Baby, Come Back

“I don’t want to take advantage.”



She chuckled, a throaty, confident sound he hadn’t heard her emit since her return and which filled Raoul with joy. “You’ve been teasing me with one of these every morning since I got home.” She reached beneath her butt to flick at his hard-on. “It’s about time you made good on your promise.”


“Nothing would give me greater pleasure, you have no idea, but—”


“We did things together, didn’t we? You, me and Zeke.”


“You remember that?”


“Flashes. I saw the picture by your computer the other day and knew it was Las Vegas. We had just gotten married and the three of us didn’t leave the hotel room for two whole days after that.”


“That’s right.” Raoul flashed a warm smile. “And we still couldn’t get enough of you.”


“I want that again,” she said softly. “I need to start living again, Raoul. I feel so much stronger. I need to get my life back.”


Raoul knew this was a defining moment. The first time she had made demands of any kind. “So, you only want me for my body?” he teased.


“Don’t pretend it’s not mutual, Washington,” she said, biting her lip to quell a giggle. Raoul wanted to tell her not to. Hearing his wife giggle uninhibitedly would kick start his healing process, too. “That big old cock of yours gives you away.”


“And it’s all yours, if you still want it, darlin’,” he said, fixing her with a smoldering smile. “Always has been, and always will be.”


It filled Raoul’s heart with joy to see her eyes darken with desire. “Then it must be my lucky day,” she said in a husky voice.


“I don’t know what you remember about the games you used to play with Zeke and me,” he said, rolling her off his thighs and eliciting a squeal from her as he tumbled her onto her back. Raoul’s gaze roved over her rapidly recovering body as, hair fanned out beneath her, she treated him to the sultry smile that had haunted his dreams these past three years. “We’ll be happy to remind you, once you’re strong enough. But right now, I’m gonna take this real gentle, and you have to promise to tell me if I hurt you.”


“You won’t,” she replied, tracing the curve of his face with the tips of her fingers. “I know you won’t, because you love me.”


“More than you can possibly know. Way more. I’m a one woman guy, Cantara, and you’re that one woman, darlin’.”


He lowered his head to claim her lips as his fingers gently explored the contours of her body, which were slowly taking shape again. Her tits were as sensitive as ever. She proved it by groaning around their fused lips as he softly pinched a solidified nipple.


“You like that, sweetheart?” he asked, breaking the kiss because he needed to hear her say it.


“Yes,” she replied breathlessly. “I like everything you do to me. I remembered that when I woke up this morning, but I think subconsciously I knew it before then. That’s why I feel so safe with you and Zeke, and now that I’ve admitted it, I’m not afraid for you to touch me anymore.”


“I’m so very glad you feel that way, sweetheart.” Her admission earned her another searing kiss. “You used to like this, too. A lot.”


He started at her neck, gently nipping and lapping his way to the pulse beating at the base of her throat. He worked his way methodically downwards, cupping one of her small breasts and giving the nipple the attention it cried out for by sucking it into his mouth. She gasped as he kissed a trail down to her abdomen, his tongue swirling, tantalizing and teasing.


“I still do like it.” She gasped. “You know all the right places to agitate.”


“Is that right?”




“We only just got started. We haven’t got to the best part yet.”


He continued on down to her *, pushed her legs apart, knelt between them, and bent to feast on her nub. She cried out, throaty little gasps of pleasure he remembered as being so uniquely her. She tasted so goddamned sweet, was just as responsive as she had always been. Raoul was dangerously out of control, his cock throbbing so hard that he could easily shoot his load then and there. That couldn’t be allowed to happen. This one was for her.


All for her.


He sat back on his haunches, taking a moment to rein himself in, and examined her face for signs of distress. Her eyes were closed and she seemed totally with the program. Reassured, Raoul slid a couple of fingers into her cunt, slick with her juices, and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit.




Her eyes flew open and she looked at him with a wild entreaty that definitely had no basis in anxiety. He chuckled and added a third finger.


“That what you need?”


“No, I want you.”


“All in good time, darlin’. All in good time. It’s a sin to rush these things.”


He increased the pressure of his thumb, and pushed his fingers a little deeper into her tight *. She cried out, bucked her hips against his hand, and exploded. Raoul watched her face as she rode her orgasm, loving the fact that she could be so uninhibited so soon after her ordeal. Loving it even more that the suggestion had been hers.


“Better?” he asked when she came back down to earth and opened her eyes again.


“Hmm.” She squirmed beneath him. “Was that the appetizer?”


Raoul laughed aloud. “Dr. Sanford didn’t actually prescribe this treatment, but perhaps he should have done. We shall look upon it as medicinal and administer regular doses. How does that sound, babe?”


“Like heaven.”