



Iopen my eyes after hearing a buzz…

“HeyWes, it’s five, you there, you awake?”

Ihear Mindy’s voice yelp through the door along with a light tap.

Igroan and rise from the bed. “Yeah, yeah I’m awake now.”

Theknob twists and she comes in, a duffle bag over her shoulder. “TheOracle gave me a bunch of stuff for you”—


Shesmirks. “Why would you be surprised?”?Ishrug my shoulders and snicker. “Just messing with you, relax…you seem so tense.”

Hersmile strings into a grimace.

“Ididn’t mean to offend you… just you know, act more civilized?”

“WesI’m not like your civilization, I have my own, and we actdifferently then your humanity.”

“Inwhat way, tell me where you come from, why you’re here, whatbrought you to”—

Shelifts her hand and shakes her head. “Those questions are comingWes, be patient.”

Patience…great, they continue to prolong.

Ithrow the sheets off and step on the cold tile.

“Afteryou get ready, just take a right and head straight and you’ll bumpinto the dining area. The Oracle, myself, and a couple of others willbe waiting for you.” Mindy says as she puts the duffle bag on thebed. “See you there.”

Inod and then she leaves.

Itake the duffle bag and unzip it. Inside, a white, turtlenecklong-sleeved shirt, a pair of black slacks, socks, and black shoes.

Sevenminutes later…

Istroll on out the room and peer to my left, a dead end and to myright, a long hallway with a series of more rooms until it branchedoff in a Y shape.

Icontinue right and continue straight. The tile changes to a polishedhardwood finish and it brightens vibrant with a gargantuan glasschandelier and a round table underneath

Mindyand Chris sat next to each other, and an empty seat next to her. Theother chairs were empty.

Imake my way towards them and their eyes embrace me. Chris nods and asmile brightens across Mindy’s face.

“HiWes!” She says.

“WelcomeWesley, please take a seat and we’ll begin the course of dinner.”

Igulp and croak.

Islide in the chair next to Mindy and stare into her eyes. She looksbreathtaking. Her face lush, cheeks flush and pink, and lips a glossypink finish. Her blouse, a cerulean tint, with a black short skirt,magnified her perfection, her stature, her complexion… her absolutebeauty.

Myheart felt a sort of woe, a hole punctured without a cause, without anotion in my mind as to what catapulted it. Goddamn it, what the f…I can’t, like she said, I have to... better myself.

Herhand massages my shoulder. “You ok?”

Ifeel my cheeks burn.

“Youalright Wesley, need some medical attention?” Chris mutters.

“No,no,” I shake my head and smile. “I’m fine. Please continue.”

Chrisstraightens and stares at me with eyes narrow and brows slump. “Wellthen, ok, while we eat our supper, I’m going to enlighten you alittle bit as to the situation we’re in at this particular moment.”

Hesnaps his fingers.

“You’lllove this food Wes!” Mindy says.

Chrisgroans. “I’m beginning to see a pattern here. Over exaggeration.She’s been around humans too long”—

“What?No, Wes is the only human I’ve been around.” Mindy says.

Irubbed the back of my head. “But aren’t you a human too?”

Beforehe says anything, footsteps echo. I peer left and see two men, bothholding large silver platters, make their way towards us. They setthe plates down and leave.

Twobaskets of bread, three plates of angel hair pasta, with what lookedlike some kind of dressing smeared on top, and three glasses ofwater.

Thescent off the dishes leaves my stomach roaring.

Afterdinner, that’s when he spoke…

Noteven Mindy said a word, perhaps she feared him.

“Iapologize for prolonging the process. But I had to be absolutelycertain the Heir Council was doing the right choice to allow you in.Let you live amongst us,” Chris pauses and glances at Mindy,“Please exit.”

Hermouth drops.

Chriscloses his eyes and arches his head forward. “Please.” Chrissays. “I apologize for my forwardness Mindy. But it’s by thewishes of the Prime Minister.”

Ihear her gulp. “O-ok-k.” Mindy rises, bows, and leaves.

Istraighten. “What’s so secret that she can’t hear?”

Chrisrises and tucks the chair back in. “Please follow.”

Irise and follow. His stride remains fast and I have to result to asprint in order to catch up. He goes down the opposite corridoracross from my quarters.

Theplace isn’t anything like I recall… not only have I lost my mind,now I’m losing my god damn short-term memory too? What the f*ck?

“Beready, you’re about to meet the Heir Prime Minster, so please berespectful.” Chris says.

Ishrug. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Juststand upright and chin up. While he speaks to you just listen andwhen he asks a question, answer the best you can.”

Inod. “Ok that’s simple enough.”

Chriscovers his head with the hood of his cloak and then veils his facewith a silver mask. He goes to the door and opens it, allowing me toenter first.

Thescent, delightful, the air brisk, and the hallway leading to the openroom dim. I feel Chris’s hand clutch my shoulder.

“Movealong.” He whispers.

Imove along the hallway until I get to the open area. The room bare,just two large panes, a door leading to the patio, and another doorto my right, I’m assuming leading to the rest of the quarters.

Aman, tall, and robust, body covered in white linen robes, and head,as Chris’s, covered by a hood… their style creeps me out.

“I’mthe Prime Minister of the Heir Council. I’d like to welcome you toour new Eden.” He pauses and turns my direction, his face coveredwith a gold mask. “Pleasure to meet you. Your name?”

Ihesitate… my heart’s beating so fast, my hands, I am pressingdown on my thighs, just trying to hold them steady. What is it withthem I fear them so much.


“Soyou’ve been recovering portions of your memory correct?”

Ibite my lip and nod.

Hishazel eyes connect to Chris’s and then dart back to me. “Tell me,what all do you know of your past.”

Iclose my eyes and search in the empty cavity where my memories shouldbe.

“I’mfrom New York City, and I studied at the University of BirminghamAlabama when the event occurred… and from there I begin course toMobile, Alabama.”

“Arethese recollections overwhelming in anyway?”

Ishake my head. “Not really.”

“Ourrecords show you were found in the Old state of Florida, city ofJacksonville, I believe.” He takes a step forward, “Do you recallyour reason for being there?”

Igulp. “I assume searching for my parents.”

“Ihope you regain your full memory soon.”

“Butif I d-do, how will I see you, how will I see Mindy… what if—ifmy memory does come back and I’m a different person, a true enemy?”

“Youare our enemy, the you that’s there right now, and the you that’spertaining in your dreams. You standing there is a privilege. Justremember that.”

“Thefear you’re expressing now shows us that your physical body fearsus, so somewhere in your conscious you know that, but the personstanding there can’t comprehend.” Chris says.

“Indeed.”Replies the Prime Minister.

Heoutstretches his hand. “And forgive my rudeness. My name is EmilioEspondrè.”

Itake his hand, covered by a silky white glove, and shake.

“Pleasureto meet you, and it’ll be a pleasure working with you.” Emiliosays.

“Thankyou.” I say.

Helets go and takes a step away. “Now to discuss business. I’m notcertain if you’ve rekindled your memory to its fullest, but let metell you this. Don’t expect a happy ending to your race. Humanityas you once knew it, is gone… and for the good of this world,they’re extinction was a necessity. Don’t expect to be bringingthem back.”

“Wesley,we’re telling you this because we don’t know what will happenwhen you regain your memory to its fullest. Do not take it as athreat. What if the you that once dwelled reignites and the youthat’s standing there, is erased, how will you view us as?” Chrissays.

Acold chill slips down my spine. “S-So you wish me to remember yetyou fear that I’ll forget sanity?”

“Yourhumankind can’t keep its sanity. We do not fear, because we don’thave anything to fear. But the remaining dwindling few can composecatastrophic outcomes to the Earth, and we no longer wish tojeopardize our Eden any longer.” Emilio says.

IfI’m getting his bullshit straight, he doesn’t want the last of myhumankind to destroy the surface of the Earth?

“What’s happened in the pastthree months?” I ask.

“Alot has happened, and there isn’t anywhere easy to begin. So we’lllet Mindy, your Guide, be your historian until I discuss things withthe Council Members.” Emilio glances over at Chris and nods. “Takehim back to his quarters and Wesley.” He stares back at me. “Ifyou manage to come across any useful information in your dreams, jotit down.”

Ifeel Chris’s hand clutch my shoulder. “Let’s head out.”


Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman's books