s position and then she’d work out from there.


The process took time. But it was important that she capture the essence of the child. No doubt the cops would work with the media and broadcast the image on local stations. Someone out there knew this little girl and wondered and worried about her. Someone had not forgotten her.


Soon, she would no longer be a lost girl.


She lost track of the time until fatigue crept up her arms and through her shoulders. She’d reached the edge of her stamina and if she continued to work, the drawing would suffer.


Jenna took one last look at the eyes staring back. “It’s just the two of us now, lost girl to lost girl. We’ll figure this out.”


Eyes filled with a mixture of longing and fear stared back. She shut off the light and returned to her bed, curling on her side. “We’ll find out who did this to you and bring you home. I promise.”






Chapter Six




Wednesday, August 16, 10:25 A.M.






Rick, with Tracker at his side, arrived at the medical examiner’s office and took the elevator to the second floor where he knew he’d find Jenna working. His eyes itched from lack of sleep and as much as he’d like to have a solid eight hours, with two homicides on his desk and a hip that always throbbed, he knew he’d get precious little sleep in the days to come.


He found Jenna sitting cross-legged in a chair, bare feet tucked under her as she leaned over a sketchpad on her desk. Her long, dark hair hung in a silky mass, curtaining half of her face.


Beside her, the small skull set staring at her as if waiting. The skull was now covered with rubber plugs, which he knew indicated skin depths. Her row of pencils and erasers arranged in a neat line on the table reminded him of the workspace at her house. It too had been well organized. Order was so important to her.


“Good morning,” Rick said.


The sound of his voice drew her gaze up, but it took several seconds for the trancelike haze glazing her eyes to clear.


“Detective Morgan.”


Her gaze skittered to the canine, hesitated, and then met his again. No warm welcomes. No smiles. “I thought you were going to do a clay bust,” he said.


“I considered that. But it will take a lot more time and I thought sooner rather than later would be best for an image.”


She unfolded her legs, slipped on flats, and rose. Pencil still in hand, she stretched her head from side to side and he found his gaze drawn to the slender lines of her neck.


He leaned around to look at the picture but she shook her head no. “Can’t I have a look?”


Almost flinching, she turned the easel away from him an inch or two more. “Not until it’s finished.”


Her reticence amused and annoyed him. “Why not? What’s the big deal?”


She’d pulled her hair up into a topknot and secured it with a pencil. She missed a few long stands, which dangled to frame her face. A nice effect. “No one sees my work until it’s done. That’s always been my policy.”


Tracker yawned, lowered to the floor, and closed his eyes. Clearly, none of this interested him.


However, Rick was very interested. The word no had stoked his interest. He didn’t like hearing it or when an answer eluded him. He liked having answers whether the question concerned a picture, a killer’s identity, or a woman’s backstory. He always figured that, given time, he could crack any code.


But like it or not, the Jenna Thompson code wasn’t so easily solved. “Sure, I’ll wait.”


A subtle tension around the edges of her lips eased. “It should be done by tomorrow. I’m close to the end. Sometimes the finishing touches just take me a while.”


He noticed how her gaze darted around the office once or twice as if the space was too small. “You don’t like this space.”


“No. I don’t.”